Last updated a year ago
Lack of advanced features and cross-platform functionality in CardanoSharp, limiting development within Cardano ecosystem specifically with gaming / native desktop apps.
Upgrade CardanoSharp by adding composable minUtxo outputs, Aiken Compilation, Ex Unit calculations, coin selection algorithms, provider support, and ensuring multi-platform .NET compatibility.
This is the total amount allocated to Upgrade CardanoSharp Library: Cross-Platform Compatibility & Optimized Coin Selection.
Chrisptopher Maselli
Kyle Johns
This project has no dependencies
The project will be fully open source at
We're proposing a comprehensive upgrade of the CardanoSharp library. CardanoSharp is an invaluable tool for developers who use .NET and want to leverage Cardano's capabilities.
Currently there are 2 well known dapps that leverage CardanoSharp:
Both of these dapps along with many smaller ones can be dramatically improved with the following CardanoSharp Enhancements
The proposed solution will make CardanoSharp one of the premier libraries in the Cardano ecosystem. Being able to do everything from transaction building, coin selection, Ex Unit calculation, and fee calculation all in a composable way that works on every platform .Net is available on.
The success of the project can be confirmed if the features are added, tested, AND used effectively in live Cardano Dapps. It is very important that these features are needed by dapps before work begins.
I have had a hand in building both of the most popular dapps that use this library so I am confident in saying these features are needed.
I will be posting regular, almost daily updates on twitter and ideally other social media outlets too regarding this work. The posts will consistent of tech screenshots, link to github commits, and timing calculations to show the benefits of what is being added
I have written 4 Dapps for Cardano, 2 of which are operation and successful and have also already built all of the smart contract support into the CardanoSharp library. While Kyle is a very talented .NET developer and stake pool operator who was the original author of the CardanoSharp Library
The main goal is the ensure that CardanoSharp remains a premier statically typed backend library for Cardano transactions to make it simple, easy, and intuitive to build dapps on the chain.
These proposed feature adds are critical in order to maintain the library and ensure it excels.
The cost of the project is extremely valuable for the ecosystem as Cardano needs a top tier statically typed backend language library for large enterprise applications.
Nearly every mobile game and indie game runs on C# meaning this library will be used by every C# / Unity game leveraging the Cardano Blockchain.
Avatar Nick - - .NET Developer / Smart Contract Developer
Nick will be in charge of the transaction builder and the Plutus VM addition
Avatar Chris - - .NET Developer
Chris will add the provider support
Kyle Johns -
Kyle will be in charge of automated testing and ensuring the quality is high caliber