Last updated 9 months ago
The absence of tools tracking UTxO Cardano transactions, generating comprehensive PnL reports, hinders users in obtaining accurate tax-related insights.
This is the total amount allocated to Phase 1 - A comprehensive tool for streamlining insights for simplifying taxation reporting for Cardano transactions and assets..
Users can input their Cardano wallet address and time period, our tool extracts transaction details for PnL statements. Generated report will consider cardano-to-dollar rates point in time.
No dependencies.
At present, we do not have concrete plans to release this project as an open-source initiative until it reaches a more advanced stage of development.
[Note:- This proposal is a revised version of proposal from the previous funding round, incorporating feedback gathered from the community review process. The original proposal was designed as the initial phase of a larger project implementation, a fact I believed was apparent from the milestone goals outlined. However, it appears that there was some confusion among reviewers regarding whether the project encompassed end-to-end implementation. To clarify, I have explicitly labeled this iteration as 'Phase 1' in the title, and we have endeavored to address other concerns raised to the best of my ability within various sections of the proposal.]
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading, users often struggle with tracking and reporting their transactions accurately for tax purposes. The proposed project, aims to address this challenge by providing a user-friendly web platform that allows individuals to input their wallet address and specify a date range. The platform will then extract all relevant transaction details within that timeframe, generating a comprehensive report. Specifically addresses Cardano's UTxO transactions being different from other platofrms that provide similar services for account based cryptocurrencies.
Features and Functionality:
The success of platform will bring significant value to the Cardano community in several ways:
Measurement of Impact:
By employing a combination of quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback, the platform aims to measure its impact on the Cardano community accurately. Regular communication and collaboration with the community will ensure that the project remains responsive to user needs and continues to deliver value to Cardano users and enthusiasts.
Development Expertise:
With over 4+ years of hands-on experience in data engineering and full-stack development, I bring a wealth of expertise to the table. My experience showcases proficiency in delivering robust and user-centric solutions across diverse projects. I excel in crafting intuitive interfaces and seamlessly integrating complex backend functionalities.
I am currently working as a contingency worker and have a number of developers and blockchain enthusiasts in my network
Blockchain Integration:
My expertise extends to understanding Cardano's UTXO transaction systems and integration, utilizing resources from the vibrant Cardano community APIs. With a knowledge of Cardano's unique architecture, I understand navigating the intricacies involved in extracting and processing transaction data. This knowledge positions me as a developer capable of seamlessly integrating Cardano-specific functionalities into projects.
Real-Time Data Integration:
I have hands-on experince in integrating real-time data seamlessly into applications. Leveraging my experience, I will employ reliable APIs to fetch Cardano address-based transactions and point-in-time Cardano prices, ensuring that users have access to up-to-date information throughout their interactions with the platform.
Secure Data Handling:
Security is paramount in my development approach. With a background in secure storage mechanisms and robust authentication processes, I am well-prepared to safeguard user data. Regular security audits will be a standard practice to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
Proof of Concept (PoC):
As a critical first step before proceeding to full-scale development, my focus is on executing a comprehensive Proof of Concept (PoC). This PoC is designed to validate the feasibility of the project, specifically concentrating on the integration with the Cardano blockchain. During this phase, I will assess my ability to accurately extract transaction data and implement real-time price conversion functionalities. This initial validation will inform the viability and potential challenges of the project.
As I move forward, I am excited about the prospect of bringing together a talented team with specialized expertise in full-stack development, and blockchain integration from my professional network.
[Note: As highlighted by several reviewers, the regulatory landscape for cryptocurrency remains unclear in many countries, with laws varying from one jurisdiction to another. As previously indicated, this phase of the proposal is primarily focused on data extraction and PoC development.
In the upcoming phases, as regulatory frameworks evolve and gain clarity in different regions, it will be necessary to adapt the tool to meet the practical requirements of tax authorities in each specific country. While the initial development phase may not cover all the complexities of global tax laws, subsequent iterations of the tool will aim to incorporate country-specific considerations as regulatory clarity improves.
At present for this POC we will try to provide possible customization provision in the tool to cater user's specific needs and get feedback for further development iterations which going down the lane can become reusable modules for regulatory frameworks.]
Requirement Gathering and Architecture Design (3-4 weeks)
PoC Development and Delivery (4 Weeks)
Provision of Interactive Testing Platform and Feedback Gathering (3-4 weeks)
Comprehensive PoC Development (14 weeks)
Gagan Bharadwaj (Applicant)
I am a software engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Competent in using cloud infrastructure, DevOps for cost-effective, scalable, and high availability deployments. I have extensive experince in Data engineering with hands on experince in integration with high volume data sources and architecting backend infrastucture for the same.
Additionally I have been community reviewer from Fund 5 and Had a chance to contribute as milestone and POA reviewer for various projects in the last funding round. Hence I am equipped with knowledge regarding all the phases of project life cycle in cardano ecosystem for successful implementation.
[Note: I am thankful for the valuable feedback from the community and some reviewers have expressed concerns regarding the absence of resources such as a legal team, taxation experts, global financial professionals, and application/UI developers. As previously noted in the proposal and reiterated in the milestone, this phase of the project is focused specifically on creating a Proof of Concept (PoC) for the data extraction component, rather than encompassing the entire project implementation.
In light of this, I possess the necessary skill set to undertake the initial development of the PoC, including all the features outlined in the milestones. It's important to emphasize that requirements for legal and taxation expertise will become pertinent in subsequent phases of the project.
Should additional resources be deemed necessary, I am prepared to assemble a team of talented developers and blockchain enthusiasts from my professional network and freelancing community as needed.]
Milestone 1 - Requirement Gathering and Architecture Design (3-4 weeks) - 22,500 ADA
Milestone 2 - PoC Development and Delivery (4 Weeks) - 31,000 ADA
Milestone 3 - Provision of Interactive Testing Platform and Feedback Gathering (3-4 weeks) - 21,000 ADA
Additional Documentation, Resourcing and Infrastructure cost: 2,000 ADA
Total budget: 76,500 ADA
We believe the platform offers excellent value for money within cardano ecosystem by addressing the specific challenges users face in tracking and reporting transactions for tax purposes, particularly for prominent stakeholders within the Cardano community engaging in high-volume transactions. With a user-friendly interface and automated features tailored to Cardano's UTxO transactions, the platform streamlines the data extraction process, saving users time and effort. The incorporation of real-time Cardano price data and dynamic profit/loss calculations ensures accurate financial insights. By providing a comprehensive report summarizing transactions, the project adds efficiency to tax reporting, trading strategy optimization and financial planning.