The best way to generate interest is to have a project go viral which shows why Cardano is the best cyrpto, and this is will be that project
General Idea:
- The Million ADA Home Page will be a website which hosts a million pixel canvas. Anyone will be able to purchase a pixel and will receive a token representing that pixel. The owner of a token will be able to change the color value of their pixel. Since these are your pixels, you will be able to trade/sell them to anyone through ours or another NFT exchange.
- Each pixel will be sold for 1 ADA each, and the buyer will receive a token that correspond to one pixel.
- This project can only exist in the Cardano ecosystem, because of its cheap transactions, multi-asset transactions, and secure contracts. Therefore, its a great display of what Cardano can do and will encourage those in other cyrpto spaces to convert.
- There will also be a governance feature where holders will be able to vote on the feature of this project
Charity: - The reason Cardano was invented was to provide an alternative financial system to help those who do not have financial services readily available to them, so I want this project to be an example of how giving we can be.
- Consequently, I have 2 plans on how to spent the revenue. Holders will vote for which plan they want, or even submit their own. It will be our first major vote for the project.
- I willy simple donate 50% of the million ADA so 500,00 ADA to the charity of our choice. The other 500,000 ADA will be used to recoup my loss, maintain the project, and pay off my student debt.
- I take all of the profits and used them to found a cyrpto charity called 'The ADA Giving Project'. Whose goal will be to enable economic mobility around the world.
Road Map:
- Finish website: This will enable the following
- A count down to the fully functional release
- pixel pre-orders
- Functionality of connecting owners of token to be able to edit their pixels
- Smart contracts that enable purchase of pixels
- NTF market place to enable trading of pixels
- will enable multi asset trades
- Marketing campaign
- tik tok
- youtube
- reddit
- twitter
- local new hosts
- launch final release
- Add governance
Total: $30,000
marketing: $10,000:
payed content review: Youtube
Tik Tok bounties: anyone on Tik Tok that makes a video that covers our project and gets 100,000 views, I'll send them $50-$100
Local new hosts: I will try to get on the the news at attempt at going viral. If I need to spend money to get on, I will.
Regular Google Youtube, Snapchat ads
development: $10,000:
paying for minting of tokens
creating functional product
paying graphics designers to make it look real nice
hosting: $10,000:
hosting the website
This might seem high but I'm a seem in college without a lot of money. I want to ensure full up time while this project generates momentum.
I would love to hear your feed back and if there is anything that I can clarify.