Last updated a year ago

Open Metaverse Interoperability Research


The metaverse faces a crucial challenge in ensuring seamless asset transfer and interoperability across realms. This is a critical barrier to realizing a fully open and user-owned metaverse.


Through a comprehensive study and a series of interviews with experts in the field, we will explore AI's role in automating interoperability in the metaverse, and draft an implementation plan.

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Anamaria Kövesdi (New Mindflow)

Rares Kövesdi (New Mindflow)

New Mindflow [] are:

Artist and entrepreneur, in the Cardano NFT space since Day 1. Core Members of the Cardano NFT Guild []. Creators of the Trybbles & Icons Cardano NFT projects. Cardano Project Catalyst funded proposers. Members in various Cardano & Catalyst projects, initiatives & communities over the past 2 and a half years.

Award-winning filmmakers, film and animation directors, app and game developers.

In January 2021 they moved into the web3 economy granting new life to one of their projects in the form of an NFT collection on Cardano.

Since then they have released multiple art NFT collections on Cardano, and have been involved in multiple NFT and Cardano related groups and organisations, most notably being core members of the NFT Guild. They have been invited to be among the Genesis Artists of Fibo - the Emurgo NFT Marketplace at its launch in 2022.
