[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Muhammad Takdir
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Not Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Co-proposers and additional applicants
Ika Mayasari
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
Proposer will embrace other crypto communities and newcomers to Cardano. also provides knowledge about the cardano ecosystem.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
The Project Will be Fully Open Source
The 17 SDGs are integrated—they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
A community is people who live in a certain area or people who are considered as a unit because of similar interests, social groups, or nationalities. - Based on Cambridge Dictionary.
As we know, Crypto currency enthusiasts are widespread in Indonesia, but we are not yet connected to each other. In fact, when we get to know each other in this community, it will happily increase adoption on Cardano and bring more benefits to the Cardano Community. On the other hand, most Crypto users don't really know or are even interested in knowing what Cardano has been up to. Therefore, proposers want to increase awareness of Cardano and let them know more through this meeting. As more people join and connect with us, we are sure they will have more ideas to implement to expand this community.
More than that, the Indonesian Cardano community has held an online Cardano Workshop, an offline Cardano Meetup in Surabaya and Jakarta, and a Cardano Hub in Surabaya and Jakarta, but we have never held a regular offline meeting in Makassar, one of the big cities located in the central park of Indonesia, on the island of Sulawesi. In Makassar there are also many crypto communities and users but they have never been involved in gaining an understanding of Cardano. We still invite communities in other cities in South Sulawesi to come, such as in Bone Regency and Pare-Pare City.
Apart from Cardano Hub, Proposer will also create several articles and infographics about Cardano, which are easy to understand even for those who are not familiar with technology. Another thing is an additional knowledge to contribute by becoming an application developer on Cardano and providing a basic overview of Cardano development.
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
This offline face-to-face meeting is intended to provide a meaningful experience for the Cardano community so that it will increase trust and foster better interactions and exchange of points of view that cannot be obtained if it is held online. This offline meeting is for the communities who attend, but for presenters or other communities who will attend online there will still be space open for that.
In Makassar there are also many universities, including those that focus on technology. We will also invite them so that the Cardano ecosystem can be better known among academics, especially students, so that the implementation and use of Cardano can be more widespread and it is possible that someone will be interested in contributing and utilizing the Cardano blockchain network for application development.
Inviting other crypto communities is also part of our strategy so that they can also take advantage of the Cardano ecosystem and become an option to use. Through these interactions, we aspire to strengthen people's trust in Cardano, developing a collaborative and interconnected blockchain.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Muhammad Takdir https://www.linkedin.com/in/muhammadtakdir/
- Relawan TIK Community, South Sulawesi
- Cardano Indonesia Community group member
- Cardano Project Catalyst Community Reviewer
- Cardano Enthusiast from 2021
- Programmer in saveral government projects
Ika Mayasari https://www.linkedin.com/in/ika-may-3b6a95308/
- Head of public relations at the Sinjai Communication and Information Department
- Very well known in Kripto Sinjai Communities
- 2 years of experience of Marketing Special
Lutfi Hidayat https://www.linkedin.com/in/lutfi-hidayat-515788309/
- Member of the South Sulawesi ICT Volunteers
- Founder of Sinjai News on YouTube
- 3 years of experience in publishing and creating tutorials
Peraja https://id.linkedin.com/in/peraja-aja-a928152a7
- Holds over 6 years of experience in the crypto industry.
- Actively involved in various crypto projects, as an investor, developer, and advisor.
This project vision are to make place for cardano communities to interact and connect with each others.
