Last updated a year ago
There is no consumer incentive design for climate change.
the importance of addressing climate change. behavior will not change if incentives are unclear to consumers in the supply chain 日本語はこちら
Develop a consumption review system to introduce a token economy system to Atala that will serve as an incentive for producers and consumers, who are the bearers of a circular economy (regeneration).
This is the total amount allocated to Coffee user review solution with Atala in a Valueway projects.
No dependencies
Because it cannot be open-sourced unless it is added to the state of ready implementation in Atala prism.
SDG Goals
2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
SDG Subgoals
12.3 - By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses
13.3 - Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
2.4 - By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality
3.9 - By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Solution:Weighting in token distribution by Ecrits( coffee review)
By describing product experiences, "you" become the bridge between distribution from producers and waste recycling after consumption.
Implement a token economy with Atala prism, we will design and implement a token drop for actual coffee consumption review submissions(Ecrits).
Solution Details
Valueway will grant native tokens through Ecrits, which will be calculated independently based on the Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR) according to the contents of the Ecrits in three ways This will allow us to distribute tokens that will benefit consumers in a unique way on next phase.
Maximal Marginal Relevance(MMR) The basic score of Ecrits is calculated using Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR) in text summarization. MMR is a method that calculates the importance of words in a summary based on their importance and novelty in the overall summary. The following is a draft of the method for determining importance and novelty.
A. Calculation of Importance Calculate the importance of each word. TextRank may be used to calculate importance, but for applying it to Ectits, it may be more appropriate to prepare a set of Ectits for a specific industry and consider evaluation within this set using CollabRank [1]. This may allow the detection of important words for each cluster of viewpoints, such as an overview of a store or food and beverage offerings. The range of importance values is [0, 1]. For the importance of sentences, divide the total importance calculated by summing the importance of unique words in the sentence by the total importance calculated for the Ectits and calculate the average importance. As Ectits may contain unique expressions, such as repeating the same word multiple times consecutively (e.g. "delicious, delicious, delicious"), only unique words are used. This is expected to result in higher evaluation values for Ectits sentences that describe important points using different words. (A page that summarizes this in an easy-to-understand manner can be found below, but for more detailed information, the following paper [1] proposing CollabRank may be more suitable as an official document.)
[1] Xiaojun Wan and Jianguo Xiao. 2008. CollabRank: Towards a Collaborative Approach to Single-Document Keyphrase Extraction. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008), pages 969–976, Manchester, UK. Coling 2008 Organizing Committee.
B. Calculation of Novelty Calculate how much novel information is provided by the Ectits. Vector similarity using word embeddings is used here. The latest N reviews from the already posted Ectits collection are used as the reference. The average vector of word embeddings is calculated for this reference Ectits. The cosine similarity of the word embeddings of the Ectits is then calculated with respect to this average vector. This calculates the semantic similarity of the review collection with respect to the current review. If the similarity is high, it is assumed that the content is semantically close to the previous Ectits collection, and if it is low, it is considered that the content is semantically far from the previous Ectits collection. Since cosine similarity is used, the range of values is between 0 and 1.
C. Weighted sum of importance and novelty
The weighted sum of A and B above is calculated in order to give a higher evaluation value to words that have a higher importance and have a different meaning from the previous eclectic set.
MMR(s) = λ A - (1-λ)B
The development of this model will build a token economy in an economic activity similar to the real economy, coffee. The specific construction of this model, in conjunction with the development services to be submitted in a separate category, will have the following benefits.
These solutions are directly related to Cardano's philosophy and will be a great benefit to the ecosystem.
This proposal is an important step in preparation for that.
While project success is measured by actual development and the number of Ecrits responses, effectiveness is measured in the short and long term on two axes: economic and well being.
1.economic measurement
Short term: we have at least 3700/month converting customers and have already given back to the producers by providing over 30000 cups of coffee.
Long term: If this project is released, it will create an unprecedented sustainable circular economy model. The keyword "regenerative" has been attracting attention in recent years as a further action for sustainability, and this project will serve as a role model for a regenerative economy.
2.Well being
Short-term: We conducted a survey of 5 users, and 54 users responded that the number of keywords for taste would increase.
Long term: According to our own survey of 3,500 people, data shows that approximately 60% of people do not know their own taste preferences.
We know that there is a correlation between language and taste.
In addition, according to a joint research with our co-proposer Mr. Yamanishi, there is a large discrepancy between the verbalization of taste between ordinary consumers and professional baristas.
Based on the above, it is expected that the matching of taste and preference through this project will have a significant effect on well being.
3.Why it's a benefits for Cardano
We plan to implement these contents and exhibit and demonstrate them at the Osaka-Kansai Japan Expo. Needless to say, we will contribute to the Cardano ecosystem.
We plan to use three approaches to reporting.
We have reported at the Eastern town hall and Cardano booth for Catalyst 9, and we will be able to do so again without any problems.
”Consuming to Regenerative a platform”
Value_way is a project in which consumers proactively commit themselves to environmental contributions by "recording their coffee consumption.
The value chain from coffee producing countries to consumption and beyond to carbon offsetting is recorded in a blockchain. Through coffee consumption activities that are familiar to our daily lives, we aim to change the behavior of society as a whole by making consumers the link between production, which is at the top of the chain, and resource recycling, which is at the bottom.
Milestone 1 (Oct-Nov) :Reserch
Milestone 2 (Dec-Mar) :Review system development
Milestone 3 (Jan-Mar):Aprication development
Milestone 4 (April-May) :Confirmation and Reporting
Milestone 1 (Oct-Nov)
-Outputs Deliverables
Market research will be conducted to determine specifications for culture fit, especially in Japan and Colombia, where the actual Feasibility will be conducted.
Milestone 2 (Dec-Mar) Total
-Outputs Deliverables
Milestone 3 (Jan-Mar)Total
-Outputs Deliverables
Specification and development fit.
Final Milestone (April-May) Total
-Outputs Deliverables
Preparation for Market Optimization.
Milestone 1 (Oct-Nov) ADA 20,070
Milestone 2 (Dec-Mar) ADA 80,169
Milestone 3 (Jan-Mar) ADA 70,160
Final Milestone (April-May) ADA 50,997
TOTAL ADA:224,295
*Application funds are calculated at the following rates
Coffee the most familiar drink in our daily lives, consumption is increasing year by year, and it is also the second largest international trade in value after oil in the world market. If Cardano were to take on the task of solving the Coffee 2050 problem and the traceability of the coffee trade, it would not only increase Cardano's social recognition and market value, but would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, bringing it closer to solving the environmental problem.
Project Leader:
Toshimasa Yagi
Interested in blockchain since 2016, opened Sustainable coffee stand QoFEE in January 2021, aiming to eliminate the barrier between coffee producers and consumers through technology.In 2021, the company will also start research activities through coffee perception.
Algorithm Development:
Ryosuke Yamanishi
Katsuya Yamaguchi
software engineer for a system development company since 2019, then as an independent freelance engineer since October 2021.