Last updated a year ago

CBIA - Augmenting Cardano Developer Portal with ecosystem compatibility & dependency visualizations for dev tools



Lack of insight on dependencies between tools causes delays propagating important / valuable updates across the ecosystem. It leads to unforeseen and challenging problems that are difficult to manage


Create a system for easy gathering of dependency/compatibility data across Cardano tools and expose it through insightful visualizations that enable one to browse and foresee downstream impacts.

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Varderes Barsegyan - Engineering Manager, Software Architect and Go Developer -

Maestro CTO, Genius Yield TPM;

Varderes Barsegyan is an engineer with a diverse background in physics, computer science, aerospace engineering, bioinformatics, and blockchain technology. As the Co-founder and CTO of Maestro, a leading provider of blockchain infrastructure for Cardano, he is trailblazing the way for the financial operating system of the world.

Chris Gianelloni - Platform Engineering Director, Open Source Developer -

Blink Labs CEO, Applause Director of Platform Engineering; Chris Gianelloni is an open source advocate with an extensive background in distributed systems and software release engineering. Before founding Blink Labs, he has contributed to the Hadoop and Chef ecosystems and served multiple roles with Gentoo Linux. Currently, he's leading Blink Labs in building a Go language community within Cardano.

Pedro Lucas - Technical Business Analyst -

Maestro Developer Experience, BizDez;

Pedro Lucas has over 20y experience in IT. Working as a Technical Business Analyst in Business Process Management and Decision support DataViz solutions in Finance and Banking. He has been in Crypto for 3y and 100% dedicated to Cardano communities and techology for almost 2y. Pedro has helped in Gimbalabs, amongst other communities, created and ran 'Cardano for non-techs' workshop sessions, and now collaborates with Maestro focusing on Developer Experience and Business Development.

Bohdan — Senior Front-end Engineer

Maestro engineer;

Bohdan is an experienced front-end developer with a background in computer science and software engineering, especially in web design and web development technologies.

Bohdan worked on a wide variety of projects, not only supporting and evolving existing ones but also creating new products from scratch and scaling them to the top-level extent.

He's new to the Crypto and Cardano Blockchain in particular, but passionate about learning and going deeper into its core concepts and key principles which becomes easier while working in the Maestro team encircled by great outgoing Cardano specialists.

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