Last updated a year ago
managing and overseeing development is a complex and difficult task. As domain experts Dreps are perfectly positioned to collaborate in managing funds release similar to catalyst, but for 1694
Dreps should have a role in overseeing reporting development of funded proposals (CIP1694), this will be assigned randomly to avoid bribery and coercion as best as possible
This is the total amount allocated to DRep Gov Jury Duty.
IOG, Cardano Foundation, for implementing this solution
Project will be fully open source
We suggest having a randomised set of DReps required to take part in oversight of project reporting for Cardanos overarching governance model in the age of Voltaire.
this will work like jury duty, where random dreps will be assigned to oversee the development of projects at each milestone stage of their implementation.
This will help develop accountability for projects and proposals funded through on-chain governance and will enable a selection of domain experts to review the output of proposals through each stage.
This will be randomly assigned and done at every stage to help mitigate the potential for bribery and manipulation by projects, as well as enable projects to request a second review from a different (randomly selected) committee of dreps if felt that the initial review is unfair.
Ultimately the community need to make sure proposals that do get funded are providing those solutions, the potential for lots of funds to disappear because of voting manipulation in any form is a real risk of fully open community governance.
Giving Dreps the role of managing and overseeing funded proposals will add an extra layer of security and reason for dreps to contribute further towards the process of on-chain governance.
This will help the community weed out unavailable dreps or potentially malicious ones, but it will also create a great early stage and continuing feedback loop for funded proposals, to ensure work is being done.
the formation of a Drep jury duty or some other similar system of oversight along these lines.
We will share the output of these results through documentation, reporting of conversations with domain experts and discussing these concepts and how they can be improved and implemented effectively
I have been heavily involved in Catalyst since its inception. I have been a circle member, proposer, assessor and now challenge team lead. I have taken part in many governance conversations, including several CIP1694 calls and workshops, and during that time I have thought a lot about (and experienced) the need for managing funded projects and proposals. The same as in catalyst also goes for the greater ecosystem.
I will work through this proposal openly with the cardano community reporting on events, discussions and developments as they happen, and I will remain open to suggestions of improvements and ideas throughout the process.
the main goal is to set up dreps to have a required service they need to take, aptly named jury duty, for the sake of the greater cardano community to keep track of proposals that they fund through CIP1694 governance.
having done workshops and discussions recently it is clear that the process is still undergoing improvements and is open to suggestions from the community, so it is more than feasible that this proposal will achieve its goal
2 contact the CIP & Gov teams of groups involved to set up calls to discuss this proposal
3, iterate and improve on the suggested mechanism
4, implement it into the CIP and establish it as a process for Dreps
the budget is purely to cover my time costs in following through on the proposal,
writing up the process, organising & coordinating times and scheduling/participating in calls,
iterating upon the document of proposal
documenting the process and sharing it with the community
an implementing the solution
If this is implemented it will give a clear method of community oversight to the Cardano community, a way for them to trust that proposals they funded with the treasury are being worked on and are moving towards completion. This is exponentially more valuable than this proposal as it will help move the ecosystem forward and will add an important role to on chain governance
at the moment it is just me, although I am in discussions with other community members who participated in the ideation of this mechanism to involve them in the process as well, I will update it when that is confirmed