Last updated a year ago
SMEs and Informal Businesses dominate Africa's economy, yet are financially excluded, how do we provide identity & financial inclusiveness for informal biz
(SMEs) in Africa?
Build DApp with triple-entry accounting on Cardano Blockchain to provide
identity & financial inclusiveness for informal businesses in Africa.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Ubuntu Informal Business Registry & Accounting dApp - a blockchain-based solution for informal businesses in Africa.
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
The proposal in a broader sense seeks to develop the private-informal sector
(a sector that directly engages many livelihoods in Africa) in Ghana and Africa
at large. This when executed through the Ubuntu Origins Africa organization
would go a long way to achieving sustainable development goals such as;
SDG Goal 1 - No Poverty
SGD Goal 2 - No Hunger
SDG Goal 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth
SDG Goal 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
The proposal seeks to provide identity and develop informal businesses in Africa by providing DApp solutions for simple accounting, marketing, management and tracking SMEs business progress with less documentation which would form the basis for creditworthiness, financial inclusion, and access to financing instruments tailored to the needs of the informal business (rural and urban) for growth and expansion.
Solution in Details
It has been said by Charles Hoskinson that, ‘Cardano is an open platform that seeks to provide economic identity to billions who lack it by providing decentralized applications to manage identity, value and governance’. With Cardano’s strategic plan for Africa, there is no greater way to help Africa without focusing on its traditional economy thus the informal sector. This sector is important because it sustains billions of livelihoods in Africa. According to Africa Development Bank (2013), the informal sector is a major source of employment which accounts for 70% of employment in Sub-Sahara Africa and 60% in North Africa. The World Bank (2020) has reiterated that the urban informal sector accounts for 80.8% of employment in Africa.
The informal economy in Africa is bigger and impacts most livelihoods in Africa. It is the very backbone of Africa’s economic activities. It includes the local corner shop, street vendor, and as high as manufacturing. They are full of creators and entrepreneurs and a unique space that is advancing decentralized solutions off-grid. The off-grid feature existing in their operation makes it difficult to identify and takes a longer time to build trust and mutual cooperation. A blockchain is a platform to integrate informal sector activities on the grid with a focus on reducing the risk associated with the informal sector and build dApp tool to provide identification and accounting and financial inclusion for the informal sector.
Our DApp would be built to develop a registry and accounting solutions for the informal sector businesses which would be the basis for financial inclusiveness.
Solution A - The Registry
The focus of the centralized government has priority in increasing taxes and formalizing businesses within the informal sector. The former has deepened the burden and increased production cost whereas the latter has not been effective at all.
The informal sector is rooted in traditional African origins hence, understanding the need for the sector to maintain its original form while undertaking initiatives to boost productivity levels among players in the sector is the way to go and blockchain technology would be effective in maintaining their original form whilst increasing productivity levels. Increasing productivity is the surest way to make the informal sector bridge the gap with the formal sector and progressively formalize and improve the livelihoods of their workforce. This would require a strategic partnership to provide financial inclusiveness and an identification system for players in the sector.
The Registry would function using smart contracts to provide a unique identity for individual businesses in the informal sector. The identification would function in three ways;
The four functions would interplay to provide unique identities for informal businesses which would facilitate access to financial assistance which is absent in the operations of the sector. The quality of identification would be leveraged to provide credibility and reliability for strategic partnerships, reduce risk and increase productivity. For instance, the number of workforces employed by a particular informal business is a good indicator of accessing the strength, growth, and expansion of the business in Africa. It is trite that the private informal sector would not employ anyone unless you add value to their business operation (unlike the public/government sector).
Solution B - Triple-Entry Accounting
Businesses in the informal sector do not have the requisite capital to hire professionals to handle certain aspects of their businesses. The informal sector is common among the youth (95.8% ages 15-24) in Africa. The World Bank (2020) has estimated that the size of the working-age population would increase to 224.0 million by 2030 and 730.4 million by 2050. This present and niche easy usage for dApp tools that respond to the needs of the informal sector. The triple-entry accounting is a basic accounting tool tailored to the needs of informal businesses in Africa.
Triple-entry accounting is a hybrid of cost accounting and financial accounting systems with entry-selected entry components suitable to the needs of businesses uniquely identified and classified in the DApp Registry. Double entry cannot be omitted in accounting with associated debit and credit accounts, the addition here, is the third component which is the Cardano blockchain hence making it a triple-entry accounting dApp solution that is secured, opened, and transparent.
For instance, traditional double-entry accounting system, each business has its own debit and credit accounts. A transaction of $10,000 between Company A (Buyer) and Company B (Seller) can be recorded differently in the respective books of the company. Company A would not know how Company B recorded the transaction. There can be errors, omissions, or fraud associated with traditional double-entry accounting systems.
