The benefits of blockchain and Cardano in particular are unknown to many social groups. Among them, book lovers stay far from web3. According to them, Cardano is probably the name of a city in Italy.
We will define and produce different types of events around books in metaverse(s) powered on Cardano, make them easily accessible to neophytes and actively promote them in traditional book networks.
Association SQUEEZE (french non profit organisation).
Our project is closely linked to the tools created by metaverse builders on Cardano and to the development of the metaverses themselves.
Delays being the norm in this field of production, these were anticipated as opportunities to better explore our project proposals by involving our network and growing a community.
No date has been set for the actual delivery of our event space in a metaverse and associated extensions. On the other hand, everyone will be able to observe the progress of the project at their leisure through different data.
At that moment, we chose to develop the Tentacle Book Club on CORNUCOPIAS metaverse. But, in order to mitigate the risks, we also own lands and closely follow two other metaverse projects under construction on Cardano : PAVIA and EIKONIKOS.
Project will be fully open source
Preliminary remark
Even if the Tentacle Book Club is ultimately intended to be an international space compatible with all languages, it's important to note that our already established networks are linked to the world of French-speaking books. The French language is spoken by approximately 300 million people worldwide.
Tales, stories, poetry, reports, investigations, correspondence... have crossed the centuries and the different media produced by technical progress. The Tentacle Book Club keeps walking on this road by proposing to transport the books and the events around the books and the authors in the metaverse.
Today, the book ecosystem is mainly focused on physical world with broadcasting and distribution relays in the web2 (including some events in the form of podcasts) and remains unaware of the future possibilities related to web3.
To bring the book ecosystem to Cardano, we favor a practical and direct approach.
We won't attempt to raise awareness by manuals or guides showing potential benefits of Cardano and its available tools, but we will claim to offer turnkey communication and distribution opportunities of increasing the visibility for authors and books through the proposal of spaces and events in the metaverse. The books world is primarily a world of exposure ; as we are working in it since more than 10 years we know this as a clear fact : authors and books are always looking for visibility. Conclusion : The Tentacle Book Club should first present itself as an amplifier of visibility.
Simple image summarizing our approach : 1/ shake the chocolate. 2/ distribute the map leading to the chocolate factory.
1/ Design of 4 main spaces dedicated to books in the metaverse :
2/ Production design of virtual events to animate these spaces
3/ Creation and sale of a first batch of 1000 early bird NFTs
NFTs are both a powerful communication medium to increase the visibility of the Tentacle Book Club and bring out a community around it, a practical gateway to get neophytes on board the blockchain and a source of funding to strengthen the sustainability of our project.
Focused on utility, these early bird NFTs will regulate access to events powered by the Tentacle Book Club and provide benefits and discounts in our marketplace.
4/ Assistance provide for newcomers to onboard in the Cardano ecosystem
Here are some expected key benefits The Tentacle Book Club should bring to Cardano :
At this stage of the action it seems too risky to throw figures in the air and define quantified impacts. The evaluation data that will be collected during the development of our project will then help to define realistic quantitative targets.
Coming from social science research and given the nascent aspect of the project, we will favor a qualitative ethno-sociological approach, mainly the clinical observation of the reactions aroused by the construction of the Tentacle Book Club.
We are also thinking about a system for collecting anonymized socio-demographic data in order to better characterize the population interested in our project in the way to direct our future actions accordingly.
Of course, we will consider data related to the sale of our first batch of 1000 NFTs and the behavior of volumes and prices in the secondary market as a substantial and objective indicator of the success of the project.
We will produce an evaluation report that can be downloaded directly from our website and will be shared on our social networks.
This report will be organized in 4 parts :
As the lead, driving force and referent of the project, I benefit from an experience of more than 25 years in terms of project management in the field of social science research, communication and event communication, publishing and production of cultural and literary events.
SQUEEZE, our legal structure carrying the project was officially created in 2004 under the legal and controlled regime of "association loi 1901" in France.
For 20 years, SQUEEZE has been successfully developing innovative cultural projects, the last 15 years mainly in web2 publishing and production of IRL literary events, and has already finalized, depending on projects, financial partnerships with cultural institutions of French State, private sponsors and patrons. Each year SQUEEZE is legally required to provide an income statement and a detailed balance sheet concerning its activities.
Around SQUEEZE, our network of skills includes dozens of collaborators in book publishing spaces as well as in the broader world of art and culture, supplemented by solid relays in graphic/art design and web development, themselves even integrated into vast networks of web2/web3 skills.
We allow ourselves to think that innovative literary projects are our specialty.
1/ Integration of newcomers from the book fields to the Cardano blockchain...
Active for many years in literary publishing and IRL events producing, SQUEEZE has amassed many contacts in the books, arts and culture realms. We are connected to approximately 10k strictly organic contacts of individuals or organizations on our social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, mail-lists) who follow the publications and projects proposed by SQUEEZE. We also manage a press list related to the book world of more than 300 contacts (print press, web press, influencers, radio, television). In the first feedback we have had on the matter, our regular contact base is generally foreign to the world of crypto and blockchain, even reluctant because of the technological barrier and the financial aspects related to speculation, but is of course interested in our literary projects. Our goal is to get these people and/or organizations to discover and realize the potential and relevance of web3 tools in writing creation, live streaming and book distribution. It will therefore be a question of directing and adapting our communication with our networks in a qualitative and repeated manner over the entire period covered by the Catalyst fund (6 months) and beyond. The implementation of a Discord and a Twitter account directly associated with the Tentacle Book Club will also be added to promote meetings between these newcomers and the Cardano community also interested in the project.
