There is a very limited media who can survive the web 3 ecosystem in Indonesia to articulate and present the real value of Cardano.
Fast forwarding the information resources by Cardano Indonesia and attracting more business owners, professionals, newcomers, and advanced crypto investors, and getting them onboard Cardano Ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to PamanKripto Media Initiatives: Cardano Indonesia Social media bridge to public branding and business latency speed up in Indonesia and Asia.
Randy Lie
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
Our team will make a Series of videos about Cardano. Mostly about Tutorial Video in use of Dapps in Cardano.
There are not a lot of Cardano Youtuber who tutor in Cardano Dapps. As a user Dapps keeps evolving. The needs of videos that tutor them until they can use all of Dapps in Cardano is needed.
Tutorial educational videos are videos that last several months and maybe years. Which makes it easier for people to use Cardano Blockchain.
Our project will make :
Our project will consists of:
In these video series, we intend to attract more people to Cardano which is targeted for new users (beginners) and advanced users that already know their way on Blockchain. The beginner user will have interest to see about Cardano blockchain through our fun Tik Tok and Youtube shorts, those shorts will have a link to our Youtube Basic Cardano Tutorial Playlist, which can help them to join Cardano easily.
Creating a wallet in Cardano is one of many things to do, yet it only has around 5 videos for something that people must do. Cardano Blockchain itself has several wallets and Dapps, which do not yet have a tutorial for people to follow and understand the use of the apps.
With the following tutorial series that we provided, will make Cardano easier to access for newcomers to Cardano. The series also contains two subtitles which can make it easier to understand for people that might not know english very well.
Other than basic tutorials, we also have advanced tutorials for people to know and use, such as DEX, Yield Farming, NFT Lending, Token Lending, Limit Order, etc. This type of tutorial is in need since DeFi is growing at the fastest pace in Cardano. DeFi itself has their own advantage, since it's one of the promising futures of Finance. It would attract more people from other chains to try and experience DeFi in Cardano itself.
All videos can be seen in our Youtube Channel and Tiktok Channel. The twitter spaces will also be recorded and submitted in github. We will also give a detailed summary report monthly about the increase of views for each video and shorts.
The team is well known and already has enough experience to give tutorials and is well known in Indonesian communities. Our team goal is to share knowledge about cardano mass adoption in Cardano blockchain.
Our team has been active in the Cardano community for over 2 years. The team has created offline meetings with our own funds and created connections for several businesses to start thinking about blockchain and use Cardano.
The links of offline meetings can be seen in here :
The team also contains Co-Host for Cardano Summit 2022, Cardano Indonesia Team, and Volunteers in Cardano Summit 2022. PamanKripto is already have portofolio for creating playlist for Basic Tutorial Cardano in Indonesia language that can be seen in here : Goals:
Setting up the youtube studios, checking gear that needed to be used. Spread the intended works and promote to our own Social media and website. Get connected to several Cardano experts to review our videos later on to have more feedback about the Dapp.
Get started to make Youtube Shorts and Tiktok videos, basic topics about Cardano, Fun facts, update on Cardano. Research about tutorial videos and updates needed in Cardano. Tap into the Indonesian community and have AMA with Investor, Trader, and Newcomers.
Start of working for Basic tutorial youtube videos
Contains of 8 Basic Videos :
16 Short Videos in Youtube Shorts and Tiktok Platform
Start Working for Advanced tutorial youtube videos
Contains of 8 Advanced Videos :
16 Short Videos in Youtube Shorts and Tiktok Platform
Start Working for Videos key tutorial in English
16 Short Videos in Youtube Shorts and Tiktok Platform
Key performance indicator:
Budget breakdown
The proposal will be led by a team of four from the Paman Kripto Team and have support from the rest of the team as needed.
Estimated hour required per week:
Total = 12 hours x ₳ 60 = ₳ 720
Total = 40 hours x ₳ 60 = ₳ 2,400
Total = 40 hours x ₳ 60 = ₳ 2,400
Total = 48 hours x ₳ 60 = ₳ 2,880
Total = 48 hours x ₳ 60 = ₳ 2,880
Total = 44 hours x ₳ 60 = ₳ 2,640
Total = 12 hours x ₳ 60 = ₳ 720
Total Hours: 244
Hourly rate: ₳ 60
Hourly total cost: ₳ 14,640
Operational Cost :
Total ₳ 5,150
Total With Working Hours : ₳ 14,640 + ₳ 5,150 = ₳ 19,790
Notes : This budget is based on Cardano price of 0.3 USD
Business development activities to connect with clients and investors are very costly and time-consuming. Companies spend significant budgets on human resources, promotional activities, and tradeshows. Technology-based companies might not have experienced team members to support the go-to-market and investment strategy.
In addition to that, there is also a barrier of knowledge for investors and potential clients regarding Web 3 and Cardano.
By making a concentrated effort we will be able to have a strong impact on the Cardano ecosystem in one of the most prestigious investment and tech conferences in Europe, with a fraction of the cost if each company should do it separately.
Felix Christanto - Project Lead
Felix has 5+ years of F&B business, entrepreneurship, management, and social media creator. Created Pamankripto together with Caliburn and has been very active in Cardano communities for over 2 years. Felix has volunteered in several Cardano activities such as Cardano Surabaya Hub, Cardano Jakarta Speakers, Cardano Summit 2022, and is also a team member of Cardano Indonesia.
Randy Lie - Project advisor
A Volunteer in Cardano ecosystem, head delegate of UN model in college, active at ITB university as coordinator, Stock market company office educator, and both local and global CEX( and business development. He took the Master degree on Business Management and Graduates of My Spiritual Journey Church of Mawar Sharon.
Eva - Video Editor
A passionate woman in various industries, her extrovert makes her a flexible woman and actively being an affiliate of any kind of web 3 can offer. She helps a lot of ground breaking entrepreneurs' motivation and jump into serious proposals like this one.
Caliburn - Community manager
Caliburn has 10 years of experience in entrepreneurship, management, twitter influencer, social media manager, business development, and finance expertise. As an influencer Caliburn hosts several twitter spaces to update about Cardano Blockchain, and has some collaboration with CEX in Indonesia such as (Ajaib and Nobi).
Created videos in Pamankripto youtube together with Felix for 1 year. Also very active in Cardano communities over 3 years+. One of the Co-Host of Cardano Summit, speaker in Cardano Jakarta Workshop, Co-Host in Cardano Surabaya Hub and also team member of Cardano Indonesia.