Last updated a year ago
Cardano NFTs are not accessible to holders of other cryptocurrencies, limiting their market and adoption.
We will build integrate an API that enables spot conversion and transfer of any crypto to buy Cardano NFTs
This is the total amount allocated to Spot Converter: Buy Cardano NFTs with Any Crypto.
Both are also co-founders
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Our proposal will contribute to this goal by creating new opportunities for decent work and economic growth in the digital art and collectibles industry. By enabling users to buy Cardano NFTs with any crypto, we will increase the income and livelihood of artists, creators, collectors, and enthusiasts who are involved in the Cardano NFT ecosystem. We will also create new jobs and skills for our project team and for other developers who want to integrate our API with their own NFT platforms or marketplaces.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Our proposal will contribute to this goal by fostering innovation and infrastructure development in the Cardano blockchain. By building a web-based API that enables spot conversion and transfer of any crypto to buy Cardano NFTs, we will demonstrate the technical feasibility and usability of our solution, as well as the interoperability and scalability of the Cardano blockchain. We will also promote the adoption and awareness of Cardano as a platform for digital art and collectibles, as well as for other use cases that require cross-chain transactions.
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
Our proposal will contribute to this goal by reducing inequalities in access to and participation in the digital art and collectibles industry. By enabling users to buy Cardano NFTs with any crypto, we will lower the barriers to entry and increase the diversity of users who can enjoy and benefit from Cardano NFTs. We will also empower users from different backgrounds, cultures, and regions to express themselves, share their stories, and connect with others through Cardano NFTs.
Our proposed solution is to integrate a web-based API that allows users to buy Cardano NFTs with any cryptocurrency, whether it is outside of the Cardano blockchain or a Cardano native token. The API will use a third-party service to perform the spot conversion of the user's crypto to ADA at the best available rate, and then transfer the ADA to the NFT seller's address. The user will receive the NFT in their Cardano wallet. The API will also provide a user interface that displays the available NFTs, their prices in different currencies, and the conversion rate. The API will be open-source and documented, so that anyone can integrate it with their own NFT platform or marketplace.
Our proposed solution addresses the challenge of increasing sustainability and onboarding users to the Cardano ecosystem by making Cardano NFTs more accessible and attractive to a wider audience of crypto holders. By enabling users to buy Cardano NFTs with any crypto, we will increase the demand and liquidity for Cardano NFTs, as well as the adoption and awareness of Cardano as a platform for digital art and collectibles. We will also reduce the friction and cost for users who want to buy Cardano NFTs but do not have ADA or do not want to exchange their crypto for ADA. We estimate that our solution will bring at least 1,000 new users to the Cardano ecosystem within 12 months of launching, and generate at least 100,000 transactions of buying Cardano NFTs with other cryptocurrencies.
Our plans to share the outputs and results of our project are:
We will validate if our approach is feasible by:
Our project's milestones and tasks are:
Milestone 1: Market research and user interviews (2 month)
Task 1.1: Define the target market and user segments for our solution
Task 1.2: Conduct online surveys and interviews with potential users of our solution
Task 1.3: Analyze the data and insights from the surveys and interviews
Task 1.4: Create user personas, user stories, and user journeys for our solution
Milestone 2: MVP testing (1 month)
Task 2.1: Recruit a small group of beta users who are interested in buying Cardano NFTs with other cryptocurrencies
Task 2.2: Deploy our MVP to a testnet environment and invite beta users to try it out
Task 2.3: Collect feedback from beta users on their experience, satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement
Task 2.4: Iterate on our MVP based on the feedback and data collected from beta users
Milestone 3: MVP launch (3 month)
Task 3.1: Deploy our MVP to a mainnet environment and launch it to the public
Task 3.2: Promote our MVP through various channels, such as social media, blogs, podcasts, events, etc.
Task 3.3: Monitor the performance, usage, and impact of our MVP
Task 3.4: Provide customer support and troubleshooting for our MVP users
The deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone are:
Milestone 1: Market research and user interviews
Deliverables: A market research report and a user interview summary that provide data and insights on the target market and user segments, their needs, preferences, pain points, and expectations for our solution
Outputs: User personas, user stories, and user journeys that define the features, functionality, and design of our solution
Intended outcomes: A clear understanding of the problem-solution fit and the value proposition of our solution for potential users
Measurement: The number of surveys and interviews conducted, the response rate, the quality of the data and insights collected, the feedback from potential users
Milestone 2: MVP testing
Deliverables: A beta testing report that provides feedback from beta users on their experience, satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement
Outputs: A refined MVP that incorporates the feedback and data collected from beta users
Intended outcomes: A validation of the product-market fit and the user acceptance of our solution
Measurement: The number of beta users recruited, the number of transactions performed by beta users, the feedback and data collected from beta users, the iteration on the MVP based on feedback and data
Milestone 3: MVP launch
Deliverables: A launch report that provides metrics on the performance, usage, and impact of our MVP
Outputs: A public launch of our MVP to the Cardano ecosystem and the NFT community
Intended outcomes: An increase in the demand and liquidity for Cardano NFTs, as well as the adoption and awareness of Cardano as a platform for digital art and collectibles
Measurement: The number of users who use our MVP to buy Cardano NFTs with other cryptocurrencies, the number and value of transactions performed by these users, the user feedback and satisfaction with our MVP, the media coverage and recognition of our project
Development: 75,000 ADA
API: 50,000 ADA
Backend: 12,500 ADA
Frontend: 7,500 ADA
Documentation and Marketing: 5,000 ADA
We have estimated the impact and benefits of our project for the Cardano ecosystem, and we believe that they outweigh the costs. Our project will increase the demand and liquidity for Cardano NFTs, as well as the adoption and awareness of Cardano as a platform for digital art and collectibles. Our project will also bring at least 10,000 new users to the Cardano ecosystem, and generate at least 100,000 transactions of buying Cardano NFTs with other cryptocurrencies.
Our team consists of Stale, Kieran, and Adawg who have blockchain and cardano dev experience across multiple services and projects. It also consists of Chadi and Nic who are experienced in BD, Sales, and Marketing and have been a part of many successful activations across Cardano.