Fund13 - the votes are in!

ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

Perun Virtual Channels as Payment Infrastructure


The current Cardano network is limited in its ability to handle high transaction loads efficiently. This bottleneck limits the growth of Cardano for several use cases.


We propose to extend our existing Perun Payment Channel Backend (completed in Fund 8) with Virtual Channel support (no need for direct connections) as a first step to build micropayment networks.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Perun Virtual Channels as Payment Infrastructure.

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Faust (Head of research): Co-founder of PolyCrypt and co-inventor of the Perun Protocols. Head of research group for applied cryptography at TU Darmstadt, Germany. Numerous publications at renowned cryptography and computer security conferences such as CRYPTO, EUROCRYPT, S&P, CCS.

Hendrik Amler (Head of business and project management): Co-founder and CEO of PolyCrypt. Leads the business development. Will lead the project management.

Norbert Dzikowski (Core developer): Core developer of the Perun Framework since mid 2020. Experienced in a variety of programming languages including Go and Haskell who also worked on the F8 project Perun Channels on Cardano.

Jan Bormet (Core developer): Core developer of Perun since 2022, and experience in programming Perun Channels on Cardano from the F8 project, complementing our Cardano & eUTXO expert team with Norbert.