2/ building book spaces and events in the metaverse...
Our approach is not to carry out an operation to promote Cardano, web3 or the blockchain but to build a project in a cross-cutting area clearly identifiable by people not receptive to web3 by using some resources and tools powered by the Cardano ecosystem, simply because these resources and tools are the most useful in a practical sense to build said project. Building a place of life around the book in the metaverse is therefore a central objective of our action. It is a question of moving forward in constant interaction with our community to define the architecture, the operating standards and the financing of the Tentacle Book Club in the metaverse, taking into account the possibilities offered by the web3 and Cardano ecosystem in particular. A precise 3D visual plan of our space in the metaverse, a detailed operating protocol on the opportunities offered by this space (events, trade, communication, etc.) and a provisional budget for the next 24 months must be the result of this interaction.
3/ ... which can run on a sustainable economic model
The funding requested here as part of Catalyst aims to ensure the launch on solid foundations of the Tentacle Book Club and to allow the establishment of a sustainable economic model for its operation and long-term development in the metaverse.
The TENTACLE BOOK CLUB – THE STARTER is a pilot project.
From our point of view and given the field in which we operate, we have not defined a quantitative threshold that would require pre-requisites limiting experimentation.
On the other hand, constant and sustained attention will be paid to the reactions aroused by our actions, both in terms of opinions collected on our social networks and of observable behaviors (commitment, registrations, participations, etc.).
This qualitative evaluation will :
To accomplish all that we have planned from this starter proposal, we expect the whole process to take several years. The request for funds presented here corresponds to what is necessary to launch the project, therefore it only rewards the first 6 months, that is the start-up phase.
30 days - Milestone 1
150 days - Milestone 2
180 days - Milestone 3
30 days - Milestone 1
150 days - Milestone 2
180 days - Milestone 3
............................................................ESTIMATED BUDGET
ADMINISTRATION / MANAGEMENT ...................16 600
COMMUNICATION / MARKETING .................... .26 700
NFTs ...................................................................26 700
.............................................................. TOTAL 70 000 ADA
All of our budgeted prices are typical of projects and operations carried out by SQUEEZE for many years, i.e. they correspond to cheap price levels, or very cheap compared to commercial activity sectors. Working in the field of art and culture, we are experienced in project management on a limited budget on the one hand, on the other hand our structure is officially recognized as a non-profit general interest organization by the french tax administration, which allows us to benefit from a certain number of aids and legal flexibilities to mitigate the cost of our work.
1/ Resources mobilized within the association : part of the work is carried out on a voluntary basis and/or distributed over various activities of SQUEEZE.
Example :
6 months SQUEEZE lead project/coordinator (manager job) = 10,000 ADA = 3,000 euros = 500 euros/month.
The monthly working time that will be provided on the project = 75 hours per month minimum.
→Average monthly cost over 75 hours for a manager in France = 2,300 euros = 1,380 euros net income (total - employer charges/social security contributions) = 18.19 euros net income per hour.
→Monthly 75 hours Squeeze manager = 500 euros = 300 euros net income = 4 euros net income per hour.
The SQUEEZE team works for passion rather than money, we consider ourselves lucky to have the freedom to choose our missions while ensuring a sufficient level of remuneration for our chosen lifestyle.
2/ Freelance and/or external services : we have in most cases built up a long-standing network that agrees to negotiate friendly rates to correspond to our budgetary limits. We also have the possibility of exchanging, in a legal manner as a non profit organization, part of the cost of a product or a service in sponsorship in kind.
Finally and from a different point of view, the budget requested here corresponds to a launch budget. Thus the value invested can be considered as a long-term profit generator for the entire Cardano ecosystem since the positioning of the Tentacle Book Club will onboard new users/new opinion leaders with a profile totally foreign to the blockchain.
Lead management / communication strategy / evaluation
Renaud Vischi
DEA (pre-doctorate) from the Institute of Political Sciences – Grenoble, France
For 25 years, he has been coordinating and producing projects in the fields of social science research, print and digital communication, literary publishing and event production.
Blockchain and Cardano enthousiast since 2017
He is a Project Director at SQUEEZE.
Community management / PR
Monthira Petchen
Graduated from the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce - Bangkok
Customer manager for more than 20 years in audio visual and new technologies (physical stores and online businesses) with an international audience.
Former long distance runner.
Lead technician and graphic design
Jérôme Bertho
Teacher since 2014 in graphic communication and motion design, notably at the École des Mines d'Alès, for the Master CTN (Communication and Digital Technology).
Based in Montpellier (France), he has mainly worked in the fields of graphic design as a freelancer since 2001. He supports projects of public and private companies (architects, craftsmen, industrialists, etc.) both nationally and internationally.
Legal structure / administration / accounting
Association law 1901 (France)
Non-profit organization officiating in the field of cultural projects since 2004.