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Not approved

CTimelines Infographics - Documenting & Promoting Cardano's History


As a blockchain with +5 years of trajectory & growing ecosystem, it's challenging for individuals to have a holistic and comprehensive understanding of the significant events in Cardano's history.


We will design & promote Cardano Timeline Infographics.

Each flavor representing history from a unique perspective.

To document the historical development of our vast ecosystem.

Cardano Timeline 2022

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to CTimelines Infographics - Documenting & Promoting Cardano's History.

Total funds requested
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Votes yes
Votes no


Core Team

  • Juan Manuel Castro Pippo (Jotape)
  • Juan Franscisco Razzini
  • Mauro Hernán Falcone (Mou)

Supporting Team

  • Mauro Andreoli
  • Lucas Macchiavelli

Juan Manuel Castro Pippo (Jotape)

Profile picture


CTimelines Roles

  • CTimelines Founder
  • Project Manager
  • Community Manager
  • Research and consolidation of the history of Cardano
  • Coordination and logistics

Professional background

Over 10 years of experience in the financial industry, including more than 5 years of hands-on experience as a systems storage administrator.

Over the past two years, I have dedicated my time and efforts to gaining an in-depth understanding of the Cardano protocol and its ecosystem.

Reference Links


Juan Franscisco Razzini (Juancho)

Profile picture

CTimelines Roles

  • Infographics Designer

Professional background

32-year-old graphic designer, passionate about creativity and innovation.

Currently working in a television production company, where I apply my design skills to create unique and captivating audiovisual pieces.

Lately I have been learning about 3D modeling, which has allowed me to explore new forms of expression in my work as a graphic designer.

Reference Links


Mauro Hernán Falcone (Mou)

Profile picture


CTimelines Roles

  • Branding
  • UX Designer

Professional background

Graphic designer with more than 10 years of experience working both freelance and under a dependency relationship.

Reference Links


Mauro Andreoli

Profile picture

CTimelines Roles

  • Networking

Professional background

Proposer & Excecuter. Lawyer.

Cardano Ambassador.


Host and attendee of different Cardano Events.

Reference Links


Lucas Macchiavelli

Profile picture


CTimelines Roles

  • Networking

Professional background

Funded Proposer in F7, F8 and F9, PA in F8 and F9

Cardano Ambassador

Swarm contributor

Reference Links

(Jotape) Juan Manuel Castro Pippo
(Jotape) Juan Manuel Castro Pippo
Mauro Falcone
Mauro Falcone