Stakepool operators have a hard time reaching their delegators via blockchain-only methods, and delegators often only have limited overlap with the social media and IM platforms that their SPOs use.
Our solution lets verified SPOs message their delegators via classic social and instant messaging, and delegators receive updates on their pools in an automated fashion using their preferred IM apps.
This is the total amount allocated to - Social Connectivity for Stakepool Operators, Delegators and Communities.
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
The solution in a single paragraph:
Ray is a stakepool operator that regularly asks his delegators to which charity the current quarter's dedicated 10% of stakepool profits should go. He's compiling a list of three organizations he has trusted relationships with and creates a quick poll for his delegators to participate in. After verifying he is indeed owner of WORG pool, he sends the link to the poll and a summary to his delegators. Somehow, Evita, who Ray has never met (and whose wallet address, Discord handle or phone number he does not know) gets both a Discord notification and a text message about the upcoming poll. She votes that same evening, happy she did not have to worry about missing the vote, after all the work-related distractions that kept her busy throughout the week.
As we approach the era of governance on Cardano, more and more polling systems are being built, both for the purposes of use in DAOs, but also for the purposes of Stakepool operators engaging with their delegators. SPOs contact their delegators and even prospective delegators in matters of blockchain parameters, community building, raffles, charitable contributions, ISPOs (Initial Stake Pool Offerings), real world meetup organization and many other topics. This affects both the part time stakepool operators as well as SPOs that have made running a stakepool or multiple stakepools their primary source of income.
Recent polls initiated by IOG and CF around stakepool parameters have shown that many SPOs want to engage with their delegators with regards to their opinions for the purposes of polling, but many found out that there are several problems with actually reaching your delegators, because Cardano itself is no scalable messaging-solution that can be leveraged. Other major problems are:
On the delegators' side, a different set of problems exists, which also can be solved with the same set of technologies. Delegators want to know about changes in their stakepool's reliability, margins and costs, opportunities for airdrops. There are some tools to subscribe to stakepool changes via Telegram, but it is limited to very specific updates, not configurable to subscribe to only a certain kind of news or thresholds, nor does it allow to receive announcements from your SPO.
Another major issue is stake not moving from retired pools, because delegators do not regularly actively seek updates on their stakepools, leaving many millions of stake that does not generate rewards and can cause frustration for those delegators that miss out on their rewards, as well as other SPOs that are active in Cardano.
Our application HAZELnet already has many of the requirements and infrastructure in place to solve these problems and build foundations for future growth, as the SPO ecosystem matures.
For this proposal, we would add the following capabilities to our existing system:
What we are NOT trying to solve with this solution
Note: This project has some overlap with our proposal in the DAO category. This SPO proposal is a pure HAZELnet-based solution and adding of SPO verification, while the other proposal is a completely new protocol and standard. If both proposals get funded, the parts of the funding that overlap will be used towards building additional integrations or as bounty for other developers to build integrations.
The solution brings value to the ecosystem and stakepool operators by providing them with tooling to connect with a diverse set of delegators, with different preferences for receiving information about and interacting with their stakepools. Generally, stake moves slowly, which is in part due to the lack of information flow to delegators unless they actively seek out updates on non-common channels (like,
It also creates more engagement between SPOs and their delegators, which will become relevant as we enter the age of governance on Cardano.
The key metrics for success are the number of actively subscribed delegators (i.e. users that have verified delegated wallets and respond positively to the opt-in messages to receive updates about their pool)
The second main metric will be the number of stakepool operators that verify their identity to be able to communicate with their delegation team.
The outputs of the development work will be immediately visible in the open-source repository for HAZELnet, as they reach a working status. In addition, our existing public dashboard can be enhanced to show if people start leveraging the feature without revealing any information about specific delegators or SPOs that do participate (to avoid influencing).
Our existing public dashboard:
I am Director of Development at a leading business process management solution that builds enterprise grade web applications. With over 25 years of experience in web development, building full stack applications for companies with more than 50.000 employees, I was able to bring this knowledge to Cardano to build a community integration solution called HAZELnet, that as of today is used by more than 600 Discord servers serving more than 600,000 users. In two years of consistent contributions in code, leveraging Cardano infrastructure as a stakepool operator of HAZEL as well as providing educational content for the Cardano ecosystem, I have shown the ability to build, deliver and reiterate on my projects, all the while making sure that the input of the community comes first in deciding what needs to be done.
I have built prototypes for Twitter integrations and Telegram integrations already and look forward to building a robust integration for this project on top of these. As such and knowing there are many different tools integrating with this, I consider the instant messaging connection feasible. On the stakepool update side, I have extensive experience with both cardano-db-sync and Oura, and know that all relevant stakepool updates that need tracking are available using these tools (they are feasible because I have worked with projects like, that already have this type of updates available in a passive consumption style).
Milestone 1 (Month 1)
Milestone 2 (Month 2)
Milestone 3 (Month 3)
Milestone 4 (Month 4)
Milestone 1:
Milestone 2:
Milestone 3:
Milestone 4:
Our Budget Breakdown for the total of 155,000 ADA (estimating 0.28 USD per ADA) is:
4 months x $550 for ongoing operational costs + Twitter API
4 months x $1500 for a part-time project manager position
4 months x $8750 for a full time Full Stack Developer
A spreadsheet of the budget breakdown by Resource and Month can be found here:
The inherent value proposition is fostering closer connections between SPOs and their delegators, enabling a more realistic assessment when it comes to participation in governance and polling delegators for their opinions. The basic capabilities for this project will be free to use (i.e. running costs post the project's end date are carried by HAZELnet), allowing every SPO in the Cardano ecosystem to leverage it without additional cost.
The open-source nature of the project allows other developers to leverage even just parts of the project in other ways. This means the money spent makes it so that people can access a source repository that provides example code for CIP-0022 validation in Java/Kotlin/TypeScript, as well as showcasing connectors to different social media apps.
It will also contain code that shows how to receive real-time updates from the blockchain on all stakepool-related activity using TxPipe's Oura or a similar solution.
Lastly, the public APIs for the new solutions will allow SPOs and polling solutions to integrate with us via API calls and webhooks, enabling a network of services without having to deploy them themselves.
The project consists of me as the core developer and a yet to be determined project manager that will also function as outreach/community manager.
My LinkedIn:
It also includes the additional SPOs (besides me) that are willing to test-drive the capabilities (we already have several candidates that are interested)