Positively, blockchain is the third component that would provide more transparency in accounting. The Triple-Entry Accounting would simultaneously add a third entry and post the third entry in a shared ledger that can be seen by all participants. The posting and verifying transactions can be done by informal businesses without a central authority. The Blockchain would be used to create a unique cryptographically sealed receipt with a unique digital signature for each entry.
Final Step - Starting Point
The combination of the Registry and Triple-Entry Accounting would commence in Ghana. The proposal seeks to commence in Ghana as a focus region for the project. Ghana is among the countries in Africa with cryptocurrency usage and exchanges operate with no stringent blockchain/cryptocurrency regulations. Hence providing a good environment that is a suitable place for take-off.
According to the Ghana Living Standard Survey (2019), the informal sector employs 72% of the economically active population whereas the formal sector employs 28%. The informal sector plays a major role in private activities that boost the economy of Ghana. Ghana’s private sector employs 92% of the economically active population.
This provides a great need for the Ubuntu Informal Business Registry & Accounting dApp and would serve informal businesses.
This project has collaboration with Inversion and their team of developers to provide technical expertise specifically for the development of the dApp. (See
How Integrated DApp Registry & Accounting on Blockchain Addresses the Challenge
The Blockchain technology provides a platform that requires less documentation and bypasses traditional banking services, therefore leveling the economic playing field between informal businesses, Micro, Small, Medium size enterprise (MSMEs), and big corporate firms. Hence expanding financial services to unbanked and underserved customer markets. Cardano blockchain is suitable because it possesses a unique governance and evidence-based platform for change makers and the dApp value of scaling the ecosystem and adoption in Africa through developing traditional systems that impact livelihoods in Africa.
The Cardano Ubuntu Informal Business Registry & Accounting DApp also addresses the challenge by providing the informal sector community with identity and financial inclusion that the existing centralized systems do not provide and this dApp provides a core solution to advance the development of informal sector businesses in Africa. It provides an improved and decentralized solution to the existing centralized financial sector that has isolated SMEs to the marginal. Thus, in solving the problem of identity and financial inclusion, the informal sector would have reason to increase and interact with Cardano blockchain.
The informal sector in Africa has real innovators, entrepreneurs, and creators that provide a decentralized solution in the real world. Chinalysis has estimated that Africa received $105.6 billion worth of cryptocurrency payments between July 2020 and June 2021, a 1200 percent increment. It is noted that Peer-to-peer transaction was dominant in Africa. This provides proven evidence or proof of concept that the demonstration of decentralized finance is known to the informal sector in Africa.
With integrated blockchain registry and accounting solutions, businesses in the informal sector would evolve the following in Africa
§ Management: Update on a shared ledge provides real-time information to informal business owners, problem-solving, and time to formulate strategies that address the current and future problems of businesses.
§ Auditing: Some audit procedures would not be necessary with the Cardano blockchain such as bank confirmation, verifying balances between buyer and seller, and inter-business transactions verification. Sampling is not needed because auditors can see and verify all transactions on the shared ledge with less time.
§ Accountant: Change the role of accountants from bookkeeping and reporting to become part of planners, decision-makers, advisors, and strategic partners for a successful business.
The Cardano Ubuntu Informal Business Registry and Accounting dApp would improve and provide more use cases to the Cardano Ecosystem. This includes;
The team defines success by the impact we create for businesses in the informal sector, giving them an identity and imprint through a dApp with triple-entry accounting on the Cardano Blockchain that can be relied on for their financial inclusion in Ghana and Africa at large. Specifically, the following metrics define our success:
Key Performance Indicators
Key Indicators for Success
The project team behind the project welcomes openness to catalyst community members and businesses in the informal sector as well. and has integrated progress reports that would be published monthly on the website. Also, DApp development would be documented in Github. The project team is committed to providing funding updates, impact, and progress reports on Discord.
Our dApp uses triple-entry accounting on the Cardano Blockchain to enable identification and financial inclusion for informal businesses in Africa and has a number of shared outputs and results:
A. Increased Access to Financial Services
Output - Developing dApp to provide previously unbanked informal companies access to financial services including savings accounts, loans, and payment options.
Results - This may lead to greater financial inclusion, allowing SMEs to expand their operations, make investments in assets, and handle their money more skillfully.
B. Enhanced Identity Verification
Output - Set up a safe and unchangeable identity verification system for SMEs on dApp.
Results - This can facilitate easier transactions and lower the risk of identity fraud by increasing confidence between businesses, clients, and financial institutions.
