Last updated a year ago

Extending CENT Basic smart contracts repository (1-click deployment and open source)


Free, open source smart contracts that can be deployed by anyone should be easily available. The Cardano community need access to ready-made smart contracts without having to buy from developers


CENT already provides a repository of reusable and easy to set up smart contracts and a concept dapp we call public micro drive (PMD). We propose to extend this with even more basic contracts

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The project will be developed in its entirety by CENT.

CENT is a long time developer in the Cardano community. After 20 years of experience as software developer, consultant and project manager, CENT has developed tools and technology on the Cardano blockchain since 2020.

The repository we are going to extent, already exists and can be viewed at

CENT is also developer of the funded proposal from Catalyst Fund 8 “NFT Swap pool infrastructure templates”, which is currently being finalized. The project contains a dapp and two configurable smart contracts to allow NFT artists to arrange NFT swap pools where NFT collectors can swap a NFT for another NFT from the same collection. The swap is managed by a smart contract. The project code can be reviewed at and in the following videos you can see demos of the swap pools in action on the Cardano Pre-production testnet 

CENT also participated in the Plutus Pioneer Program, 1st cohort in 2021 which is a popular smart contract course delivered by IOHK (IOG)