Last updated a year ago

Engaging The French Students in a Blockchain Kowledge-Based Competition to Facilitate Their Insersion Into the Ecosystem


There are many Blockchain and crypto enthousiasts amongst the students in Burkina Faso but they lack confidence to interact in the Cardano community due to language barrier.


The project consist of a three-round blockchain knowledge-based competition that will get the French speaking students in Burkina Faso engaged and facilitate their insertion in the Cardano community.

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About this idea


Aime Nico Kam: A Master student at the Nazi Boni University department of Law( and a volunteer at our Cardano hub in Burkina(Inkuba) as administrative assistant

Nico has been a member of the Catalyst Community and an active member of the Cardano Burkina Hub(Inkuba) since February 2022. He got trained and became a trainer and started making presentations during our workshop sessions, educating people on the Cardano Blockchain, its opportunities, how to write and submit project on Catalyst ect. He is a beneficiary of the English classes the hub offers. He is a francophone with a working knowledge of English.

He is also the delagate of his class and has occupied various positions in several students association.

Mr. Kojo Darkwa: English Tutor and quiz master(Inkuba)

Mr. Kojo Darkwa: English tutor with 5 years of experience in English teaching and with an extraodinary capacity as a quiz master: He was in charge of the academic aspect of our English contest and it went very well. He is also very appreciated by our students for his creative approach and teaching skills.

Tony Nwachuku: English tutor(Inkuba)

Laurentine Djatsa
Laurentine Djatsa