C. Improved Transparency and Accountability
Output - Use of triple-entry accounting on the blockchain to improve financial transaction transparency, secured business records, and accountability.
Results - Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can keep an auditable, tamper-proof record of their financial transactions, which fosters more confidence and makes it simpler to obtain financial services, financing, and investments and provide credit scores.
D. Cost Reduction and Efficiency Gains
Output - The dApp would expedite financial operations, lowering transaction costs and increasing efficiency, by utilizing blockchain technology and smart contracts.
Results - This can save costs for SMEs and make financial transactions faster and more secure.
E. Strengthened Economic Growth
Output - Providing SMEs with financial services and greater financial management skills to help Africa's economy expand.
Results - The expansion of these companies may result in the creation of jobs, a rise in productivity, and general economic growth.
F. Advancing Cardano Blockchain Ecosystem
Output - Utilization of the dApp would help to advance Cardano's blockchain ecosystem in Africa and facilitate expansion.
Results - The utility would encourage cooperation among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), developers, financial institutions, and regulators, fostering an atmosphere that is favorable to innovation, entrepreneurship, and technical improvements.
Our team has been active in the catalyst ecosystem since fund 7. With experience in both business and nonprofit management, project management, and compliance.
I’ve been an active community advisor, a voter, and a proponent with two community-funded and executed projects. The successful execution of those projects has propelled us with experience in mobilizing grassroots for blockchain adoption as well as engaging policymakers and regulators through policy dialogues. (See reference to proposal,
Apart from our active involvement in the catalyst space, our team brings not only extensive experience and a high level of engagement in the Cardano Project Catalyst in terms of project implementation and successful outcomes that lead to onboarding and promoting Cardano among grassroots within our local communities.
Having successfully completed projects in the past, our experience and commitment to transparency and accountability through detailed and understandable community reporting. In addition, our transparency with project challenges amalgamates to building trust and accountability consciousness in the community.
Our team’s skills, experience, and commitment to goal-oriented solutions for scaling the Cardano ecosystem by leveraging blockchain solutions to local problems including developing dApp contribute to building credibility and reputation for achieving project deliverables.
The main goal of the project is to:
The solution seeks to develop a dApp with triple-entry accounting on Cardano Blockchain to provide
identity & financial inclusiveness for informal businesses in Africa. The project provides identity and financial inclusiveness for informal businesses in Africa but would commence with those in Ghana.
The successful execution of the project would hinge on technical, operational, and project scheduling.
Technical - The technical experts for the project are vested with experienced developers with full knowledge of Cardano Blockchain and integrating dApp development tools. Developers at Inversion have proven and established experience that is appropriate and effective in providing the required functions including compatible smart contract language and the Cardano blockchain is suitable for scaling.
Operational - The project practically aligns to provide a solution that is currently needed by SMEs to provide financial inclusion and expand their business interest. Therefore, SMEs and informal businesses' readiness to adopt and utilize dApp once it is created is high. This is because access to credit is a major challenge to informal businesses therefore, the dApp solution provides a critical business solution for easy adoption and utilization.
Project Scheduling - The project timeline is flexible to ensure achieving project milestones. With an agile implementation approach, the timeline is structured to concord with the catalyst resource and funding batch to ensure the efficient use of resources. This helps to mitigate risks on resource availability.
Sustainability - The project in the long term would charge minimum fees to sustain and maintain dApp operations. Also, there is the possibility of internet infrastructure expansion as well as the growing educated population to enable the utilization of dApp solutions.
The team has estimated to execute the project in the next 5 months. We seek funding to enable the execution of the project which is to develop the dApp with triple-entry accounting on Cardano Blockchain. The breakdown of the project activities are as follows:
Phase A: 1 – 3 Weeks
§ Information Gathering & Planning
§ Kick-off Meeting
Phase B: 4 - 8 Weeks
§ User Research
§ Strategic Partnership Outreach & Research
§ dApp development Commencement
Phase C: 9 - 12 Weeks
§ User Onboard Strategic Plan
§ Marketing (Digital & Traditional mediums)
§ Monitoring & Evaluating Report
Phase D: 13 – 17 Weeks
§ Completion of dApp development
§ Launch & Test-net
§ Informal Business Engagement
§ Host workshop to educate informal sector businesses owners/players
Phase E: 18 – 20 Weeks
§ dApp Deployment
§ Finalizing Project Completion & Report
The overall timeline provides a framework to achieve 7 milestones and detailed activities as follows:
Milestone 1: Project Initiation
Milestone 2: Requirements Gathering and Design
Milestone 3: Smart Contract Development and Integration
Milestone 4: Front-end and Back-end Development
Milestone 5: Testing and Quality Assurance
Milestone 6: Deployment and Launch
Milestone 7: User Adoption and Growth
The project deliverables are results to be achieved at each milestone. The Outputs are specific initiatives within our control to be produced and our intended outcomes are expected impacts that correlate with undertaken outputs. This is detailed below:
Milestone 1: Project Initiation
Intended Outcomes
Milestone 2: Requirements Gathering and Design
Intended Outcomes
Milestone 3: Smart Contract Development and Integration
Intended Outcome
Milestone 4: Front-end and Back-end Development
Intended Outcome
Milestone 5: Testing and Quality Assurance
Intended Outcome
Milestone 6: Deployment and Launch
Intended Outcome
Milestone 7: User Adoption and Growth
Intended Outcomes
Budget (ADA)
The budget is detailed and structured along with our activities. The allocation of the amount is based on the estimation that the price of ADA is $0.24. The working duration, a day is estimated as 7 hours, 5 days for a week and 10 days make 2 weeks. Our total ask is 504810 ADA. Below is the detail.
