Last updated 7 months ago
Currently there are a lot of tool missing to drive user growth in the segment of onchain games and autonomous worlds, despite it being one of the fastest growing segments in crypto
We plan to build a suite of tools to make user acquisition for onchain gaming and autonomous world use-cases significantly easier
This is the total amount allocated to Core integrations to support the fast-growing onchain games and autonomous world segment. 1 out of 6 milestones are completed.
Shinkai Visor
Cost: ₳ 75,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Game Templates for Shinkai Visor
Cost: ₳ 97,130
Delivery: Month 4 - Feb 2024
Enable Device-Specific Key-Pair for Wallet Transactions
Cost: ₳ 97,130
Delivery: Month 4 - Feb 2024
Enable Social Login for Easy Wallet Delegation
Cost: ₳ 97,130
Delivery: Month 6 - Apr 2024
Biometrics login
Cost: ₳ 97,130
Delivery: Month 8 - Jun 2024
Project Completion
Cost: ₳ 119,238
Delivery: Month 10 - Aug 2024
Nicolas Arqueros
Robert Kornacki
Paima Studios
No dependencies
Although all these tools will generally be open source with templates available for projects to use, we cannot guarantee every single component of these tools will be open source
This proposal is the combination of thee separate tasks
Building out this tooling will position Cardano as a leader in the growing field of onchain games and autonomous worlds
Each tool has its own success metric embedded inside its document, but generally revolve around usage metrics of the tools
Each tool has its own plan embedded inside its document, but generally include integration of these tools into the Paima ecosystem
dcSpark and Paima Studios are well renowned companies in the Cardano ecosystem that have a long history of delivering on Catalyst proposals. You can find progress on grants we have previously received at
Each tool has its own goal and feasibility embedded inside its document, but generally speaking the goal is to greatly improve user experience for onchain games to avoid common issues such as having to constantly sign wallets or having to own a Cardano wallet beforehand
Each tool has its own milestone breakdown embedded inside it
Each tool has its own deliverable list embedded inside its document, but deliverable generally include the writing of the tools and their integration into Paima Engine
Each tool has its own budget embedded inside its document
Each tool has its own rationale embedded inside its document, but each tool will increase the usability of games in the Cardano ecosystem, which will drive transaction volume, NFT volume and grow the number of entrepreneurs in the ecosystem
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Paima Studios: project management
dcSpark: implementer