Last updated 4 years ago
The features of blockchain do not align with the features of our page-based interface design, this blocks the adoption of Cardano.
The cUI toolkit speeds up time-to-market, removes dep. risk, aims for near real-time validation by offering conv. modules and scripts.
This is the total amount allocated to Conversational UX/UI Toolkit.
The cUI toolkit speeds up time-to-market, removes dep. risk, aims for near real-time validation by offering conv. modules and scripts.
Sr. Platform Designer. Four global e-commerce platforms (Selling) and training 36 Video Jockeys. (Education) = Conversational UI.
Twitter friendly:
"If we want to safeguard our (digital) future, we must master Conversational UX/UI and restore digital ethics. Engage→ #cardano #ethics #digital #innovation
PS: You need an account for the link to work"
Media types
Although conversational is often done with text-input or voice input, this proposal removes the frustration added by those types of input by focusing on-screen input only. Device-agnostic interactive conversational modules that combine the data and interface layer is the goal. This opens the door to privacy by design and permissioned data. So we chose to position ourselves between chatbots and voice interfaces.
How working with stubborn, isolated, anti-social, individual developers and entrepreneurs in the last 22yr have been bliss, but it is exactly this attitude/behavior that will turn into a curse if we don't radically re-think how we build software for blockchain.
The technology/features mindset of devs and entrepreneurs had Let us to the software for the individual we know today. And it is only the design world, Sketch for teams, Figma, Miro that see real potential in codesigning solutions to problems.
But we need to change our attitude towards all our software design, and build real social software before code becomes law.
If we want our software to become real human-centric, we need to stop building dApps in silos. Dapps that just like our apps cant communicate with one another does not make sense if our money is fluid.
We need to unite in multidisciplinary dream teams because cognitive diversity leads to software innovation.
If we want to build what the world needs we need new social software and new interfaces before code becomes law.
Why do we build for screen sizes instead of for needs?
"If we don't design with our customer, we are not designing for our customer."
"We need to learn to design with multidisciplinary teams and principles before code becomes law."
🚨This is a distress signal from a senior User Experience designer that wants to bring ethics back into our digital space before Cardano hits the mainstream.
Building for the Individual got us where we are today, if we copy this 'build for the individual' attitude into Cardano the world is at serious risk. No jk.
This a public technology project that tries to rebalance our empathy, strategy, and design into a new stance for the social software we need.
We need to stop to designing static, individual software in pages, and code open, borderless; consensus into sustainable digital conversations.
NO IT'S NOT A CHATBOT! (Not a flamethrower reference ;)
But we do need to learn to design digital conversations instead of pages.
The Conversational UX/UI Toolkit is a pre-prototyping Toolkit for multidisciplinary teams to build digital conversations and is based on the best design system in the world; natural language.
Let's be mindful of what we build on-chain, our future self will thank us
I have four stages prepared for the last 10 months.
1. Conversational UI - Validation in making human-centric front-ends as digital conversations.
2. The Conversational UX Toolkit - A pre-prototyping toolkit for designers, devs, and non-designers to map experience and engagement (Which I want to opensource as a team course)
3. Conversational UX Workshops - For teams, organization, and brands to define their company as an entity in the digital space, a digital assistant if you will)
4. Conversational OS - A conversational participation framework for new social technology.
For fund 3 I would like to focus on 1 and 2.
The Conversational UI toolkit simplifies our front-end technology stack as it aims to replace responsive-design while forcing teams to level up their ethics because the tools help you to design human engagement and experiences for the digital space.
Our current applications are harsh, full of assumptions, and separate education from the application. They are linear because our legacy financial systems forced us to work towards the transaction. We need a new fresh and easy-to-use toolkit that results in a new social interaction design model that guides people to their goals.
- Applications live in the now and forget, they result in repetitive tasks, but we are not the robots?
- Assistants live in the now and remember for the future, they result in problem-solving and assist people in uncluttering their (digital) life.
Conversational/Social Interaction Design.
Is a new method of Interaction Design that makes information actionable between actors in a network; It uses storytelling structures and chat-logic to make software social, polite, pleasant, and human. Let's stop designing software for the individual and build meaningful human engagement using the Conversational UX/UI toolkit.
Fluid business models
Conversational UI Toolkit enables us to remediate interfaces, workshops, products, and services, making our new business models fluid while bringing character and personality to our digital space.
Avoid Horseless Carriage Syndrome
The biggest mistake we can make is copying old page-based design systems in new cutting edge fluid money technology like Cardano.
Let us co-designing a new Conversational UI toolkit that builds the foundation for a new conversational network.
If you want to do this well, you need a heavyweight small team of 3
1. Hire a front-end javascript king (pref. Greensock GSAP guru)
2. Hire a fullstack/db/datastore/data-structure engineer.
3. Design, strategy, producer, conversational concepts, modules and script logic. (me)
Commercial cost for 3 months grinding +/- 108K euro.
