Last updated 3 years ago
There aren't many resources available for the East and Central African Regions will be the foremost resource tailored to E. & C. African regional needs through relevant and current content and an ADA market.
This is the total amount allocated to Africa's Cardano Resource. will be the foremost resource tailored to E. & C. African regional needs through relevant and current content and an ADA market.
John is Kenyan, a language teacher, a stake pool operator as well as a Linux/Kubernetes administrator.
The vision I have for is to:
1. Build the first Kenyan stake pool. I have a personal budget of 3000 dollars which I shall use towards this end:
Registration fees: $500
Stake: $1000
Cloud services: $1000
Incidentals: $500
2. Being passionate about education, a percentage of what is earned would go towards keeping the girl child in school by donating menstrual cups that are an environmentally friendly and cheaper long lasting alternative. The distribution of these donations are done through workshops where we shall educate the teens on Cardano and the blockchain hence having a trickling down of information about Cardano to the grassroots. Attendees of these workshops would have certificates on the blockchain. This would be done by incorporating Atala as a way to register on the website.
3. The other areas I am looking at would be having a site loyalty program that would be a practical use of the Atala prism service.
4. Building on point three above I would also want to build a marketplace place where people could buy ADA using mPesa. The vast majority of the population already use mPesa so this would make it convenient for them to buy ADA either as gifts to others, savings - to stake on the pool or for speculators as well. Later, I intend to build functionality where we could offer loans based on crypto assets held. I see this leading to the further adoption of light Cardano wallets such as Yoroi.
Requested Budget: $50,000
Advertising & Sensitization Workshops: $5,000
Atala Prism: $10,000 (This is an approximation, not sure of the actuals as there are no specifics available)
Marketplace: $15,000
Marketplace ADA Float: $20,000 (This will be sold on the marketplace and the realized fiat will be returned to project catalyst or re-sold depending on agreement with Project Catalyst)
Project Roadmap/Success Indicators
The stake pool , ticker MASAI, should be live and running before the start of epoch 263. Marketing, content creation and the market place shall be ongoing process from epoch 263 and will have been completed by the end July 2022:
⢠1-3 months after funding approval
Providing content in a variety of languages as well as advertising.
⢠4-6 months after funding approval
Organizing workshops in tandem with stake pool donations and rolling out the atala website membership drive which could be used with other sites or institutions.
⢠6 months to one year
Marketplace should be up and running as well as sensitization infomercials in the dailies and other channels to encourage usage of the platform together with other elements of the eco-systems such as wallets amongst others.
50000John is Kenyan, a language teacher, a stake pool operator as well as a Linux/Kubernetes administrator.