Last updated 3 months ago
Cardano lacks a lightweight L2 payment solution which has fast settlement and finality, is easy to integrate, has incentive mechanism with adjustable fees and composes well so it can grow organically.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Lightning Network (Phase 1) - Payment Gateways. 1 out of 4 milestones are completed.
Protocol Specification
Cost: ₳ 14,580
Delivery: Month 1 - Sep 2024
Smart Contract(s)
Cost: ₳ 16,524
Delivery: Month 2 - Oct 2024
L2 System Architecture
Cost: ₳ 29,160
Delivery: Month 3 - Nov 2024
POC implementation
Cost: ₳ 36,936
Delivery: Month 4 - Dec 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We will build Cardano Lightning Network step-by-step, guided by real use cases. The Phase 1 features protocol specs for a base layer to prototype a Payment Gateways connecting customers and merchants.
All the code will be licensed under permissive “BSD III” licence and all the specs will be licensed under Creative Commons licence.
Like it says in the name, this is Cardano's answer to Bitcoin's Lightning Network.
It's an L2 optimised to be scalable and instant.
Scope Overview
Good protocols are critical but only a part of the adoption story. Without users, protocols die.
That is why we will start with clear specs, design and basic proof of concept implementation in this proposal and next in the "Product" proposal we will build the production software, SDKs and integration tools around it to further facilitate adoption.
Lightning Network in Two Steps
The Cardano Lightning Network is not simply a protocol; it is an end-to-end solution.
It will be delivered in two phases. Both are attractive from a business perspective in their own right.
Phase 1 - Payment Gateways
This will deliver the specs, smart contracts, and its implementation as a hub and spoke network with related SDKs. This phase consists of two proposals (this one and the next "Product" one).
Phase 2 - Routing & Discoverability
It will extend the hub and spoke network to be fully decentralised with optimal channel routing.
This will deliver the SDKs and full software suite. The SDKs will enable third parties to integrate and build on top of CLN.
So we will have two phases with two proposal each ("Concept" and "Product").
Phase 1 - Payment Gateways
This phase lays the foundations of the full CLN, but will also result in a network addressing a real world use case.
We will create a solution for merchants and customers to connect via "Payment Gateways".
This will allow them to transact instantly and securely through the CLN.
A single purchase in this scenario is a composition of two channels: one from customer to the gateway and the second from the gateway to the merchant. The Payment Gateway is to connect to all participating merchants and consumers. It handles all routing and the liquidity between channels.
Users have all the guarantees of the L1 via the secure payment flow with low fees and instant finalisation. The full implementation (Product proposal) will provide a basis for integration with mobile devices where payment applications will be disconnected from the wallets.
(Note that once the channel is charged by the wallet the app can operate independently).
The critical technical goal en route to full CLN is to demonstrate channel hopping between bidirectional channels.
Digital Cheques or How Lightning Really Works
Bitcoin Lightening provides us great inspiration, but Cardano has some significant benefits that we can leverage. Namely, the clean UTxO model and powerful scripting capabilities. As a result CLN is a simpler protocol involving the exchange of tiny messages - we call them cheques.
These are easily encoded/decoded by everyones' favourite languages, by mobile, web, wallets, backend, cloud, embedded, you get the idea. Portability - it can be sometimes surprising how this detail can delay adoption!
Cheques are signed intentions to make a transfer. At any time, a user can decide they want to cash the cheque on the L1. Just like an old school paper cheque - just in crypto. For a given channel, cheques are in a sense cumulative, only the latest one matters. But while the receiver holds a check, they are guaranteed what they're owed by the L1.
What is also really interesting it is pretty easy to make them bidirectional (we are leaving this as an exercise to the reader :-P).
"Why not hydra?" we hear some of you ask.
Any secure, decentralised, system rubs up against the blockchain trilemma.
A blockchain's design choices are trade-offs between security, scalability, and decentralisation. There is not a one size fits all solution.
Cardano Lightening Network focuses on secure instant settlement, but also scalability.
And not just in TPS, but in the number of independent participants.
What is Cardano Lightening Network not? It’s not "isomorphic".
We don’t use “Lightning Network” in the title of this proposal because it is catchy. We use it because we really will deliver efficient and scalable L2 for payments inspired by the original protocol.
Cardano shares bitcoin’s laggy finality issue - the key issue that Lightning addresses. The popularity of Bitcoin Lightning is demonstrable of how an L2, with deliberate design choices, meets a real world use case.
This project will be well founded on cryptographic best practice, but it is not a research project. We will deliver Cardano ergonomic tools to utilise and infrastructure to allow for cheap, instant transacting en masse.
This proposal could is categorized as "Concept" but it will also deliver POC implementation. At the same time we are building other prototypes related to micropayments in other projects:
We have already fleshed out most of the protocol level design on paper and have many years of experience in smart contracts on Cardano (both PlutusTx and Aiken).
We want to drive the development in an open manner and allow people to join this Open Source team as we move forward.
Development process will be public and open-source
Both the output and the development process will be public and open-source. This approach provides an easy way for the Catalyst team and the Cardano community to evaluate the progress at each step of the process.
We will form a working group around the idea and facilitate the discussion so everything will be transparent and easy to track on our pages: and
Protocol Specification
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Smart Contract(s)
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Detailed System Architecture
Acceptance criteria:
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
POC implementation
Acceptance criteria:
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Project Close-out Report and Video
We are a team of highly experienced developers. We formed our team to solve a particular problem on Cardano during the last Cardano Buidler Fest:
Tomasz Rybarczyk
Dominic Algernon Wallis
Nicolas Henin
27 weeks, 3 developers, $80/hour, 2.5 ADA/$, 6h/week
TOTAL : 97200 ADA
HOURS: 486
Overlapping workflows are scheduled to run as follows
Milestone 1:
Weeks [1, 4]
Hours 72
Milestone 2:
Weeks [5, 12]
Hours 84
Milestone 3:
Weeks [5, 18]
Hours 144
Milestone 4:
Weeks [13, 27]
Hours 186
We picked this project because we like Cardano and like the problem at hand. We are focused, experienced and motivated to solve it and deliver lightweight and scalable L2 for Cardano. No BS.
We believe that it is good value for money combination.