Last updated 9 months ago
Challenges in Connecting Talented Ethiopian Developers, Designers, and Other Job Opportunities within the Cardano Ecosystem with the Use of ADA as a Medium of Exchange.
This is the total amount allocated to Work for ADA Employment skill in Ethiopia.
Abel Gezahegn
Build a platform that connects unemployed Ethiopians and employers, pays with ADA, and train employees on employability skills at job fairs and networking events and educates them about Cardano.
The success of the project may depend on collaboration and support from various organizations, both technical and non-technical. Some potential dependencies could include:
Other job connecting platforms like Afriwork ( Freelance Ethiopia)
Expertise: Developers have in-depth knowledge of blockchain and Cardano.
Trainers: Trainers that provide reliable, high-quality content.
Hotels and event hosts
fully open source
SDG Goals
1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
8: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation
10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG Subgoals
1.1 - By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day
1.2 - By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
1.1.1 - Proportion of the population living below the international poverty line by sex, age, employment status and geographic location (urban/rural)
1.2.1 - Proportion of population living below the national poverty line, by sex and age
1.2.2 - Proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
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We pinpoint "developers, designers, and other young employees have difficulty finding job opportunities or collaborating with employers in the Cardano ecosystem in Ethiopia" as a major concern facing the Cardano community. This is because there isn't a specific platform that allows experts to successfully showcase their abilities and helps businesses locate the talent they need for their projects. The few linkages between employers and professionals hinder the growth of the Cardano ecosystem.
It is critical to implement mechanisms like employability skills and attitude formation that make it easier for businesses searching for qualified personnel in the Cardano ecosystem to interact with talented employees
Our proposed solution is- Work for ADA Youth Employment
Work for ADA platform is intended to give young employees, designers, and developers in Ethiopia. These experts can construct thorough profiles on this platform that showcase their accomplishments, expertise, and relevant qualifications in the fields of blockchain and Cardano technology.
Users will be able to submit comprehensive details about their professional history, including degrees earned, technical know-how, prior employment history, and finished projects. Additionally, they will be able to add qualifications that relate to the Cardano blockchain, demonstrating their proficiency in this area.
We will mainly provide employability soft skill training that enhances their professional career, like self-discovery, building self-esteem, effective communication, effective planning, personal finance, understanding the work environment, and effective job searching.
Employers will be able to consult employee profiles, assess their skills and experience, and make direct contact with the most suitable candidates for their projects. Users will be able to accept ADA payments directly on the platform by integrating their Cardano wallets into their profiles in addition to conventional data like their CVs.
To put it clearly, the "Work for ADA "platform seeks to establish a vibrant community in which experts in Cardano blockchain technology may exhibit their abilities, work together with other community members, discover career prospects, and support the growth of the Cardano ecosystem with the help of professional soft skill training and job fair events to make them stand out of the crowd.
Young Development professionals proficient in the Cardano blockchain will find employment opportunities greatly impacted by this project. We aim to link skilled Cardano developers and designers with possible employers in the Cardano community by offering a platform specifically designed for them. We will also train them with soft skills that are useful for employability in the work environment. As a result, developers will find it simpler to locate employment opportunities in Cardano-related initiatives, which will promote the ecosystem's growth and expansion.
Demonstration of positive impact on the Cardano community
Network involvement and usage rates: We'll keep a careful eye on the number of active users, the creation of profiles, member interactions, and other data associated with platform utilization. A high rate of interaction will show how beneficial the platform is to the community.
Employment and partnership rates: We'll keep tabs on the number of developers and designers working together on projects or finding employment as a result of professional opportunities listed on the platform. A high rate of collaboration and placement will attest to the platform's tangible influence on Cardano blockchain specialists' careers.
Case research and successful experiences: We'll be sharing case reports and accomplishments on a regular basis, showcasing the accomplishments of companies that have used the platform to hire competent candidates as well as developers and designers who have used it to find professional possibilities. These motivational tales will help to highlight the platform's beneficial effects on the Cardano community.
Certification based on Cardano: we will give certificates to whomever finished the soft skill training with Cardano's name.
Target audience
There will be two main stakeholder communities involved in this project, as well as other parties
Our target audience will be mostly composed of young designers and developers with experience with the Cardano blockchain. They will work with other community members, look for professional possibilities, and highlight their relevant experience and talents on the platform.