Planning and Gathering of Requirements
6250 ADA
User Interface (UI) Design
Adoption requires creating an interface that is simple and easy to use.
1458/Day * 1 Weeks = 7290 ADA
Front-end Development
Creating user interactions and integrating them with the Cardano blockchain network
3500/Day * 6 Weeks = 105000 ADA
Back-end Development
Creating smart contracts, integrating the business logic, and implementing the Cardano blockchain
4375/Day * 11 Weeks = 240625 ADA
Testing and Quality Assurance
Thoroughly test the dApp to identify and fix any bugs or flaws.
1888/Day * 3 Weeks = 28333 ADA
Deployment and Launch
The dApp deployed to the Cardano blockchain
2500/Day * 1 Week = 12500 ADA
Product Management
358/Day * 12 Weeks = 21480 ADA
Marketing & Advertising
2083/Day * 4 Weeks = 41666 ADA
Informal Sector Education & Workshop
Undertake 3 educational and Outreach Workshop
10416/Event * 3 Events = 31250 ADA
Team Fees
10416 ADA
Total ………………………. 504810
Building a dApp with triple-entry accounting on the Cardano Blockchain with the goal of supplying identification and financial inclusion for unregistered firms in Africa would benefit the Cardano ecosystem by providing value for money in the following ways.
Overall, the expansion of Cardano's ecosystem and long-term viability as a top blockchain platform can be aided by the project's successful completion.
Jacques Bosch, Founer, Inversion - dApp Developers
Jacques has 3 decades of experience in building systems for human utilization. Our project has a good collaboration with Inversion ( for technical expertise. The team of developers has tremendous years of experience integrating traditional software systems with blockchain platforms; wallets, native tokens, NFT minting, and smart contracts. This level of technical expertise is important to facilitate the development and successful execution of the proposed dApp solution.
Nathaniel Dwamena - Chief Operation Officer
He has a B. A (Hons) in Geography and Rural Development and 2023 candidate for Bachelor of Law. He is a researcher and has more than seven years of experience in think tank development, non-profit management, and business development consulting. He was part of the team contracted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ Ghana) to conduct a study on red tape for doing business in Ghana. He successfully completed think tank training in Nigeria and project management training in Kenya, which aided in his successful graduation from the Atlas Leadership Academy, Atlas Network (USA). He is a member of Wada and has been involved in Catalyst since Fund 7 as a proposal advisor and proponent who has successfully completed two projects.
LinkedIn :
Kingsley Mensah - Chief Technical Officer
He holds an MSc. in Computer Science & Technology. Founder of a web hosting company, Kingscel Technologies. He has proven skills in web designing, software development, computer networking and security, Javascript, Plutus, and CSS, and loves ideas for a free society. He was awarded the Star of Innovation Award in 2019 by the Hubei University of Technology (China). He also received the Young Achievers Award at the Pride of Africa Awards (Asia) 2020 by Appreciate Africa Network (Asia).
LinkedIn -
Charles Fiifi Hagan - Accountant
He has a BSc (Hons) in Business Administration (Accounting). He is a Pastor and a business development consultant and has more than seven years of experience in Ministry Accounting and, and business development consulting. He is the CEO of Chems Consultants, a business consortium that aims at helping startups. He has consulted for a few startups that are currently finding
their feet in the world of business.
Joshua Larweh Tetteh - Agri-business Lead & Coordinator
He has a BSc. (Hons) in Agriculture. He has more than three years of experience in volunteer management and non-profit management. He is part of the team at the Ashanti Regional Department of Agriculture which coordinates the activities of the Government of Ghana's Planting for Food and Jobs program in the region to ensure that there are checks and balances. He has been involved in catalyst since Fund 8 as a Community Advisor.