Hello all! Cardano has a lot of unlocked potential in the characters developed through it over the years. What if we could harness this IP in Rick and Morty style content to grow the "ADA economy"?
We will create Cardano's first animated series using the characters within the ecosystem, to explore if something bigger could become of its homegrown IP that would positively impact the ADA economy.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Animated Series: Can we grow the value of Cardano's ecosystem by growing the value of its homegrown intellectual property (IP)?.
Alwayne White - Chief Creative Officer
Randy Burrell - Chief Technical Officer
Gashwayne Hudson - Head of Art
David Harris - Head of Operations
Richard Burnett - Head of Community
No Dependencies
Project will be fully open source
Our solution is simply a Rick and Morty styled animated short series aimed at firstly engaging the Cardano community and eventually growing interest from outside the ecosystem. The theory is, if we grow Cardano native IP through animated content, we grow the interest in Cardano and ultimately spur the "ADA economy". Here is a helpful anecdote - Pokémon the animated series is the reason Pokémon the trading cards was successful; and so too the videogame and Pokémon merchandise. Similarly, we are trying to explore the impact animated content could have on, onboarding people to Cardano.
The impact will be demonstrable in the interest in the series from the community (short term), then the interest in the series from outsiders (medium term), then the onboarding to Cardano - wallet, exchange, ADA, NFTs etc. This we believe is a very unique approach to growing interest in Cardano through media.
The challenge is intent on growing the ADA economy, and our solution, though exploratory in nature, is poised to do just that through attracting interest with animated content. This interest will come from both within and outside the ecosystem and from our experience could draw thousands to tens of thousands of viewers.
We intend to measure success through reach, engagement, sentiment and uptick in project interest. The intent is to feature as many projects as we reasonably can, at least 16 in the first season where the content effectively acts as a funnel to JPG.store and ultimately the broader ecosystem. In the long term, if the series is well written, the implications are massive. A Pokemon level event or even a Pudgy Penguin level success would attract massive amounts of interest and liquidity to Cardano.
The outputs will be shared openly through catalyst based reporting mechanisms and the series as well as series content will be posted on Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and Gify for all to see the results. The outputs will be shared with the community over a period of 6 months.
If the series does well, it would be a valid proof of concept that we could take to networks/content distributors for reach well beyond the initial scope of the project.
Our team has been animating for over a decade and revered as pioneers in the Caribbean Animation industry. We have actually been doing a bit of preliminary test work with the Derp Birds publicly and have gotten great amounts of support from that community - thousands of views and a lot of engagement which signals that we are not only capable but could be onto something big if we involve more communities.
Keen to note too is that we've successfully managed funds from catalyst before. The intent is the following:
Step 1: Use the initial funding to complete the backgrounds
Step 2: After proving our use of funds/shipping the first milestone, take on a second tranche to animate the first 8 episodes
Step 3: After animating the first 8 episodes, complete at least 16 more to finish the scope of this proposal
Step 4: Analyze interest and scope the way forward for growth
Our main goal for the project is to explore if the animated series can in fact attract and hold interest - this will act as proof of concept and guide us as to whether or not the project is feasible and will have the desired impact.
The S.M.A.R.T objective is to attain at least 48,000 views over 24 episodes in 3 months.
Milestone 1 - Backgrounds (Roughly 36)
Tasks: Contract Artists, "Handover Story Boards", Sketch Backgrounds, Color Backgrounds, Complete Backgrounds, Review Backgrounds
Timeline: 2 months
Cost: 6350 ADA
Milestone 2 - Animated shorts (24 Episodes - 10 seconds long)
Tasks: Contract Animators, "Handover story boards, backgrounds, character designs, voice overs and script", complete "roughs", complete "rough in betweens" and lip syncing, color and clean up.
Timeline: 3 months
Cost: 53,600 ADA
Our first milestone will produce the backgrounds needed to do accurate animation. We will create roughly 36 backgrounds to be shared with the community.
Our second milestone will produce the actual series. We will create roughly 24 animated shorts (roughly 10 seconds long each).
Budget Breakdown
Backgrounds/BG Artists (2) - 6350 ADA
Animations/Animators (4) - 53,600 ADA
Miscellaneous - 12,650 ADA
NB. The quotes are below market value for background designs and at market value for animation. The miscellaneous line will cover administrative expenses, conversion fees and ADA to USD fluctuations. As at writing, ADA is .28 cents.
The cost represents great value for money all things considered, as a lot of the pre production work is already paid for and complete - (well over $28,000 USD). The background costs are well below market value by as much as 75% and the animation costs which works out to roughly $4,000 USD per minute are at market value for the level of 2 D animators assigned to the project.
This link can be used as a guide: https://animationjamaica.com/rates
If we execute well, the return to the ecosystem will outsize the investment.
Jaymeon Jones - Project Manager - https://jm.linkedin.com/in/jaymeon-jones-8a55968b
Gashwayne Hudson - Head of Art - https://www.instagram.com/gashhuds/
Alwayne White - Chief Creative Officer & Head Animator -