Employers and participants in the Cardano ecosystem: The online platform will be used by potential employers, community projects, startups, and Cardano blockchain enterprises to identify and hire suitable experts for their efforts and projects.
Lastly, there will be trainers to give employability soft skill training.
Capability to Deliver and Validate Approach Feasibility:
We have an experienced team of blockchain and marketing professionals with the skills needed to successfully complete this project.
Our team has the capability of proven experience in blockchain technologies and soft skill employability training needed in the work environment, especially in Ethiopia.
Cardano Proficiency:
Our team has acquired in-depth knowledge and skills specific to Cardano. This includes the ability to design and develop applications leveraging Cardano's blockchain technology.
Financial Management:
Our dedication to responsibility and trust extends to the responsible handling of cash. To guarantee the proper management of the financial resources related to the Ada Exchange App project, we have put in place procedures and controls. Furthermore, we have completed a number of customer projects successfully, showcasing our proficiency in handling the financial aspects of each project. This experience demonstrates our capacity to effectively and ethically manage project money.
Active Cardano Community Engagement:
Our team members have been actively engaged in the Cardano community for 2 years, demonstrating a deep commitment to the ecosystem.
Our group is involved in the blockchain community. This participation includes everything from starting workshops and seminars that instruct and motivate novice developers to participating in forums and conversations. Any community-focused initiative needs to be at the forefront of technical advancements and community requirements, and this ongoing interaction has kept our team there. Ethiopian Blockchain Network Ethiopian Web3 hub. Advocacy, innovation, and education.
Organizing meetings and conferences,
Communication and Transparency:
Our monthly impact reports, which are posted on social media platforms, demonstrate our dedication to openness. We think it's important to keep lines of communication open with the community so they are aware of the project's status, effects, and difficulties.
Sharing project results:
First, we'll share success stories, fruitful partnerships, and recently established job opportunities via our platform.
In addition, we want to host webinars, workshops, and community events to train employability soft skills highlight projects completed using our platform, share our findings,, and alert locals to new career prospects.
Furthermore, we intend to actively engage the Cardano community in our study by disseminating our findings through social networks, newsletters, and other communication channels. We will make sure that the advantages and opportunities of our project are widely distributed and benefit the whole Cardano community by placing a strong emphasis on transparency, collaboration, and accessibility.
Social Media Presence: We will discuss project outcomes, successes, and possibilities by utilizing well-known social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram, Discord, and Telegram. In order to establish a dynamic and engaging presence, regular posts will highlight accomplishments, success stories, and forthcoming events.
Frequent Communication: It's critical to create lines of communication that are both open and consistent. We want to provide updates, blog entries, and newsletters on a regular basis, summarising project progress, community interaction, and any noteworthy developments. This makes sure that everyone in the Cardano community is aware of what's going on.
Program Development and Launch Preparation. (4 weeks)
Program Implementation and Impact Assessment. (8 weeks)
Connecting both parties for work. (12 weeks)
The creation of a project completion report that will showcase the experience, successes, and influence of the program on young Ethiopian empolyees and the Cardano community represents the program's last benchmark. We also want to provide an engaging video presentation or documentation that highlights the accomplishments and results of the program.
To meet the acceptance criteria for this milestone, our team needs to complete the following tasks:
This last milestone, in our opinion, is essential for recording and providing an extensive overview of the achievements, influence, and journey of young Ethiopians of our program. It will offer insightful information and motivation for upcoming Cardano community projects.
Yab Mitiku : Project Owner
Tsion Tsedalu: Project coordinator
Tihitna Tesfaye : Project facilitator
Video editor| marketer
Blockchain enthusiast | Event organizer
Student at Addis Ababa Science And Technology University
Abel Gezahegn: Technical person
Milestone 1: Development of the Employment Curriculum (10,400 Ada)
total: 10,400
Milestone 2: Program Implementation and Impact Assessment (16,600)
total: 16,600
Milestone 3:Connecting both parties for work (7000)
Milestone 4: Project Completion Report and Video (3500)
Total: 3500
Cost Justification
Since the project offers a specialized platform for efficiently connecting developers, employers, and the larger community, its pricing represents exceptional value for the Cardano ecosystem. Following a careful examination of the project's specifications, the expenses were calculated, including project management, marketing, and community involvement.
In line with Cardano's Objectives