This proposal intend:
- Minimum Increase awareness in Project Catalyst by having at least 10 community reviewer or proposer
- Minimum Increase telegram of Cardano Makassar by add 200+ members
- Minimum Increase Instagram of Cardano Makassar by add 200+ followers
- Minimum Increase Twitter of Cardano Indonesia by add 200+ follower
- Our regular member consist of minimum 25 people on meetups
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
First Milestones (Months 1-2) :
- Create social media content
- Create topics for 2 offline meetup
- Print banners
- Create online marketing materials
- Project outreach to others communities
- Meetups site survey and plan
- Finished 2 Offline Meetup
Second Milestones (Months 3-4) :
- Finished 2 Offline meetups
- Create 4 topics for next offline meetups
- Create survey material targeted to others crypto user
- Finish article, infographics and tutorial with topic of Onboarding to Cardano
- Analyze and Plan for article dan infographics with topic of all DAPP in Cardano Ecosystem
Third Milestones (Months 5-6):
- Finished 2 Offline meetups
- Create articles, infographisc and tutorial with topic all DAPP in Cardano Ecosystem
- Review all offline meetups
- Review all project outreach
Final Milestones:
- Finish 6 topics for meetups
- Finish 6 offline meetups
- Plan next course of action
- Finishing articles, infographics, tutorial
- Onboarding to Cardano
- All Dapp in Cardano Ecosystem
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Muhammad Takdir
- Host team meetings
- Create topics for meetups
- Speaker for developers in meetup
- Plan for articles and infographics material
- Create and review educational Cardano tutorial
Ika Mayasari
Print marketing materials
- Project outreach to others communities hub
- Create survey
- Analyze communities data
- Research other communities activities
Lutfi Hidayat
- External Meetings
- Community building with others town communities
- Create design for marketing materials
- Create online social media content
- Create Monthly Report
- Speaker for community and cardano blockchain in meetup
- Online outreach to all communities
- Preparing developers topic in meetup
- Canvassing in developers communities
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
FIxed Cost - 11.520 ADA
- Food and Beverages = 15 ADA x 30 person x 6 meetups = 2,700 ADA
- Rent Space = 100 ADA x 6 months = 600 ADA
- Speakers = 125 ADA x 6 times = 750 ADA
- Meetup Subscription = 30 ADA x 6 months = 180 ADA
- Professional Logo Creation for Cardano Indonesia Community Chapter Makassar = 300 ADA
- Promotional Material
- Standing Banners = 75 ADA x 2 = 150 ADA
- Quiz Giveaway = 10 ADA x 6 person x 6 meetups = 360 ADA
- Project and Communities Outreach 500 ADA x 6 times = 3,000 ADA
- Misc = 200 ADA
- Internal Meetings = 10 ADA x 4 person x 2 times x 6 months = 480 ADA
- External Meetings = 100 ADA x 8 times = 800 ADA
- All kind of Reports (PoA, PoL, SoM, and Monthly Report) = 1,400 ADA
- Close out Reports = 600 ADA
Working Hours - 3,570 ADA
- Project Manager - 1,720 ADA
- Create Topics 50 ADA x 6 Months = 300 ADA
- Create online banners 20 ADA x 6 months = 120 ADA
- Create banner design 100 ADA
- Create tutorial content 300 ADA x 2 = 600 ADA
- Create survey for articles and infographics 150 ADA
- Find and Manage meetup place 75 ADA x 6 month = 450 ADA
- Community Manager - 900 ADA
- Analyze communities data = 50 ADA x 6 months = 300 ADA
- Create summary per meetups = 50 ADA x 6 meetups = 300 ADA
- Create summary per project outreach = 50 ADA x 6 meetup = 300 ADA
- Social media specialist - 950 ADA
- Plan marketing promotion = 50 ADA x 6 months = 300 ADA
- Create quiz content = 50 ADA x 2 times = 100 ADA
- Post and maintain social media = 50 ADA x 6 times = 300 ADA
- Create Branding Strategy = 250 ADA
Total = 11,520 + 3,570 = 15,090 ADA
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
All costs incurred in implementing this offline meeting project will provide long-term benefits to the Cardano ecosystem because a community will be formed and will increase users who implement Cardano in their daily lives.
The community that is built will continue to transfer knowledge, especially to other newcomers to Cardano so that transactions on the Cardano blockchain are also expected to increase and of course this is a promotion for the Cardano ecosystem and also has an indirect impact on the Cardano treasury.