Last updated 4 months ago
There are no traceability systems that guarantee that processes, as donations or transactions between private parties, reach their recipients correctly and safely.
This is the total amount allocated to TRANSPARENT PROCESS PROTOCOL.
Daniela Godoy
TPP guarantees the donor or the user that their donations or process are executed and received by the addressee in a reliable manner, with web3 Tech.
No dependencies
This is not going to be open source because is a Bussiness Model for us.
TPP is a protocol through which the traceability of deliveries of goods and services to their corresponding recipients is guaranteed, whether they are donations from businessmen and individuals to NGOs or any system that requires security in its processes. To do this, and in order to carry out mass adoptions, we focus on a user-friendly interface, which is managed with a WEB2 payment system, and from there, it initiates a protocol where through WEB3 tools it performs: identity verification and KYC conformation, digital signature of digital contract, generation of legitimate proof of origin and receipt; all tokenized in a simple way, with a practical, simple and easy-to-understand onboard.
We belong both to the world of NGOs, since we are members of them, as well as we advise companies, therefore, the market in which we will develop our system is already interested in our service, with emerging contracts. TPP will be launched with a freemium adoption system, which will charge only 5% of the transactions that are actually completed. Measurement of adoption is already guaranteed in our own movements.
We will restore to society, not only to the Cardano Community, the trust and transparency of business relations and the donations derived to the third sector. Its impact will be measured by the use of this tool itself, which is precisely used to certify movements and impacts of campaigns, etc.
We will share the results derived from the use of the tool publicly to achieve visibility of the service and a call to action to the Caradno Community to join the improvement or upgrade of it
Regarding the operational capacity to develop, our technical team is highly qualified for the global development of the proposal and scale to the indices demanded by the market, which is already requesting the implementation of the system, with more than 5 years of experience in web3 and blockchain developments.
On the other hand, having more than 18 years of experience in the third sector and being members of Business Chambers, we know from the inside the know-how of their internal and external management and operations. In addition, we are the first users and creators of the system that we implement in our Foundations, with agreements with companies for more than 15,000 donations each.
We will establish 3 instances or Milestones of work.
1° In the first instance, an update of computer equipment is formulated to be able to scale to the requirements that the network is demanding of us. This will result in the processes, transactions and general management of the structure being more effective and giving rise to more users and institutions that can make their proposals. Its efficiency will be tested when we can cover a large number of donations without problems of disclosure or technical inconveniences
2° Investments will be made in human technical teams, both by generating improvements in processes, and also to acquire new technologies that expand the potential of the platforms and we can achieve excellence in processes and services. Having a highly trained team with valuable IT capacity, we will be able to optimize existing platforms and incorporate new services.
3° Onbording, promotions and marketing campaigns will be carried out that manage to attract both donors and institutions that wish to certify their processes and grant them traceability and transparency. The results will become evident in the face of the massive uptake of the system.
Sales force training
We will inform you as soon as possible
We will inform you as soon as possible
External accounting audit: a process through which the proper execution of the project will be supervised.
Liliana Galli: president of the LLL Foundation. Product designer.Event generation. Expert in fundrising and campaign development. Book writer.
Federico Diego Zacarias: President of Fundation PASS. Builder. Product Manager. Cordination.MKT, CEO, sales.
Daniela Godoy Grafic Designer. 10 years spertise.
ALEJANDRO SOTO. Alejandro Soto is a Technical Ambassador at AvaxDao, dedicated to expanding the tech community in Colombia and fostering growth across Latin America. He leads dotlabs(), a leading technology community based in Medellín. he holds degrees in Civil and Software Engineering and has developed a strong career as a software developer. In recent years, he has specialized in blockchain projects, driving innovation and collaboration within the blockchain ecosystem.
1st Stage: Hardware Optimization: Purchase of 3 PC computers, networking system and general hardware upgrades Functions: Improve the performance of the platform and give more versatility and speed to the processes, looking for mass adoptions and the possible development of functions that lead to the great use of the Cardano-based products that we will generate. Purchase of 3 Notebooks plus 3 portable projectors for presentations, demonstrations, onboarding, sales force and MKT.
2nd Stage: Improvement of software, connectivity and payment to professionals.
Software, hosting payment and new, higher-capacity domains.
Local satellite network connectivity system.
General Maintenance and UPS (The electrical maintenance of an uninterruptible power supply to preserve equipment and prolong its life)
Payment of fees to personnel, professionals, sales force and general maintenance personnel.
3rd Stage
There will be 3 sales force professionals trained in the direct handling and onboarding of the product and/or service.
Training: Each professional will have a basic training of 45 hours. In the handling of tools and processes.
Value per hour: u$s 10.-
Travel and refreshments: general expenses for the three months $1,500 Accounting fees: $ 500.- for the 3 months.
Promotion: Actions into Chamberts and Universities.
4th Stage
External accounting audit
With this investment we will achieve the massive adoption of both companies, third sector institutions and individuals who want to help but due to the great mistrust that exists due to bad maneuvers of the past, do not do so.
If the platform is empowered, provides options to tokenize donations for multiple institutions and multiple humanitarian purposes, we can elevate values and scale them superlatively.
By tokenizing from the Cardano environment, the number of transactions will multiply on a large scale.
We are sure that this investment in a massive but selective onboarding with high quality will make the difference of the introduction of a product that has a disruptive technology but that solves countless problems within organizations. Inside and outside of them.
We amply justify in our system, the learning carried out by a professional sales force to be able to transfer it to the public. Because what people don't understand, they don't consume.
Restoring the trust of people and companies in institutions, ensuring that donations reach their destination will make society help itself