Last updated 10 months ago
There is not database of CARDANO lawyers and it Is necessary for help in the legal regulación to the projects of our ecosystem and to CARDANO in each region of the world
This is the total amount allocated to CARDANO Lawyers.
Create a database with all lawyers of our ecosystem according country Origin of each one and their profesional qualities and contact details
No dependencies
The database can be modified by anyone and Will be managed by project catalyst
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Create a database with all CARDANO lawyers for help in legal regulación of CARDANO, of the ecosystem projects and to all Our community that need lawyer
This project Will be good for Our Community because always Is necessary have legal advice
The database in mention Will be send to and share with the CARDANO FOUNDATION, IOHK, EMURGO, CATALYST and Our community
Anyone can modified the database and it Will be on línea for everybody. The proponent Will manage the database for 6 months and then it Will be manage by Catalyst
The database Will be created through of a form share in the social networks of Our Community as Telegram and Discord
The impact of this project Will be measure for the participation of Our Community and for create a good database
I am a lawyer specialized in cryptocurrencies since 2017
I am member of Project Catalyst since Fund 4 and Intersect MBO since July 2023
I obtained the "Blockchain CARDANO Certified Associate" by CARDANO Academy
Also, i made a project successfully in Catalyst:
My LinkedIn Is:
A: create a form for lawyers to register
B: share with Our Community the form in mention
C: send to Project Catalyst the link of the form
A: create the database in mention
B: share with Our Community the database in mention
C: send to PROJECT CATALYST, CARDANO FOUNDATION, IOHK, and EMURGO the link of the database created
A: make a final report with the results of the project
B: the final report should have the summary of all project
C: send to Project Catalyst the final report in mention
This project Will be done by main proponent. I am a Lawyer, a trader and a writer about cryptocurrencies since 2017.
I am member of Project Catalyst since fund 4 and Intersect MBO since July 2023.
I obtained the "Blockchain CARDANO Certified Associate" by CARDANO Academy
Also, I Made a project successfully in Catalyst:
My perfil of LinkedIn Is:
This project has a budget of 15.000 ADA and Will have a duration of three months and it Will be distributed like this: 5.000 ADA per each month, for a total of 15.000 ADA for fees of main proponent (Attorney) for create the database and manage it for 6 months
This project Will be good for CARDANO and our Community because Will help in the legal regulación of CARDANO and of the projects our ecosystem in each region of the world.
Have a database of the CARDANO Lawyers Will be fantastic and innovative and anyone or company that need legal advice can contact to the CARDANO Lawyers