ID: #1000112 | Status:
In progress

Last updated 12 days ago

Mithril - Open-source contributor


Mithril is a promising tool that will enable new use-cases in the Cardano ecosystem. It’s a great example of an open-source project, but it has little involvement from contributors outside of IOHK.


Assign a Rust dev from outside IOHK team to become a part-time open-source contributor to the Mithril project for 6 months to accelerate the roadmap and introduce an outside perspective.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Mithril - Open-source contributor. 3 out of 4 milestones are complete

Total funds requested
Distributed: ₳123,574
Remaining: ₳19,997
In Progress
To be completed
Total Votes
Votes Yes
Votes No

Monthly report

NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here

Progress report

On track: No
Estimated completion date: -

Progress report

On track: No
Estimated completion date: -


This project will be coordinated by the TxPipe team. In particular, the following people will be involved in the development:

  • Santiago Carmuega (TxPipe): will be in charge of candidate evaluation and contact point with Mithril core team.
  • Federico Weill (TxPipe): will be responsible for project management.

As explained in the solution section, a new hire will take care of the role of Rust developer for the actual contributions.

Santiago Carmuega
Santiago Carmuega
Federico Weill
Federico Weill