
Onboarding community-selected proposals fosters accountability, showcases impact, and sets expectations. It involves proof of life meetings and milestone approval by community reviewers. This process guides proposals progress and demonstrates grant program value to the community.

For more information check our Onboarding Guide.

All funds total so far

0 funded proposals are already completed. Dive into the total milestones, comparing complete, in-progress, and to-be-completed milestones across this project set.

Total funds requested
$44,909,244 Converted in USD at the time of fund results.
Distributed: ₳3,665,141
Remaining: ₳42,811,482
Proposal status:
Complete 0
In progress 146
Onboarding 53
Did not finish 0
Idea Journey

See how an idea comes to life within Project Catalyst. Below you can see the main stages that propel Catalyst forward. To dive into the full expanded timeline and deadlines - make sure to visit this Gitbook page for the most up to date information.

Please keep in mind that dates are subject to change due to the dynamic nature of the program. Make sure to follow official announcements to stay up to date (telegram or X).

Proposal submissionSept 26 - Oct 10Community reviewOct 24 - Nov 21Community votingNov 28 - Dec 12Voting resultsWeek of Dec 16Project onboardingFrom Jan 7