There is no common discount system is created, every project has to develop the discount mechanism by themselves and it discount has no value to other project
This is the total amount allocated to Digital discount card platform.
We will build the common discount platform which is verified by Cardano and projects can integrate it to use without implement by them self. The first stage will be applied to game projects
No dependencies
We will open source the smart contract under the Apache 2.0 license.
We perceive the problem of no common, the discount card platform.
It is very popular and standard in US,Europe, advance countries. It is not only save money, but it also stimulates customers to buy. Currently there is no common platform for it. Many crypto projects (especial game) develop dedicated discount mechanism, not standard and cannot share to each other
- My reason for approaching this problem is Our project will fix issues of discount mechanism and issue the standard discount mechanism. We will make card valuable for user who hold it, project can integrate instead of developing by themself to save money for projects
by developing a common platform working likes APis and projects can use as standard
- My project will engage All crypto game projects and user in blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and specifically Cardano Comunity. User can hold, stake, and use this cards in projects which integrate our platform
- I will demonstrate my impact by measuring : the reach and engagement of the project integrated our platform and number of using discount card, hold and stake card
- What is unique about my solution is that it will be specifically tailored blockchain games using Cardano, standard discount mechanism follow real using modal discount card in US and Europe. Out project will develope as Api modal and easy for project integrate. our discount card can be listing in market place and has increasing value
"The rise of and acceleration of digital coupons offered tech-savvy shoppers up to $4 billion in savings last year alone. In fact, over 90% of households claimed they had used at l
east one coupon in the last 12 months."
see at
This project opens the new approaching to extend using of Cardano community by attracting more user joining in community.
Projects in Cardano can easy integrate to save money for project development then it will attracts more developers using Cardano. Beside it, Cardano ecosystem has more products
Responded projects before
we have done 5+ block chains projects before includes cardano projects also
Strong team with:
professional Business operator and developer with +20 years experiences, +5 years crypto development business and cardano also who worked in big projects
Financial development with +5 years in Japan, much experience of working in financial organization in Japan then we have strong knowhow of this industry
Technology: Technical leader: +15 years of development , +5 years block chain developement and cardano
and our development teams has much experiences of application developement and smartcontracts also includes game development
Project managment: We have done many projects and buillt the strong and professional workflow to control the projects with high quality
Conclusion: We belive that with our preparing and have enough abilities to do project well and successfully
Setup project plan, design UX/UI (Duration: 1 month)
Project management plan on github
UX/UI design document
Acceptance criteria:
Public link to project management on Github
Public UX/UI figma link
Design Solution Architecture (Duration: 1 months)
High-level technical document
Acceptance criteria:
Solution Architecture available on project's Github repository
Off-chain development (Duration: 4 months)
Complete implement Off-chain function include frontend, backend
Public link to testing
Acceptance criteria:
All functions work correctly without major bugs
On-Chain development and integration with Off-chain (Duration: 3 months)
Complete the implementation of the smart contract, and successfully integrate all functions on-chain with off-chain
Acceptance Criteria:
All functions work correctly on-chain and off-chain, with no major bugs
Project Completion Report and Video (Duration: 1 month)
-A video introducing the application.
-A report document for stakeholders.
Acceptance Criteria:
public video and report on project's GitHub repository
Mr. Do Ngoc Tu - Business operator and manager
. Mr Nguyen Manh Linh - Financial developer and business advisor
Mr. Tran Tuan Minh - Smart contract developer, technical leader developement manager
Mr. Tuan Ngo - senior blockchain developer
Total 145,000 Ada includes:
Total: 150.000 ADA
Dev Senior with least 2 experiences price about 3000$/month for smart contract engineer, 2000$/ month for backend developer, and 1500$/month for frontend. Beside it we have to prepare the infrastructure with minimum of 500$/month in 1 year. Our estimation can be under the actual fee, but we consider to invest more for project by ourself