Funding and grant opportunities for scholarly work seeking to contribute new knowledge by exploring innovative blockchain applications are limited, challenging to access, and poorly documented.
Develop a credited onboarding curriculum that positions Catalyst as a research and development funding source for academic research and development in innovative blockchain work.
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst RiSE. An open-access, credit-bearing University module positioning Catalyst as a funding option for Research Academics and Entrepreneurial Undergraduate students..
No dependencies.
Output A: Curricula resources will be fully open source.
Output B: RiSE Programme delivery, a proprietary open-access education system owned by Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), will be open-access, not open source.
This bid seeks to ratify knowledge gained through blockchain research and development projects in the School of Digital Arts at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) into a Knowledge Exchange (KE) project in the form of a catalyst fund onboarding curriculum for interfaculty Postgraduate Taught (PGT) students, Postgraduate Research (PGR) students, Entrepreneurial Undergraduate students (UG), and Staff Researchers who seek funding for innovative blockchain work.
This curriculum will be open-access through an educational programme delivered on MMU's award-winning RiSE co-curricular framework, allowing any research student worldwide to have their learning on the programme recognised at a University level through the MMU points system. Current MMU students at all levels (>40000) will have access to this programme as part of their co-curricular studies and can use RiSE credits to supplement their main programme learning.
The Catalyst RiSE curriculum and associated planning and delivery resources for teaching and learning will be made available in a transferrable format for implementation and iteration by any educational institution wishing to integrate this into their study programmes.
Access to the Catalyst RiSE programme will be open-access, meaning that anyone can undertake the programme whether they are a student or not and gain University level recognition for their learning.
Catalyst RiSE lays the groundwork for several future-facing initiatives that will help to grow the Catalyst space beyond the existing Cardano ecosystem into scholarly funding processes and student-facing blockchain curricula. This will:
Qualitative success metrics
Quantitative success metrics
Output A, consisting of curricula resources, will be shared via GitHub, enabling easy accessibility and collaboration and allowing researchers and educators to access and utilise the Catalyst RiSE curricula framework. The curricula resources will be available in standard modules or units, providing a structured framework for teaching and learning. Additionally, supporting planning resources such as the Scheme of Work and Lesson Plans will be available, offering guidance for educators in implementing the curricula effectively.
Output B, the Catalyst RiSE Programme delivery, will be shared through the award-winning Manchester Metropolitan University RiSE Open Access education platform. The platform's open-access nature ensures that the educational programmes are freely available to interested individuals, promoting knowledge exchange and future research endeavours in diverse learning communities.
With over twenty years of scholarly experience writing educational programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate and professional levels, I am a research-active academic working with postgraduate students and staff researchers who contribute new knowledge through innovative research and practice.
Working within a world-renowned research centre in the UKs oldest Art School, I am a core member of Manchester Metropolitan University's Speculative Technology Research Group in its new School of Digital Arts (SODA), which consists of educational and research staff members from various interfaculty disciplines who work together to explore emergent technologies and pedagogical methodologies of preparing students for possible careers in emergent tech spaces.
With proven outputs, having delivered a series of blockchain training events and conferences to local businesses and students, researchers in SODA have initiated several student-led blockchain projects that have led to innovative practice in a broad range of sectors.
Funds delivered to Manchester Metropolitan University will be managed through the University's long-standing research and knowledge exchange (RKE) mechanisms.
The main goals of Catalyst RiSE are to facilitate knowledge exchange, develop a catalyst fund onboarding curriculum, provide open-access education, and create transferrable resources that other educational institutions can implement. RiSE Catalyst aims to enhance understanding, collaboration, and innovation of Catalyst funding in academic contexts by achieving these goals.
Assessing the feasibility of the approach:
Work Package A - Administration:
MS01: Ratify project at MMU - January 2024.
MS02: Recruitment of Academic Researcher and Production Assistant - February 2024.
Work Package B - Curriculum design:
MS03: Curriculum module draft - March 2024.
MS04: Peer review of module draft - March 2024
MS05: Curriculum module review - April 2024.
MS06: Scheme of Work and Lesson plan writing - May 2024.
Work Package C - Programme creation:
MS07: First draft treatment for learning resources - March 2024.
MS08: Creation of learning resources - May 2024.
MS09: Construction of the Catalyst RiSE programme on MMU RiSE
MS10: Delivery of outputs - June 2024
MS11: Post-delivery review - September 2024
Work Package A - Administration:
This milestone will focus on three key areas. Firstly, workload allocation will be formalised, ensuring that tasks and responsibilities related to the project are distributed and assigned efficiently among the team members within the University Workload Model. This will establish clear roles and promote effective collaboration. Second, the milestone will include an expert peer review facilitated by the MMU Speculative Technology group in SODA. This review will involve engaging research-engaged academics with relevant knowledge and experience in speculative technology to provide feedback and insights on the project's goals, methodologies, and outcomes. Lastly, this milestone will distribute funds per MMU's legal and financial frameworks. This involves adhering to established guidelines, regulations, and financial procedures when allocating and managing project funds.
This milestone involves recruiting an Academic Researcher and a Production Assistant. I will construct a job specification for a production assistant to fulfil this milestone. Subsequently, the project will proceed with the recruitment process to identify a qualified production assistant. Additionally, the project will seek an available and experienced Academic Researcher from the MMU Speculative Technology research group, leveraging their expertise to contribute to the project's goals and outcomes.
