ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Prototype for Privacy-Preserving Personalised Ad Targeting Using Cardano Smart Contracts for Data Sharing Consent and Partisia for Zero Knowledge Profila Data Compute (MPC) with Advertisers.


Current digital advertising practices compromise user privacy and rely on third-party cookies data captured mostly without consent. Real time advertising needs better sources of accurate/ethical data.


This project addresses the data challenge by developing a privacy-preserving Ad targeting system using Cardano smart contracts for data consent and Zero Knowledge Compute or MPC for data access.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Prototype for Privacy-Preserving Personalised Ad Targeting Using Cardano Smart Contracts for Data Sharing Consent and Partisia for Zero Knowledge Profila Data Compute (MPC) with Advertisers..

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Team Members:

  1. Kuba - Lead Engineer:
  • Responsible for overseeing the technical aspects of the project
  • Leads the development and implementation of the proposed solution
  • Provides expertise in blockchain technology, privacy-preserving techniques, and ad targeting systems
  1. Vlad - Web3 Developer:
  • Collaborates with the team to develop and integrate Cardano's smart contracts
  • Works on the integration of multi-party computation (MPC)
  • Implements the necessary features and functionality using Plutus and/or Marlowe smart contract languages
  • Ensures the secure and efficient functioning of the smart contract components
  1. To Be Recruited - Partisia Developer:
  • Will join the team to contribute to the integration of Cardano smart contracts with Partisia contracts and multi-party computation (MPC)
  • Assists in the development and implementation of MPC protocols and contracts
  • Collaborates with the team to ensure the successful integration of contracts and MPC in the ad targeting system

The team members will work together to deliver the privacy-preserving personalized ad targeting prototype based on the proposed solution, with a specific focus on the integration of smart contracts and MPC.

Michiel Van Roey
Michiel Van Roey
Mikko Kotila
Mikko Kotila
Ipek Sahiner
Ipek Sahiner
Luke Bragg
Luke Bragg
Shawn Jensen
Shawn Jensen