ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

Djed Osiris Stablecoin on Cardano's EVM Sidechain Milkomeda


Cardano needs to be more accessible and known to the public. We are building a wiki that explains the basics to new users (in special regard to Eternl).


We have researched and implemented the Osiris version of the Djed stablecoin protocol to Milkomeda. The Osiris version improves the Minimal version in ways that make it more robust.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Djed Osiris Stablecoin on Cardano's EVM Sidechain Milkomeda.

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


This project benefitted from contributions by people and teams who wish to remain anonymous and by people and teams whose identity and participation in the project is known. Below we list only the latter. Furthermore, we distinguish them in two groups: people/teams whose work has been accounted in this proposal's budget and people whose work has not been accounted in the budget.

People whose contributions have not been accounted in this proposal's budget:

Teams and People whose contributions have been accounted in this proposal's budget:

  • Bloxico:
  • Katarina Antic: management of the frontend upgrade.
  • Kristina Pejcic: software development of the frontend for upgraded contracts.
  • Danilo Kitanovic: development of smart contracts.
  • Nikola Jovancevic: quality assurance and tests.
  • Tomislav Ivanovic: devops. 
  • Australian Open Source Software Innovation and Education:
  • Raj Ranjan
  • Smart contract development, tests and IPFS CD configuration.
  • Ayush Tiwari:
  • Smart contract development and tests.
  • Thespian:
  • Home-page design and implementation.
  • Alexis Hernandez (WiringBits, former technical architect for Atala at IOG): 
  • Configuring the Djed Alliance's repository settings and setting up Code Preview, to ease the review of pull requests and improve our PR processes.