Last updated 4 months ago
If you create a transaction and submit it, and for whatever reason the datum is malformed or missing - it is possible to lock assets on chain forever, effectively burning those users' assets.
This is the total amount allocated to VYFI: Fix For Incorrect Datums Resulting in "Burnt" Assets on Chain.
The solution is to modify our smart contract languages like Aiken, and Plutus to automatically include a way to withdraw when a UTXO is un-spendable. That way users don't unknowingly burn assets.
No dependencies.
We must allow malformed datums to be refunded to the user, this would take the form of a redeemer constructor and case in the validator that will check for the malformed datum and then return the spent utxo to the user. This operation could be automatically included, and common tools like pluto, aiken, and plutus (Haskell) could change their generation to automatically include this case, so even when not explicitly considered by developers we can ensure such a simple mistake, that can happen on any part of the stack, doesn't cost somebody the entire output paid to the script.
We propose to update the Aiken and Plutus libraries to support this automatic withdrawal functionality, rendering users unable to burn assets due to an error in code execution.
Users will no longer be able accidently burn assets when datums are formed incorrectly.
Projects will also save time and effort on support with regards to attempted salvage and return of user assets.
We’ve been in the ecosystem for over four years. We have already delivered a unique suite of products for the ecosystem (Our DEx, our distributive BAR, first on-chain lottery, our Vaults, Transaction Cart, and many more), and continued to build and innovate within the Cardano ecosystem. We are confident with our track record and that we have the capability to deliver this code update.
We are a registered business in Australia, with our registration under International Markets, ABN: 84 649 719 433
Abn lookup:
The Funds (wallets) used for the development of the Auto Harvester will be public and transparent. We intend on using these funds in a transparent manner that will be auditable on chain.
Project Visibility and Community Engagement
The VyFinance team has attended (and will continue to attend) each major Cardano event in the community, including:
- Rare Bloom 2022
- CNFTcon 2022
- NFTxLV 2023
- Rare Evo 2023
- Rare Evo 2024
- Cardano Summit 2022
- Cardano Summit 2023
- Cardano Summit 2024
Here we have been able to build confidence with the ecosystem and create relationships with many projects and leading community members.
We have also had the honor of being awarded/nominated for multiple accolades within the blockchain. This includes:
CNFT awards - “Best Long-Term Utility” - Winner
Rare Evo Award 2024 - “Best DeFi” - Winner
Cardano Summit 2024 - “DeFi Category” - Nominated
Milestone 1:
Completed Design
We have an outline for this solution, but will need to write up the technical documents for each of the libraries, and have these documents checked by the relevant sources. The deliverable for this stage will be the public release of our technical documents and design schema.
Implementation On Aiken
Once given the go ahead, we will implement this update on the Aiken Library. The deliverable for this stage will be a publicly viewable pull request to the Aiken Library.
Implementation on Plutus
Once implemented on Aiken, we will implement this upgrade to the Plutus Library. The deliverable for this stage will be a publicly viewable pull request to the Plutus Library.
Audit of pull requests
The audit is crucial for ensuring the quality and safety of our implementations prior to being merged to main.
The deliverable for this milestone will be a public release of any documentation regarding the security and safety of this implementation.
Final Merge to Libraries
We regularly engage with the Cardano community, and have released over 150 videos that can be found on YouTube. We will continue releasing content regarding the auto-harvester through until launch. We will continue to share our progress with our combined community through the various social media platforms. At this point, our changes will be fully public and available for all to use!
Steven Ward - CEO
Dylan McCoy - COO
Deann Zois - CMO
Ryan Felt - CTO
Jon Hendrickson - CRO
Nick Cappiello - CCO
Many users and projects throughout our ecosystem have been negatively impacted by this crucial, albeit rare, vulnerability. Whilst the risk on any given transaction is small, this failure can result in the burning of a theoretically unlimited amount of user funds. Protecting users from this catastrophic failure will allow us to retain any persons that have encountered this issue, and ensure that the value on-chain always remains with its rightful owner.