Tons of Trees are being cut everyday for human use. And only a small percentage of those are being replanted.
Develop a Stable Income for Green Organisations through the development of a Stakable Token (NFT) from which rewards would be spread across.
This is the total amount allocated to Funding Tree Planting Organisations.
Developing this Token would allow us to fund and partner with tree planting organisations around the world. Wiith the ability to stake, this project could easily be able to achieve its end goal.
Why a Stakable token?
Stakable tokens provide a easy/simpler way to generate a Stable Fund for an organisation to use to achieve their goal.
And is more attractive to the average Joe to invest into.
How do i plan to make the token worth everyone's while?
This idea strongly depends on people's investment into my Token. The more invested into the coin, the higher the price. The higher the price, the more worthwhile it is for People's and Green Organisations's time it is for them to make use of the Token.
How are Staking Rewards spread across Organisations?
All bought/owned tokens will be staked from different pools the same way Cardano works, but a percentage of the earned rewards will be Distributed across the organisations that need funding the most.
How do we determine which Org. needs funding the most?
You are surely asking how do we determine which organisation needs funding the most, or which one has the brightest idea and the most worthwhile one. Well i planned for that to be determined through a public vote, the organisations have to present their plan to the Community of my Token and whichever Offer gets the most votes, they would receive a higher percentage of the Token's reward Treasury.
How am i going to attract customers?
What do people like the most? They like to earn a Passive Income, so we plan to offer a average APY of 5-7%. And since the token would be cheaper to get a hold off at first, people will be highly likely to invest into our Token instead of the already developed projects.
Why not create a Cardano Pool instead?
As much as we would love to do something like this through the creation of a Cardano Pool... we wouldn't be able to generate enough funds to achieve this. Since Even hosting a Pool would require a large amount of ADA Coins, which will drive this Idea's requested funds through the Roof!
How will the funds be spent?
Development , Hiring a Small Team = 60,000$
Dapp Development and Deployment = 20,000$
Community Engagement = 5,000$
Communication with the Organisations, Accounting, Advertising etc. = 15,000$
I don't have much experience developing a token. But i've donated and participated in Local Events related to making the world Greener.