Traditional bidding methods are uninteresting and do not take advantage of the power the blockchain offers.
Through gamifying a curated drop of selected artists, utilizing pre-determined rules that are executed automatically via smart contracts.
This is the total amount allocated to dRelic.
We have designed a randomized lottery based game that involves the continued reveal of a series of secret pieces. Players that have won keys in the lottery will have the option to exchange keys with one another before their full piece is revealed at the end of a 10 day cycle. Keys can be exchanged key for key directly, or additional money can be offered. Any money made in the exchanging of the keys is divided between the artist and the key holder. At the end of the game, the key you are left holding unlocks the piece it is associated with and it is now deposited into your wallet. You can now add it to your NFT collection just like any other piece.
The series detailed above is the primary focus in the short term, but we have other series planned as well that utilize smart contracts on the blockchain far beyond just the exchange of a store of value. What we have seen with NFT's now is only just beginning, and we look forward to helping usher in this new era of digital art on the platform most suited for scalability.
What we have:
Developers & Programmers
Project Manager
Large pool of artists
Marketing & Brand Design
What we need:
UI/UX designer
Startup Costs
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5000Stake Pool Operator (CHEST)
20 years of collective coding experience