Last updated a year ago
Cardano Blockchain needs more generic users. Gaming is a good way to get new users and Chess is popular worldwide. Having a Chess platform on Cardano helps build users and increase the value of Ada.
ENCOINS DApp upgrades and integrations:
This is the total amount allocated to ENCOINS v2: privacy protocol on Cardano. DApp development and integrations.
No dependencies.
The project will be fully open source.
A brief description of the ENCOINS protocol
ENCOINS is a privacy protocol on Cardano. Users can create NFTs (a.k.a. encrypted coins or encoins) with secret redeeming values. These NFTs store their redemption values (ADA) in the encrypted format using zero-knowledge proofs. A user can burn a coin to redeem its value from the protocol. You can send, gift, or trade encoins as any other NFT.
The protocol has a second mode of operation called the ENCOINS Ledger Mode. In this mode, users can store their coins directly in the protocol (at the Cardano script address). Thus, it is possible to make confidential payments even without having a Cardano wallet.
We have several partnerships inside the Cardano ecosystem currently in the works. All of them provide meaningful, practical use cases for the protocol. Some could be announced any day now.
The components of our solution
Redesign UI to be more wallet-like but with additional privacy features.
Following the feedback from our community, we want to streamline user interaction with the protocol by hiding its complexity from the users. The wallet-like UI will be more familiar to a typical user, increasing our protocol's adoption.
Design, document, and implement a set of public APIs to query the on-chain state of the protocol and build protocol transactions.
It will allow other Cardano DApps and services to access the protocol programmatically, increasing the potential for collaborations and integrations. It also opens the door for more direct integrations with the existing Cardano wallets (for example, a button that encrypts/decrypts selected assets in the wallet).
Build frontend for the Agora-based DAO.
In our efforts toward full decentralization, it is critical to transition the ENCOINS DAO treasury from the current multi-signature script to an Agora-based smart contract. To do so, we need to connect Agora smart contract and existing APIs to our own frontend. After considering different options, we believe it to be a better solution.
Make the most out of our partnerships.
The team size limits the extent to which we can collaborate with our partners. With the additional funding provided by this grant, we could hire an additional smart contract/frontend developer who will focus on integrations.
The more user needs we, as the developer community, can satisfy, the faster Cardano will grow. We have received many requests for features and collaborations ranging from a system that protects NFT collectors from tracking to confidential payments for refugees. With ENCOINS v2 and the proposed development roadmap, we could satisfy those needs, bringing more people to the Cardano ecosystem and increasing value for the existing users.
Once our project launches on the mainnet, we will track the number of transactions and TVL of the protocol.
In addition, the success will be measured in the number and quality of collaborations with other ecosystem projects.
Finally, we value and consider the opinion of our community and our fellow ecosystem builders.
The output of this project is a permissionless Dapp that will be available to all Cardano users. As the project is open-sourced, the code will be shared as well. We have built and continue to improve our own developer tools that might be of interest to the Cardano developer community. More on that, check out our proposal in the OSDE category.
We have already delivered ENCOINS v1 (now on the testnet). ENCOINS v1 was the goal of our previous Project Catalyst proposal back in Fund6. Though we initially underestimated the realistic deadlines for that project, we over-delivered in terms of what was promised, not only building a private transaction protocol but also creating reusable open-source components for the ecosystem, designing a decentralized token distribution protocol, and providing quality end-to-end code examples of Cardano applications.
The team consists of highly skilled Haskell developers and is led by a Ph.D. in applied math with five years of postdoc experience.
The main goal of this project is to provide Cardano users with a confidential transaction solution. We assume that by satisfying more people's needs, we bring more users to the ecosystem and increase engagement and opportunities within the ecosystem. For example, we have received many requests to add an "NFT encryption" feature to make owning an extensive NFT collection safer and more secure. This will be solved with the native asset support feature.
Please see also the section above on measurable metrics.
The feasibility of our approach is partially validated by the fact that version one of the protocol is already running on the Cardano testnet at
Milestone 1: Public APIs become available.
2 month
Milestone 2: New UI is implemented and mainnet ready.
2 month
Milestone 3: The DAO UI is implemented and tested.
2 month
Milestone 4: Two collaboration projects are complete.
2 month
Milestone 1: The documentation and the code for the public APIs. Tests.
Milestone 2: The code for the new UI. Tests.
Milestone 3: The DAO UI. Tests.
The goal is to move our project's treasury to an Agora-based DAO and provide the community with a way to interact with it.
Milestone 4: The development part for the collaborations is complete.
APIs implementation: 320 hours
Additional UI/UX design: 20 hours
New UI implementation: 200 hours
DAO UI implementation: 320 hours
Collaborations: 240 hours
Total hours: 1100
Total cost: 66 000 $
This is a relatively big project with the goal of producing a unique, best-in-class protocol and DApp. We estimate the project to span over eight months. The average cost of development per hour is 60$ (slightly higher than in our second proposal due to outsourcing).
We keep the same team that brought you ENCOINS v1. We plan to hire an additional smart contract/frontend developer that will focus on integrations. However, our timeline project does not take additional hires into account.
Protocol design, documentation, and on-chain code
Vladimir Sinyakov,
PhD, Founder and Protocol Architect,
Designed ENCOINS v1 protocol and implemented on-chain scripts and off-chain transaction-building logic. Prior experience includes five years of postdoc in applied math (control theory), publishing in top journals in the field.
Public APIs implementation
Grigory Petrov,
Backend Developer (Haskell)
Implemented our backend library called cardano-server and our backend tools, including the relayer app and decentralized token distribution app.
Frontend development
Catherine Galkina,
Frontend Developer (outsource contractor)
Senior Haskell developer specializing in building frontends with Reflex FRP framework. Implemented ENCOINS v1 frontend.