Last updated a year ago

KuberIDE 2.0: A complete IDE for Plutus Smart Contracts development


Cardano developers need Remix like IDE that just works without any setup required which is lacking.


KuberIDE is a browser based IDE for complete Plutus smart contracts development. No setup required. Write Plutus contracts, compile them and create transactions, all within the browser.

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Sandip Pandey, Project Manager

Sudip Bhattarai, Lead engineer

Nabin Pokharel, Plutus/backend developer

Kushal Pokharel, Plutus/backend developer

Simran KC, Plutus/backend developer

Bibishan Pandey, frontend developer

Ankit Sapkota, frontend developer

Moni Dahal, Marketing and Promotion

This is the same team that built the current version of KuberIDE.

Kuber Team
Kuber Team