How can Cardano appeal to a larger non-crypto audience? Through money over IP, better UX/UI and financial rewards -certainly, but also through education, emotionally rewarding benefits and experiences
Our project will reach out to all, but mostly to the under-explored crypto audience in and outside of Cardano (i.e. women, seniors, all age segments, global) and the non-crypto audience (incl. kids).
This is the total amount allocated to | A participative and evolutive NFT collection that mixes generative art, experiences, education and social impact through dynamic NFTs (CIP 68).
Preeta Singh |
Dependencies on the Cardano blockchain for the transaction log; Cardano wallets; NMKR Studio API for minting the NFTs and to create a custom marketplace; IPFS for decentralized storage solution; and other Cardano marketplaces such as,, etc., for accessibility/visibility for the collection.
Project will be fully open source. Under usual reserves.
Potentially high Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) rating considering the use of low energy impact or footprint and social goals of Cardano; and the core message of the project itself implicitly revolving around the topic of positive social impact and education.
UN SDG goals (se per table):
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
UN SDG subgoals:
By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life
Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
Project specific education goals :
Blockchain education to all age segments of society
UN Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Proportion of population in a given age group achieving at least a fixed level of proficiency in functional (a) literacy and (b) numeracy skills, by sex. NOTE: in our case it will measure the blockchain education specifically too
Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, indigenous peoples and conflict-affected, as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI): #proposertoolsdg specific education KPIs:
Several years of pandemic have exacerbated political, geopolitical, economic, societal and cultural divisions across the world. Unequal access to education was also highly visible during this period. One way to reduce divisions and incentivize education is to explore what positive emotions we humans have in common, and there are many – laughter, happiness, love, empathy (just to name a few).
The most popular youtube video ever made (over 13 billion views), is a short education cartoon for children with dancing sharks. The top views are also songs referring to emotions. All this goes to show that positive emotions are a powerful bonding, communication, education and marketing tool – and we intend to leverage these positive emotions through our NFT collection filled with multidimensional types of art but also benefits (including education) and experiences.
Dynamic NFTs (or upgradable NFTs) will unlock vast new opportunities in art, gaming, music industry, education and the real world. Bottlenoses NFT collection leverages the potential of dynamic NFTs and CIP 68 for positive experiences and education.
At first, the main collection will be a 1K edition collection of semi-complete NFTs to be completed gradually by their successive owners in the Cardano community until they reach a total of 10k. Once the 10k is reached, the NFTs will live their own lives. However new unique references (benefits and experiences in the form of events and/or education) will be gradually allocated to the collection. As the community grows, other features and metadata types will be added to the NFTs. For kids there will be a specific sub-collection with education benefits.
During the completion of the NFTs until 10k, royalties will have an inverted trickle-down effect with every sale resulting in a royalty fee, which will be divided equally between its previous owners/creative contributors and towards a (philanthropic) social impact cause such as for access to education in blockchain or other social projects (% of the royalty). Following the minting of the 10k, the royalty scheme will be fixed.
Social impact:
Crypto market penetration: The goal is to reach out as well to the underexplored segments of the crypto community and larger audience (women, all age segments, cultures etc).
Community impact: traffic generated to the ecosystem and qualitative feedback by the ecosystem.
NFT KPIs such as transactions volume, fees, royalties. One big advantage of CIP68 is that it enables an evolving revenue source for the project and the community participants. Instead of only counting on initial NFT sale and some royalties, we can build additional revenues over time.
Partner collaborations will be important: whether artistic, academic or business collaboration with brands in area of education, art or more (as community grows).
The project results will be transparently and openly verifiable directly through the transaction log on the Cardano blockchain for consulting ownership history and evolution in value (in ADA).
Additionally, publications and reports on the website, news on education as well as other communication channels. Website and communication channels to follow soon (see phases of project).
Deliberate and conscious effort in finding synergies and leveraging upcoming and established projects within the Cardano ecosystem – the Cardano blockchain, NMKR Studio API (hence IPFS) and potentially other NFT Marketplaces and projects built on Cardano.
Phase I – Solution providers being studied in-depth for feasibility based on the maturity of their service offering (testnet/preprod/sandbox environments for experimentation, UX/UI, stability of solution, ability to provide continuity of service, team reputation, credibility, etc.); Finalization of long term business plan.
Phase II – Ideation and creative design process to come up with a universally appealing visual identity for the initial NFT collection; design of website.
Phase III – Policy ID and smart contract engineering / customisation.
Phase IV – Minting and listing of NFTs on marketplaces + publicity / communication campaigns.
Phase V after Grant – Continued efforts to provide seamless service and great user experience while further developing NFT collection features, additional revenue sources for the project and the "education for all in blockchain" aspect. Possibly add gaming experience. Evaluate future governance options for the project.
Current go-to-market plan until Phase IV: 6 months.
Phase I – deliverable > selection of partnering solution providers and further building the core team and long term business plan ← we are at this stage!
Phase II – deliverable > NFT generation of the initial collection; and the website.
Phase III – deliverable > smart contract and policy ID generation for the collection.
Phase IV – deliverable > collection made available for sale; and marketing strategy.
Phase V – deliverable > continued efforts to provide seamless service and great user experience.
Please note that the grant does not represent the total cost of this project. The business plan is a separate projection. This budget breakdown demonstrates only the initial distribution and early phase of the project.
Our project aims to –
The ROI for Cardano will be quantified based on KPIs mentioned in the project measurements section. The qualitative value and visibility of the project in/outside the crypto community should be easy to demonstrate given the transparent nature of this project, and the aforementioned overall impact:
Social impact: publicly visible through user engagement.
Community impact: traffic generated to the Cardano ecosystem.
Founding team:
Jacqueline Boella-Decoppet
Preeta Singh
Additional team members for now under NDA contract (will be published asap):
Musician specialized in electronic music, music software development and graphic art
Senior UX/UI designer
Data manager, CTO of a software developer service company
Blockchain Developer
We are also happy to complete our core team with members of the Cardano community (artists, tech members exploring CIP68, digital marketing). Company in the process of incorporation will be based in Switzerland.