Last updated a year ago
Many Cardano users are unaware of project catalyst, how to be an informed voter, and the dRep role specifically. There is not enough Marketing, Lets fix it with a marketing blitz.
A dRep marketing blitz is needed to promote understanding of the roles responsibilities and highlight the incentives. We will design and distribute marketing marterials and promote to the community.
“No dependencies.”
“Project will be fully open source.”
SDG goals:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment
Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
The proposed solution will include a full marketing blitz aimed at onboarding dRep's and explaining the incentives and strategies for success as an dRep. Will include out reach on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and Reddit, using artistic methods to spread awareness. we will also set up interviews, discussions, appearances, on as many platforms and community groups and members as possible. will also host marathon twitter spaces to increase engagement.
Many Cardano users are unaware of project catalyst and dRep role specifically. Outreach and marketing for educational and promotional purposes would be a great improvement / benefit to project Catalyst. All content will be open source creative commons and can be used as educational tools in the future to keep growing catalyst and the dRep role specifically.This Solution will address the challenge for DREP improvments by raising awarness of what this program actually does so that community members can participate. This will benefit the Cardano ecosystem by incresing participation thus making the DREP program function properly. This initiative would provide valuable education to current and potential dRep's.
Success would mean to have a robust marketing strategy that captivates the audience and increases awareness about the dRep role in project catalyst.The project will document number of posts, likes, comments, video views, to track engagement and will make all data available to the public with full transparency.
The project will document number of posts, likes, comments, video views, to track engagement and will make all data available to the public with full transparency. The Completed project will contain receipts for all statistics and data related to the ooutputs produced and will be in NFT form distributed to the community at no charge.
This is a brand new proposal from an experienced Cardano user and Community member. Fractal Fuzion has participated in Catalyst in Fund 8 and 9 and has demonstrated the ability to complete projects, and deliver to the community. There is a proven trackrecord of success, and accountability to the Cardano Community.
The main goals of this project is to have a robust marketing strategy that captivates the audience and increases awareness about the dRep role in project catalyst.
The 1rst phase will Last approx. 1 month and will set up the infrastructure of the campaign. We will design all of the marketing materials including comprehensive Videos, logos, banners, 3d, AR, CNFT content. During this period we will also set up interviews, discussions, appearances, on as many platforms and community groups and members as possible.
The 2nd Phase will be aimed at onboarding and educating quality DREPS. The marketing blitz will focus on finding active Cardano community members in their respective online ecosystems. The marketing will deploy all of the materials that were made in phase 1 and will execute the full schedule of appearances, discussions, and interviews.
The 3rd Phase will include recording progress of the entire campaign. will document the highlights into a CNFT that will be distributed as a record of information about the campaign. Make available free of charge to everyone to further push the information / educational reference materials into the community. This should be finished about 3 months from initial funding.
1rst Phase
Infrastructure of the campaign, Videos, logos, banners, 3d, AR, CNFT content, recorded interviews, discussions, appearances.
2nd Phase
Onboarded DREPS / Eductaed Community
3rd Phase
CNFT that will be distributed as a record of information about the campaign. Make available free of charge to everyone to further push the information / educational reference materials into the community.
Phase 1 Prepare
160 hours - ₳15,000 ADA - Prep Art/marketing materials/Videos
Budget for freelance artists and virtual assistant's to be divided among several artists and marketing professionals. This will refine work overall to produce the highest quality possible. bring in extra talents and be as efficient as possible. will be used at discretion to support development.
Phase 2 the Blitz
80 hours - ₳20,000 ADA - execute marketing blitz - 40 hours of platform distributions - 20 hours of on air time - 20 hours prep.
Phase 3 Documentation
40 hours - ₳5000 - Edit new content into CNFT, Distribute CNFT, Continue to market the new resources available and the accomplishments that were made during Blitz.
₳5000 technical budget to accomplish widespread distribution methods including faucets, , and other publishing platforms.
compensation hours worked
compensation for freelance
expenses rembursment.
Fractal Fuzion - Project manager
independent artists on Cardano.