There is not yet an online platform where football players around the world can play physical football completely freely with each other despite geographical distance and other differences.
We'll build a dApp where football players through the internet can use their real soccer skills to interact with other players by training, creating & participating in challenges, trading, and betting
This is the total amount allocated to New Football Ecosystem: BitSphera.
+ Bui Hung Viet
+ Nguyen Bui Binh Nguyen
No dependencies
By the nature of blockchain, all elements of the project that allow players to interact with each other will be open source.
The influencing factors for the long-term view of our project are as follows: The consensus mechanism, fees, and operation of the fund will not be open source as the revenue from them will be used to maintain and expand the platform to achieve our vision.
We found that:
+ Football has a large and constantly growing player base. It is expanding into regions where it was previously unpopular.
+ The football industry is increasingly centralized.
+ The trend of combining every industry into blockchain is irreversible but not yet seen in football.
So we designed an economic ecosystem where football players around the world can freely and physically interact with other players through training, creating and participating in challenges, creating and trading avatars, as well as betting… regardless of time, geographical distance, and other barriers.
Our unique proposed solution is BitSphera dApp on Cardano is based on the technological advancements of our Titã smart soccer ball. (this ball has the size and weight according to Fifa standards and has features such as: measuring the force of the shot, the number of revolutions, and drawing the trajectory of the ball when it is impacted... it has reached the MVP version). When using this solution, players can both use their physical skills playing soccer to interact with each other while receiving the benefits of blockchain.
BitSphera has the following utilities:
+ Move to Earn - Players earn tokens easily by a transparent and easy-to-implement income calculation mechanism. Each time a player interacts with the Titã smart ball, they will earn the Human Power Coin (HPC), the utility token of BitSphera. If players practice regularly every day, they are also rewarded with Key Access Token (KAT), the coin that allows access to game creation. Those coins can also be sold on exchanges for profit. See our Tokenomics for more details.
+ Play to Earn - Players can use the coins they earned above to easily create and participate in many different challenges in the following 6 game genres:
+ Build in training - Help players improve their ball control and shooting skills through the ball plays of famous players.
+ Peer peer betting - Its betting mechanism allows players to bet against each other legally.
+ NFTs - Easily create & trading an avatar, sport wear Items
+ ...
See our whitepapers for more details:
Who will engage:
People who want to learn and play soccer to get Fun, Skill, Profitable
Who will benefit:
+ Players
+ Blockchain industry
Designed as The First Physical Move-to-Earn and Play-to-Earn Football Game, BitSphera will give Cardano new life from the most multiplayer sport in the world!
BitSphera directly addresses the challenge as it is the product that will provide more use cases for the Cardano ecosystem through the following benefits:
+ Diversify the ecosystem: Bring to the Cardano a new form of sports game.
+ Increase the number of participants: Bring the Cardano many users from the world's most popular sport.
We predict the number of people joining our platform will reach more than 100,000 people soon after launch for the following reasons:
+ We will reduce the price of the Titã smart ball for early holders of our token.
+ We will launch this project in 2024, taking advantage of the influence of two major football tournaments also taking place around this time: Copa America and Euro.
The success of the project is closely tied to the success of Cardano, as the number of participants increases the transaction volume via Cardano also increases accordingly.
With the number of participants increasing sharply in the short term and many in the long term, we will push Cardano to make appropriate system adjustments in response. Thereby enhancing Cardano's overall productivity, market position, and long-term sustainability.
To measure those fluctuations we will use the following metrics:
+ Through the number of smart balls we sell and are connected to the system.
+ Through the number of transactions measured on our system
+ Through the amount of interaction on social networks and forums.
+ Through the demand for our tokens.
We will share outputs and results with users and potential users through the channels below:
+ Our website.
+ Social networks, vertical forums, and blockchain forums.
+ Our Whitepapers.
The results obtained from the project will be used to approach the project's end goal, turning BitSphera into a wholly owned platform by players.
BitSphera has the following advantages to be the right organization for fund management and project implementation:
+ We hold the copyright technology of the Tita smart soccer ball, the ideal tool for this project.
+ Our founding team includes both enthusiastic young people and experienced people.
+ Our CTO is seasoned in IT project management.
+ We located the R&D department in Vietnam where high-quality and cheap IT human resources are available.
This Cardano funding is an important catalyst in our IDO fundraising campaign in Q1/2024, so we will be transparent about the disbursement of this funding on our website, white paper, and on our community pages.
The ultimate goal of the project is to build a new football ecosystem for hundreds of millions of players. This is a very large and complex goal that should be divided be divided into three goals to optimize resources and minimize risks:
Goal #1: Build pioneering customers, launch products with basic features and IDO token
Goal #2: Extend users with advanced features
Goal #3: Empower users
So, the most important goal during this time is also the goal given to raise capital from Cardano is goal #1 which aims to successfully launch BitSphera and IDO KAT token in 2024. The two tasks of goal #1 are verified as follows:
Milestone 1- 7/2023 (11%): Website Release and maintenance> Introduce projects
Milestone 2- 8/2023 (12%): Community Establishment and expander > Build communities
Milestone 3- 9/2023-2/2024 (55%): Marketing campaign > Build users
Milestone 4- 1/2024 : Launch BitSphera with basic features > Complete the dApp interface
Milestone 5- 2/2024 (22%): Marketing campaign for IDO > Expanding the number of users
Milestone 6- 3-5/2024: IDO token > Raising capital for the following stages.
Milestone 1: Website Launch
Milestone 2: Community Establishment
Milestone 3: Run a marketing campaign to create demand for the use
Milestone 4: Launch basic features dApp to perfect it
Milestone 5: Viral Marketing to increase demand for pre-owned tokens
Milestone 6: IDO token to Fundraising for the official launch of BitSphera
We plan to hire third-party marketing services as follows:
+ Build and maintain the website (1 year): 45,000 ADA
+ Build and maintain community ( 1year): 50,000 ADA
+ Marketing campaign (6 months): 315,000 ADA
Total: 410,000 ADA
To pay for the cost of the project which exceeds the funding and the costs incurred outside the budget, we plan to take from the personal money of the founders and/or pay with the project's tokens.
All the cost of our outsourced marketing campaign is 410,000 ADA. It is estimated based on the length of this phase of the project (10 months), the length of the marketing campaign (6 months), and the following Expert Market quotes (
Nguyen Van Toan: CEO
With creative instincts and over 30 years of industry experience, Toan created our smart ball and laid the foundation for this ecosystem design. With that record and seasoned management experience, he will be in charge of the project operation
Bui Hung Viet - CTO
With 22 years of experience in the IT industry, going from programmer to project manager, Viet has full experience to manage the technical field of this project.
Nguyen Bui Binh Nguyen-COO
Currently only 23 years old, since high school Nguyen has organized sports tournaments in his city, Hanoi. With that enthusiasm, he has contributed many ideas and participated in the construction of BitSphera from the beginning until now.
We are recruiting a new member for the position of CMO, who will be responsible for formulating and managing our marketing strategy.