Last updated a year ago
The core of real estate tokenization centers around verification of the real estate data. Lack of transparency of centralized providers (banks, NBFCs & lenders) leads to potential corruption.
Smart Contracts can probably solve the huge burden of bookkeeping and making tax statements to gov. agencies. An automatic solution would be a great benefit for small businesses and gov. oversight.
This is the total amount allocated to Automatic bookkeeping and automatic Yearly Statements with smart contracts.
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Project will be fully open source
Automatic bookkeeping and automatic Yearly Statements
The problem
Record keeping and bookkeeping with yearly statements for tax purposes and other is a huge task of every small and medium sized businesses. It is very costly, and time consuming for small businesses to keep track of financial matters and an ever increasing burden to comply with government regulations and deadlines.
The solution
I want to investigate if it is possible to make a system of smart contracts that keep track of individual sales of companies, calculate and collect taxes (like a VAT tax) and deliver them to the government, municipalities or other institutions. These smart contracts would then also be usable to make yearly (or monthly or whatever) statements and the government or other public institutions that are supposed to oversee and keep track of things, would have a limited access to the information that has to do with its field.
The implementation
Iceland is a small closed economy with a high level of education and digital experience and utilization. It would be a good place to develop such a system and bring it to use.
What to do?
A 2-4 month work with experts is needed and the end product would be a report with outlining of the project, what is needed, what is possible and how the next steps would look like.
This would bring a huge benefit to the Cardano ecosystem as it will make a huge impact in securing the blockchain and the industry as a whole and would also bring a useful and beneficial instrument in everyday's life. It will simplify the work of taxation of governments and in securing the privacy of the businesses as access is limited to those who need it and to what is needed.
Success would be measured in the document that will be produced. It has to be read and edited by people from various fields.
I would use the document to apply for further assistance in exploring and making prototypes. If available in the Cardano ecosystem and also apply for funding from Innovation funds in Iceland.
I have a BS degree in Business science from the University of Akureyri and general skills in accounting, economics etc.. Also a lot of common sense.
The goal is to lay out the ground, in a document, for the automation of bookkeeping and overall account statements of small businesses. Implementation would preferably be in Iceland as it is a small economy but at the same time technically advanced with a high level of education.
The only milestone would be to finish the paper for review and as a ground for further work and for another applications.
A paper 10-20 pages long outlining the project.
Salary and an expenditure for specialists knowledge
25000 Ada
It would bring gigantic usage into the system.
I am the only one at the moment. I would need someone with knowledge in making smart contracts to comment on questions I have to make.