Last updated 4 months ago
Industries spend $billions every year rectifying issues and holding up production due to Supplier and quality assurance flow down methods that are only enforced after issues arise.
This is the total amount allocated to Promote blockchain in the Supplychain within Critical application industries.
To utilise blockchain technology for supply chain assurances that give a better solution for supply chain and quality assurances
No dependencies
Not applicable
To establish the best way to replicate the the existing controls and movements of additive, joining and repair alloys within the supply chain from an approved supplier and quality assurance perspective. We also aim to demonstrate the improvements to the end users in having a system where everything is verified programmatically in each step of the process, providing the highest possible levels of quality assurance. The Protoype will be able to successfully demonstrate that a tokenised "Lot" of material on chain wasable to replicate the real life transfer and transformation of materials through the supply chain whilst maintaining QA in real time in an encrpyted and controlled manner. We also aim to generate presentations of our work at conferences within these industries and onboard some key stakeholders for further development.
Increased awareness of Cardano to some of the largest companies in the world. From Jet engine manufacturers through to Courier companies, from automotive manufacturers through to mining companies.Â
I have been a supplier in quality critical alloys to Aerospace, medical, power generation and Automotive industries globally for over 12 years. Working closely with some of the world largest manufacturers on things like additive manufacturing, suply chain assurance and quality assurance standards. Often attending conferences around the world.  Â
Month 1- Provide a report on the most viable way to incorporate all the necessary requirements into the protoype after speaking with cardano specialists.
Month 3 - To create a user interface prototype that has all the required input fields and create a process tree for Developers to follow.Â
Month 6 - Provide an update of progress made.Â
Month 12 -To provide a demonstration of the user interface on a video as well as the transaction hashes related to the prototype tests. Also provide a presentation that will be the basis for the presentations used at conferences. Â
David Talbot
approx. 500 hours spent on the project over the 12 mths $10,000. approx. $25,000 on software Development for the basic protoyping.
This project will showcase the proof of concept for the true power of utilising blockchain in the supply chain for quality critical industries that is worth $billions every year. Key personnel within some of the largest corporations will be exposed to the presentations and be made aware of the benefits of building these types of solutions on Cardano infrastructure.