What Challenges should the community prioritize to address in Fund6?
Community defined challenges are critical for Cardano community self-governance, and generate a unique way to achieve Cardano's mission.
In addition to the challenges set by the IOG-Catalyst team, we want to know which challenges the community feels should be launched during Fund6 in order to best support Cardano's mission. This is an important step towards handing responsibility to the Project Catalyst community to determine the focus for each fund and enhance self-governance for the blockchain as a whole.
This challenge is different from other challenges as it's about the community setting new challenges:
How success looks like
The community votes to include important and engaging challenges that inspire impactful and original proposals.
Key metric to measure
To assess ROI of this challenge we will ask ourselves:
How well did the selected challenges perform in terms of proposal quality and community engagement?
Guiding questions
What are high impact goals that are not being covered by the IOG-Catalyst team challenges?
What challenges will allow the Cardano community to validate which type of challenges drive the best outcomes?
Given the total funding provided for Community Choice Challenges in this funding round, What justifies the Amount asked for this Challenge?
What challenges will engage the highest number of voters?
What challenges will provide a springboard for adoption?
Inspirational potential directions
The community open roadmap contains many potential challenges and domains the community can cover.
View all proposals allocated funding
To see all Fund4 proposals on the voting ballot - please visit this results page instead