But this is not going to fly in Catalyst, so read on ;)
1. Research the best open-source motion UI framework to fork (greensock?)
2. Index the activity pairs for the Lite wallet functionality (Partnering with Kyle/LIFT)
3. Index the activity pairs for the workshop needs (Partnering with Gimbalabs / CSK/API)
4. Index the activity pairs for Token creation functionality
5 Index the activity pairs for social skill/profile script
6. Pre-prototypes experience maps of the envisioned scripts
PART A - 6 Week Validation
1 - The first installment of the Conversational UI Toolkit focus would be core chat-speech bubble modules, data-grid-module, time-out module, inline-menu, cards for the open-source Conversational UI Toolkit.
2 - Conversational UI for the LIFT lite wallet.(Focusing on conversational onboarding, create/restore a lite wallet)
3 - A social skill/profile script* build with the Conversational UI toolkit to index talent in the network based on hard and soft skills closes the row. (The activation for a conversational network outside the current walled gardens)
PART B - 6 Weeks Validation
1 - 5-10 conversational workshops modules. Basic iteration of a Conversational App store.
2 - We build UX KPI's in the scripts, so a little dashboard on engagement and traction would be a sweet bonus.
3 - A conversational script to setup tokens on Cardano (On top of Roberto's / Gimbalabs script)
4 - Simple data-profile that does an exercise in on-chain reputation.
PART C - 6 Weeks
1 - Compound the insights learned in the past 12 weeks
2 - Create an Online Course for the Conversational UX Toolkit + worksheets.
3 - Validate experience scripts with partners and community
* The social script will target specific skills and talents we need to grow the first iteration of a conversational participation network. The end BOSS.
Conversational UX Toolkit Exercises | Production list
1. Define your Conversational Design Experiment & Traction objective
2. Extract activity pairs from contextual content
3. Curated Human Activity pairs (verbs, nouns to humanize your experience maps)
4. Co-design the experience map/engagement maps
5. Add negative emotions to your experience maps
6. Write your conversational screenplay
7. Extract Conversational Modules from your Screenplay
8. Code your Conversational Script using the Conversational UI Toolkit
Feedback Loops
Create →Use →Tune → Open source.
Talent → Market place → Conversational Model → Open source.
cUX → cUI → cOS (Design digital conversations instead of pages)
We need to unsilo our dApps, can design the connection between the nodes, if we want to unleash Cardano's full potential.
Fund 4 Proposal - Zipper our new Conversational UI to the blockchain with meta-data/smart contracts.
Fund three is all about validation, now it's time to bring our findings and really connect to the Cardano blockchain through metadata/smart-contracts.
Build the system with the system, and bring in voting around modules, and pay for participation.
Build design systems into conversational Apps, and start monetizing the Conversational Apps store.
x% founding partners x% treasury for cApp development. ← Design conversations, not silo-ed dApps.
Fund 5 Proposal - Conversational OS
Make the Social Participation framework I have in draft operational. Bring in the container principle, and send digital conversations through the network, and investigate distributed workflows and problem-solving.
As mentioned if you really want to break into the future, you need guys who can build without thinking how to build. I hope there are people in the Cardano community who truly see the need to start designing real social software.
With a 60% cut on commercial fee's 4K each for each phase. We will need 36K.
To compensate for the reduced fee I will;
Onboarded 1 startup to the Conversational UX/UI system
Onboarded 2 agencies to the Conversational UX/UI system
Doubled funding by involving a dutch (blockchain) innovation fund.
Onboard 20 people into the system to start building a conversational network outside of the walled gardens.
(Imagine that the cApp store has a development section, where voted items can be picked up)
Validation Objectives / Return on Investment
- We will have created a conversational motion UI toolkit with 10 fluid modules.
- Basic script structure to use conversational modules.
- Have a working token creation script
- Have 2 conversational scripts for lite-wallet creation & restoration (LIFT wallet)
- Have 1 Conversational App which runs a Conversational Workshop (Gimbalabs)
- A simple conversational apps store
- A simple social script that can be sent to talent to onboard
- A simple data-model for reputation and re-use data to kill repetitive tasks.
- Blockchain top 4 features alignment with a fluid conversational interface.
- Open-source Conversational UI Toolkit. All current and future Cardano projects can choose page-based, conversational or mixed interface approach.
- Engagement improvements
- Time-to-market,
- Real-time validation through simple UX KPI's
- X conv. modules and Y scripts.
Time permitting- Remove dependency risk (Time permitting, a conversation 'surfing' over on-chain metadata)
By using a first-principles mindset and a module approach we should be able to do 18 weeks of work within 24-32 weeks. This give the opportunity to build decks, and engage with the Amsterdam Agency community.
Adding meaning what they can offer their clients through a license construction for the workshops will be the activator.
Challenges / Risk / Mitigation
1. Motion UI is quite a new field, functional animation is an important factor in this proposal. Getting up to speed might be an initial velocity risk.
2. This concept pushes the limit of interface design, so a great team dynamic is super important!
3. I want to engage the design community by being as transparent as possible.
4. I know a lot of agencies, developers, and friends in the media industry, involving them in testing is important.
Do we take the blue or the red pill?
We take the blue pill we don't change our attitude towards digital design and we end up in a surveillance state. Or we take the red pill and break out of these walled gardens and flourish fence-less gardens with Cardano technology.
A new financial operating system, needs a new social layer. Let's Go!
Rapid mockup in Miro
Sr. Platform Designer. Four global e-commerce platforms (Selling) and training 36 Video Jockeys. (Education) = Conversational UI.