Last updated a year ago
The Cardano community has many intermediary platforms that help track transaction history, NFT ownership, but their use is difficult for someone who doesn't understand blockchain.
Pond offers a groundbreaking lending ecosystem, built on Cardano, offering lending, borrowing, shorting and renting functionalities for both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
This is the total amount allocated to Pond - Empowering students to innovate on Cardano.
Evan Foster (Nalu) - enrolled in American school system at Brigham Young University, located in Laie, Hawaii
There are two main dependencies which will contribute to the continued existence of Pond:
The Pond platform currently runs on state-of-the-art infrastructure, which is essential to deliver the best experience when using our platform. In order to sustain this infrastructure monthly operating costs have to be made.
Development on the Pond platform is done by an external technical company, which has been responsible for both the first and second version of the Pond platform that has been delivered so far. This technical company is responsible for both the back-end and the front-end, while the overall setup and configuration is done by the Pond team.
Project will be fully open source.
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Pond has been built from the ground up by both Picka and Nalu, which are both enrolled as students in the American school system. Pond has helped them grow from students with an idea into real entrepreneurs, lessons not a single course in school can teach. Their experiences have allowed their skills in the domains of project management, stakeholder management, entrepreneurship, and many others, to flourish. It's this experience they wish to share with their peers.
By leveraging Cardano's security and scalability, Pond empowers users to unlock the full potential of their assets. Lenders earn passive income through lending, while borrowers access liquidity using their holdings as collateral. With support for NFTs, Pond bridges the gap between traditional finance and the NFT space, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of decentralized finance and digital assets.
As founders at Pond, we believe that we can share our experience to other students that are in similar situations as we were, evolving an idea from conceptualisation to an actual product. Also, we believe we will be able to nudge people into taking this step, serving as their mentors.
In addition we believe that if we can derisk our investments the coming months, this will allow us to continue Pond's journey.
At Pond we're already constantly monitoring traffic on all our touchpoints: our social media challenges, our website and our platform. We will install additional metrics to gauge how effective the sharing of our knowledge has been.
In addition we will ensure that we publicly share what the Total Value Locked on our platform is.
Since we already have a vibrant community and active Discord server with several thousand members, we will use this Discord server to actively communicate on the progress of our project and the next phases of our journey.
Over the course of the past years we've already delivered different versions of our platform. From a small try-out application with a small subset of people, to our very first dapp, and more recently the launch of our beta version.
There's always another version being worked on by our team, and this summer we're expecting the launch of our next version, with another set of features to further support our community.
At Pond we believe that financial services should be accessible, inclusive, and transparent for all individuals. By combining the power of Cardano's robust blockchain infrastructure and the principles of decentralized finance, we aim to disrupt the traditional lending landscape.
As our community grows, we will continue to monitor whether these goals have been reached. There are some important metrics which we apply for this, such as the TVL - which stands for Total Value Locked and is a representation of the amount currently locked at our smart contract addresses.
There are several milestones which we've set with the Pond team, graphically summarised in the image below:
In order to reach all of these milestones, the platform needs to be available and up & running. Helping alleviate some of the burden of operating costs, will help the Pond team continue to innovate and reach these milestones.
On our platform there are several milestones coming up:
On our knowledge base we have several other deliverables which we envision to deliver:
The funds requested in this proposal - being a total of 32,000 ADA - will be used as follows:
As already mentioned above, the two most important cost factors are the technical company we've been working with in the past and the operating costs.
By eliminating one of these for the upcoming 7 months we feel positive that we can continue delivering value to the Cardano ecosystem, and continue to educate our fellow students on the journey we've been through. We firmly believe Pond can continue to be an important cornerstone of this emerging movement.
Nalu -> co-founder -
narts -> advisor & community manager -
Blackbird -> responsible for technical team -