The Cardano ecosystems vibrancy, depth and quality is not being discovered or acknowledged by the larger crypto community and would be investors.
To promote the ecosystems depth and quality at a cross chain event attended by the larger crypto Community and investors.
This is the total amount allocated to Showcase The Cardano Ecosystem and promote Cardano Summit 2023 at Blockchain Expo Dubai 2023.
No Dependencies
The funding is purely for the cost of the booth itself. So can provide the invoice from the organiser to prove spend.
Discover Cardano has been set up to help promote the ecosystem to new users/developers and potential Investors. We strongly believe after visiting many multichain events and speaking to many crypto users and investors that the consistent lack of Cardano based projects leads to one question..
"If the cardano ecosystem is as great as you say, where are they? I see MATIC/ETH/BNB Projects here, but no cardano!"
Blockchain Expo Dubai 2023 is the perfect event to do this. Not only is it 6 weeks before the Cardano Summit in the same city, but it typically draws 10k visitors, many of which are investors, from all over the world. Dubai itself has a very large crypto community forming at present.
With this proposal, I aim to:
Currently I plan to be able to provide tangible results through utilising an on stand app that I have created along with VESPR Wallet and HoskyTokens Proof of Onboarding platform.
Some results will be less tangible, but I would like to see projects see an increase in activity after the event, whether that be website visits/followers on social media/any other engagement metrics.
There will be up to 10k visitors at the event, the aim is that they all walk away with no illusions of what is on Cardano and that many walk away with Cardano wallets loaded with a "Starter pack" of tokens and NFTs. I would like to see that the stand increases retail users on Cardano, Investors willing to invest in projects and higher attendance at Cardano Summit.
Primarily Hosky Tokens Proof of onboarding mechanism.
I would like to see Projects that are looking for investment having an easier time doing so but this is not measurable.
If CF is able to do so, I would like to promote Cardano summit Dubai and hopefully they could track an increase to their website during and after the event..
I will be providing update through website/Twitter accounts and emails to Catalyst team if needed.
I have 12 years of experience running more than 50 exhibition stands in different industries worldwide. Although this will be the first crypto based exhibition I have done, I have been to 6 Crypto exhibitions since October 2021 to do some research and have spoken to investors and retail users alike to understand what they are looking for. I have been working closely with event organisers and have identified Blockchain expo dubai as the perfect event due to its location and timing and how it fits in to Cardano Summit main event 6 weeks later.
I have also been working with another event in London later in the year to do the same as well as potentially them using Cardano to mint event tickets... (Early stages still)
Raise awareness of Cardano Ecosystem through a stand - Having the stand
Onboard new users to Cardano - Validated through Hoskytoken POO Mechanism
Change the perception of Cardano for Investors - Hard to measure
Promote Cardano summit 2023 - CF could see increased traffic to website
Have a booth at Blockchain Expo Dubai on 20th-21st September 2023.
By End of August -
By End October -
Aim to have at least 1,000 people download the Vespr wallet and Proof of Onboarding Mechanism.
I would like to see projects that join the event to be able to see an increase in Traffic on their websites/Followers on twitter etc..
More people coming to Cardano Summit Dubai off the back of my efforts.
Receiving the funding will ensure that at a minimum the below stand can be secured: (I have a 25% discount on the booth prices..)
The only costs included in this proposal are the costs of the booth, furniture and TV stands.
Myself only, but If other community/project members would like to join me on the stands I would love the company!