Work Package B - Curriculum Design:
The project team will work on developing the curriculum module, ensuring that it aligns with the established guidelines provided by the MMU University Teaching Academy (UTA). The module will be carefully crafted, considering the best practices, pedagogical approaches, and learning outcomes outlined by the UTA. By adhering to these guidelines, the project aims to create a high-quality and effective curriculum module that meets the standards set by MMU for teaching and learning.
The module draft will undergo a thorough peer review process involving experts and peers from the MMU SODA Speculative Technology group who possess relevant knowledge and expertise in research and blockchain technology. The project team will collect feedback and suggestions during the peer review, and we will agree upon actions for improvement.
The project team will carefully consider the feedback received from peer review and make necessary adjustments and revisions to the curriculum module based on the identified areas for improvement.
We will develop a comprehensive Scheme of Work outlining the curriculum's structure, sequencing, and timing. This document will provide an overview of the topics, learning objectives, assessment strategies, and resources used throughout programme delivery. Additionally, the team will create detailed lesson plans for each module, specifying the activities, pedagogical approaches, materials, and assessments for individual lessons.
Work Package C - Programme creation:
The project team will collaborate to design the style and structure of the learning resources, ensuring they align with the educational goals and objectives of the curriculum design. After the initial draft is prepared, the learning resource drafts undergo a peer review process in collaboration with the MMU SODA Speculative Technology group. Based on the feedback received, the project team will then agree on actions to enhance the learning resources.
The team will make necessary adjustments to improve the learning resources' quality, content, and presentation by incorporating the feedback from the previous milestone. Once the revisions are complete, the team will create the final versions of the learning resources. These resources will be developed in a format and style that aligns with the curriculum and facilitates effective participant learning experiences.
The project team will assemble the learning program, organising the curriculum, learning resources, and assessments into a cohesive and accessible format on the MMU RiSE platform. This involves structuring the program to be user-friendly, ensuring seamless navigation and ease of use for the participants.
By making Output A accessible on GitHub, the project ensures that others can explore and engage with the curriculum, enabling them to integrate the curriculum outputs into additional programmes. Additionally, Output B will be opened for access, allowing anyone to learn about formulating a Catalyst bid and be recognised for their learning.
The final milestone involves collating data from the success metrics established earlier in the project to evaluate the overall success and impact of the project. The project team will analyse the collected data and assess the project's achievements and outcomes. The review findings will be presented to the MMU SODA Speculative Technology group, sharing insights and lessons from the project's implementation. Additionally, the project team will make the findings available on the project's GitHub repository, ensuring that the information is accessible to a wider audience interested in the project and its outcomes.
The resourcing for this project is entirely in human resource hours since the technical implementation and production resourcing is already in place.
There are three personnel across two different roles for this project.
FEC = full economic costing.
ALR: Academic and lead role x2 personnel. The FEC for this role is 408 ADA per hour.
SPA: Specialist Production Role x1 personnel. This FEC for this role is 355 ADA per hour.
Work Package A - Administration:
ALR hours = 7.2. ADA = 2944
SPA hours = 0. ADA = 0
Total ADA = 2944
ALR hours = 7.2. ADA = 2944
SPA hours = 0. ADA = 0
Total ADA = 2944
Work Package B - Curriculum Design:
ALR hours = 14.4. ADA = 5888
SPA hours = 0. ADA = 0
Total ADA = 5888
ALR hours = 7.2. ADA = 2944
SPA hours = 0. ADA = 0
Total ADA = 2944
ALR hours = 7.2. ADA = 2944
SPA hours = 0. ADA = 0
Total ADA = 2944
ALR hours = 14.4. ADA = 5888
SPA hours = 0. ADA = 0
Total ADA = 5888
Work Package C - Programme creation:
ALR hours = 7.2. ADA = 2944
SPA hours = 14.4. ADA = 5120
Total ADA = 8064
ALR hours = 21.6. ADA = 8832
SPA hours = 14.4. ADA = 5120
Total ADA = 13952
ALR hours = 14.4. ADA = 5888
SPA hours = 0. ADA = 0
Total ADA = 5888
ALR hours = 7.2. ADA = 2944
SPA hours = 0. ADA = 0
Total ADA = 2944
ALR hours = 14.4. ADA = 5888
SPA hours = 0. ADA = 0
Total ADA = 5888
Net Total = 60288 ADA
All income is subject to a 20% corporation tax at the exchange value at the point of receipt.
Total = 72345.6 ADA
By leveraging existing knowledge gained through blockchain research and development projects at MMU, Catalyst RiSE can efficiently use existing resources. This includes utilising the expertise of the MMU Speculative Technology group, using existing educational infrastructure, and leveraging the RiSE co-curricular framework. By maximising the use of existing resources, the project minimises additional costs and enhances the overall value of the Catalyst investment.
Our focus on creating transferrable curricula and educational resources increases the project's potential for scalability and wider adoption. The project extends its impact beyond MMU by designing the curriculum in a format other educational institutions can easily implement. This scalability and transferability enhance the value for money by enabling the dissemination of knowledge and educational materials to a broader audience without incurring additional costs for customisation or replication.
The project's commitment to open-access education through the MMU RiSE platform and the recognition of learning through the MMU RiSE points system contributes to its value for money. By making the educational program accessible to a wide range of participants, including MMU students and research students worldwide, Catalyst RiSE maximises the reach and impact of the Catalyst investment.
Andrew King - Project Lead
Academic Contributor - to be recruited once funding is received
SpecialisProduction Assistant - to be recruited once funding is received