Creating and sending NFT's to Lace wallet for storage does not assist with opening the NFT as a document. The Cardano wallet will open these documents and store them long-term.
This is the total amount allocated to Long-Term Storage of NFTs for Token Holders.
The proposed solution will assist Lace with a Cardano wallet to view documents as NFTs.
No dependencies
Documents can be turned into NFTs for storage on the Cardano wallet. The project engages anyone wanting to store documents as NFTs for long-term storage. The reason I have approached this problem in this way is due to the management of UTXOs in the wallet. The reason for this is UTXOs being spent when transferring NFTs from Lace to the Cardano wallet. There are many people who would like to view documents at any time as an NFT. The wallet will give users that option. The impact on the Cardano community will be proven through a mixed methodology study to utilize qualitative and quantitative methods. This will be performed in relation to those who wish to adopt this service.
The success of the project will bring value to the Cardano community due to documents being stored and viewed in the Cardano wallet. Measuring this impact will be performed through a mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative methods). This will be shared with the wider Cardano community. With my PhD research being measured using these methodologies it will help bring value to the Cardano ecoystem. As a PhD candidate I was able to dive deeply into these two methodologies. I will have follow up results on this method of study.
Existing capabilities of the researcher which demonstrates he is best suited to deliver the project is due to 11 years of academia. This includes information technology, project management and PhD research. 15 years of business ownership and management, I can be trusted to manage funds correctly.
The basis of the project is based on retrieval of master's degree and peer-reviewed research papers. These documents were retrieved long-term and opened whenever needed. This milestone will demonstrate how documents of any type are important for long-term storage.
This milestone will be achieved based on my ability to prove how this prototype will accomplish what it is intended to.
The final milestone will include a close-out report on the final product.
The proposer has engaged the Gamechanger wallet team.
Project Management - I will perform all project management. Since I have years of experience in project management I will be requesting funding on this amount.
Programming - I will ask for funding based on my ability to perform this programming. All files on my wallet will be stored on IPFS to prove ownership.
How I have determined costs for the project is based on the areas of IT, project management and PhD research. The reason for the project is based on the need to store long-term documents for retrieval whenever needed. Although it is feasible to include other developers, the proposer can follow a design to complete the project without assistance.