Last updated 9 months ago
Lack of automated sponsorship hampers participation in tournaments, hindering prize accessibility and community growth. is the total amount allocated to genun | eSport Sponsorship Solution - Ascent: Rivals.
Inspired by proven models such as Formula 1, we will build a game which allows sponsors to back racers to join tournaments with automatic prize payouts.
No dependencies.
Contracts will be open sourced and game source code closed source.
SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth)
SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities)
Competitive ESports players may share their winnings with backers who fund their competitive climb. The player may then share a percentage of their winnings with their backers as a way of reciprocating the support. The proposed solution would formalize that shared percentage by leveraging Cardano blockchain. A competitive player would be issued a token using CIP-68 and CIP-102 standard. The token would represent their registration in a season or tournament for their competition.
The royalty token will be stored at a validator for the season or tournament. The player can user their ownership token to set a price to buy a percentage of the royalties. The player can also set a maximum royalty percentage.
A backer may buy a percentage of the royalties by submitting a transaction to update the royalty metadata for a player.
Ascent will look at the royalties when distributing winnings to the winner and backer according to the royalty percentages.
We host Race Nights (public testing) in Discord regularly!
Below is additional info how this proposal also pushes the ecosystem forward with our vision.
Integrating sponsorships via cardano's smart contracts have been designed since day 1 towards Ascent: Rival's vision:
Reimaging Formula 1 glamor, competition, and wealth in cinematic combat racer. While you’ve never raced at the blistering speeds in a race to the death, the skill of these young and upcoming racers can be seen through every turn and shot, keeping you at the edge of your seat as your favorite underdog takes a shot at knocking out the top sponsored racer. As you imagine your logos flashing for every spectator as the final lap nears, eyes widen as you notice another spectator inject a cash prize to whatever racer can take out your sponsee —
Cardano has been the perfect solution for Ascent as a solution for our passion and design in Social Gamification - Connecting Sponsors, Spectators, Players
Attention is the new currency in today's digital landscape. With the surge of video content, particularly in gaming, a new breed of players emerges—spectators. As content creators gain prominence, the hunger for fresh engagement avenues intensifies. Ascent introduces spectator interaction.
Imagine being able to not just watch but actively influence and participate in the cinematic, combat racer. Retail marketers hosting tournaments, offering cash prizes, sponsoring players, and enabling spectators to sway the odds in favor of their favorite racers. A deeper level of immersion, investment, and involvement.
Ascent has crafted a model that encourages calculated breaks for strategic adaptation, data analysis, and live commentary. Our platform's deep customization and high skill ceiling set the stage for an immersive cinematic experience. Pair that with the ability to sponsor and interact directly with players as a spectator, and you've got an endless well of discussion and anticipation surrounding the rising stars in gaming.
It’s no longer just about watching—it's about shaping the game, influencing outcomes, and being part of the narrative. Ascent redefines the role of spectators, making them active players in the gaming world. In return, players take pride as all eyes are on them and their skills.
Releasing a game that is positively received by the masses will bode well for Cardano user adoption and perception. When players and brands realize new use cases of sponsors and automatic tournament payouts, we aim to help put Cardano on everyone's attention not just in web3 but to the masses.
Our alpha is currently approved and live on Steam with over 450 playtesters.
We showcased the game at PAX West (130k attendees) winning players choice award.
Showcasing at PDX team was just invited (booth fee waived!) to showcase game at Dreamhack Dallas.
We were also invited speakers at Google's Web3 Gaming Week and Dubai main panelists.
Sponsor Player Design and Protocol Spec
25% cost | 1 month | 25% completion
Acceptance criteria:
Sponsor Player & Webclient
25% cost | 1.5 month | 25% completion
Acceptance criteria:
Royalty Tokens and Payouts
25% cost | 1.5 month | 25% completion
Acceptance criteria:
Tournament Testing!
25% cost | 1 month | 100% completion
Acceptance Criteria: Demo of using user interface to create a tournament, players setting their royalty info, and backers backing a player. Finally the demo will show a winner being declared and distribution of winnings.
Core Developers - and Previous Experience
Steven George - Lead Engineer; Level 11, DigiPen
Stan Hayes - Aesthetic Engineer; Epic Games, Nvidia, DigiPen
Michael Yagi - Creative Director; 2K Games, DigiPen
Ming Chi - Artist; NetEase
Scott Meyers - Audio Engineer; Respawn Entertainment, Riot Games
Jeff Uong - DevOps Engineer; Samsung, DigiPen
Clifford Garvis - Solutions Architect & Smart Contract; Nintendo, Level 11, DigiPen
David Yagi - Project Manager; Cryptochips
Lowell Vaughn - Principal Strategist Epic Games
Shoutout! 1+ Year(s) Fulltime contribution
Alejandro Hitti - Technical Project Lead; Rockstar Games, DigiPen
Jason Dempsey - Senior Engineer; Microsoft, DigiPen
Zander Jensen - Gameplay Engineer; Treyarch, DigiPen
Hiago Desena - Senior Engineer; Firewalk, DigiPen
Aleksei Seleznev - Pixel Artist; Indie
Ahn Do - Producer; 343, GEC, DigiPen
Mickey Cushing - Designer; 343, Blizzard, Wizards of the Coast, Rockstar Games
Brian Park - Designer; Riot Games
Anon Developer - Senior Engineer; Respawn Entertainment, DigiPen
Milestone 1: Sponsor Player Design and Protocol Spec
Milestone 2: Sponsor Player
Milestone 3: Royalty Tokens and Payouts
Milestone 4: Tournament Testing!
Tooling & Reserve: reserve for changes to business requirements resulting to technical pivots necessary to deliver a better product/outcome
We apply a 0.36 USD/ADA exchange rate, which is the average rate over the past few months conservatively adjusted downward to ensure that the project will remain viable despite moderate price shocks that may occur before or during the project timeline.
We're confident that the traction we've gained and the potential user base we anticipate bringing will significantly benefit the ecosystem as we up the ante for gaming and web3 consumer use cases. We hope the community sees our passion reflected in the game's results which can help adopt mass users. We've poured years of fulltime development, leaving behind previous roles, into creating this game we hope to share with the whole Cardano ecosystem!