Last updated a year ago
The Cardano Community doesn’t have a purpose built home. Twitter, Reddit, and Discord offer communication methods that aren't designed from the ground up to be compatible with the Cardano ecosystem.
We will build a gorgeous front end that provides the Stoa contract NFTs with visual, interactive profile space. These NFTs will serve as the way Projects connect with users.
This is the total amount allocated to Profile & Project Account NFTs.
Ben Darvill
No dependencies.
Our smart contract will be fully open-source, however some parts of our application will be proprietary for security.
Stoa is a groundbreaking new way for projects and community members to connect.
Atrium has nearly completed development of Stoa, a smart contract that allows users to create and customize a profile NFT. Developed by Kompact, Stoa will store users' name, bio, status, XP, customization options, connections, and more in the smart contract’s datums.
Stoa NFTs follow the CIP-68 metadata standard. They can be updated using our user-friendly interface, giving users and projects the ability to customise the appearance of their publicly facing profile, whilst recording activity and ‘level up’ with engagement, earning rewards along the way.
The opportunities for Stoa to evolve are endless due the way the datums interact with smart contracts, opening the door to a wide range of on-chain activity linked to the profiles.
Minting an NFT profile, starts with choosing whether to approach the platform as an individual user, or as a larger organisation. Choosing an account name, display name, and including a brief about section.
User Profiles
For an individual profile, the user can add links to other social media accounts, and select profile tile visibility, in case you want to hide information from the profile. Options to change avatar, profile images and other theme customisations can be selected. The list of options will grow as profiles ‘level up’. More on that later.
Once the profile is created, users will be able to display their NFTs, tokens, staking stats and connections they make on the platform. They will also have a feed which is composed of objectives created by the projects they own and the projects/users they choose to follow.
Project Profiles.
For larger organisations, enhanced customisation options are available to allow brands to shine. Token projects can showcase key token data and price action. NFT projects can show off collections, whilst displaying the NFTs you yourself own. Stake pools can display their metrics, whilst allowing users to stake directly through the profile. Non-token organisations can display corporate info, news feeds and project information. In the future, projects with applications such as DEX’s can build swap functionality into their profile.
Level up.
Stoa NFT profiles can earn experience points through a variety of ways, daily logins, claiming tokens, posting messages, staking, swapping just to name a few. As profiles level up in experiences, new unlockables such as profile customisation items, avatars, special edition NFTs become available. Partner organisations are welcome to contribute to this.
The proposal put forward here focuses on funding the front-end platform that displays Project information from the NFT, and grants access to the profile. We have other proposals to help us fund other sections of development, as this is a continuous project that we aim to expand over time with new and exciting features on our roadmap.
Project profiles will eventually allow developers to integrate their working on-chain products directly into their NFT. Smart contract developers that release open-source code without a working product can display all of their contracts on one page. We're building a way for developers to connect to users.
User feedback will be our measure of success. Continuous onboarding of Cardano projects and users will be another metric.
The outputs of this proposal will be a platform that lives on Âtrium offering the ability for users to mint a profile & project NFT, add information such as display names, status, links, connections and imagery.
Our core team consists of multiple decades of front-end, back-end and full-stack experience, security experts and award winning designers with experience working for some of the largest most recognised brands in the world. Our founder Peyton, is the operator behind Bloom, one of the largest stake pools in the ecosystem responsible for minting the 8th block on the Cardano blockchain. All team members are Cardano community natives, with a love for the community and a united vision in building products that serve the ecosystem.
The main goal for this project is to create a Cardano Native platform for projects and users to connect with each other.
We’ve validated this approach is feasible by gathering user feedback, developing the smart contracts, and our existing experience in web design, the Cardano blockchain, and the programming languages we’re using to build this platform.
Milestone 1 (month 1):
Stoa Smart Contract
Project & User Profile User & Project Interaction Design
Milestone 2 (month 3):
Project & User Profile front-end Design
Milestone 3 (month 4):
Stoa Minting front-end/back-end design & integration with the smart contract.
Milestone 4 (month 6):
Âtrium Account minting and updates Testnet release
Milestone 5 (month 8):
Project & User Profile Testnet Release
Milestone 1:
Stoa Smart Contract
Project & User Profile User Experience Design
Milestone 2 (month 3):
Project & User Profile front-end Design
Milestone 3 (month 4):
Stoa Minting front-end/back-end design & integration with the smart contract.
Milestone 4 (month 6):
Âtrium Account minting and updates testnet release
Milestone 5 (month 8):
Project & User Profile Testnet Release
UI and UX design: 15k
Front end: 35k
Backend: 25k
Connection to the smart contract: 2k
Testing: 8k
We've already started developing Project & User pages. We have almost finished the underlying contract for Project & User pages after 5 months of development. Catalyst often funds ideas and takes risks on projects that haven't delivered real products to Cardano. Our team members have consistently delivered products to Cardano for years, and Catalyst takes less risk on this proposal due to existing development & reputable team.
Peyton: Âtrium Lab - Co-founder
Ben: Âtrium Lab - Co-founder and Creative Director
Brian: Âtrium Lab - Lead Developer
Nick: Âtrium Lab - Backend Developer
Angelo: Âtrium Lab - Full Stack Developer
Kyle: Âtrium Lab - Head of Security
Tylyn: Âtrium Lab - Social Manager