Last updated 2 years ago
Exploring privacy and surveillance issues surrounding biometric DIDs emerging from indigenous and outlier communities.
Researching, developing and testing the use of a unique Passive Interface Pair with DNA Validation as an alternative DID solution.
This is the total amount allocated to A Passive Interface Pair (DID).
Researching, developing and testing the use of a unique Passive Interface Pair with DNA Validation as an alternative DID solution.
Teaching/research, grants, open lab experiments for 10+ YRs. Developed projects with material scientists. See white paper for more details.
White Paper for project with a detailed description and context:
Trusting the Trustless: Extending Sovereignty through a Passive Interface.
Note: "Trustless" is a reference to descriptions used when describing cryptographic-based governance structures created using smart contracts or other automated processes. They do not require you trust a human to carry out agreed upon terms. Human communities create the terms of the governance. They are then implemented via machine processes.
A Paired Device: The Passive Interface and Reader
The Passive Interface and Reader comprise a unique method to validate the identity of a sovereign individual, resulting in the creation of a DID, (Decentralized Identity). This DID, or proof of identity allows the individual to securely connect to the Cardano Blockchain and perform transactions. These transactions are of multiple types, including web3 transactions.
It is available in remote or rural areas, where there may be little or no internet service. It is not intended to replace biometric DID solutions, but merely offers an alternative that may be useful as the user-base of Cardano expands. It also provides a basis for empirical research to consider what we may gain by shifting our focus away from legacy screen-based methods of interface.
The Passive Interface
The Passive Interface in this iteration, can be defined as a tactile physical object that requires no active electronic circuitry to function. It can be worn or held, and is in possession of the User. It does not require the use of a cell phone or other networked connection.
For those familiar with blockchain, it is in a sense like a hardware wallet, which stores information needed to perform transactions. Only it is not an active device. It can not be altered through environmental changes. It has no batteries. It is not useful for the perpetrator if stolen. There is no seed phrase. It only has purpose for the owner of it—the physical human being—and it fits within their cultural system of reference. It is not meaningless to those who created and possess it. It is not designed to be disposable. It is like a fossil. Over time, its meaning persists
If blockchain transactions are immutable, (have an indelible persistence):
An Object, such as a Passive Interface becomes a parallel trace of immutable history.
The Reader
The Passive Interface is paired with a unique DNA validation method, which is the Reader of the information stored within it. .
These two components, work together, to validate a user, and then provide access to the blockchain, in remote or rural areas, where there may be little or no internet service. It is not intended to replace biometric identifier solutions, but merely to offer an alternative solution as the user-base of Cardano expands.
The Passive Interface/DNA validation pair provides a safe and secure DID which minimizes the exploitation of online biometric ID validation schemes which can be used for other surveillance interests and violation of privacy. This is of great concern to indigenous communities and is becoming an increasing concern for the broader population. These online biometric methods are often seen as prohibitive when considering engaging on blockchain.
Research Opportunity: Moving away from the Screen-based interface
This research and development opportunity provides a basis for empirical studies, to consider what we may gain by shifting our focus away from legacy screen-based models of interface. And it opens the door to explore recent scientific discoveries in material science and mathematics which provide new insights for connecting our physical being to data, without storing it in a manner which creates unintended opportunities for surveillance or the invasion of privacy by centralized authorities.
It emerged through the practice of an open laboratory concept, which is an exchange of ideas, and open thinking which build upon discovery from multiple human beings, spanning multiple disciplines, engaging in synchronistic exchanges.More on this in the white paper.
How I am addressing the challenge question?
The challenge states that a proposal can include DID solutions other than the Atala PRISM biometric-based solution. My solution presents an alternative, and could not be understood fully without being considered within the context of the Atala PRISM or other biometric DID solutions. I carefully read the language of the challenge. And chose carefully when placing it here.
Considering the language of the Challenge:
Begin quote from challenge:
Propose a means or way to drive mass-scale adoption of DID usage as an easy-to-use onramp to the Cardano ecosystem (preferably Atala PRISM when released). This can include any method that will offer users or entities a decentralized ID to start defining their digital self-sovereignty.
(Note from proposer: using preferably rather than must use leaves it open for proposers to include any method, as stated in the last sentence above)
While we prefer to support Atala PRISM's instantiation of DID, this is more about building ideas and concepts that require DID to draw users to the Cardano platform. And since PRISM is building to the open standards, those are available for anyone to imagine possibilities and offer proposals.
Note from proposer: again the use of prefer but clearly not requiring the use of Atala PRISM, and explicitly stating this is about building ideas and concepts that draw users to the Cardano platform.
My proposal would help many communities—who are not familiar with the language of screen-based interface, who may intentionally not have smart phones or screen-based devices, or access to the internet— a means to access the Cardano platform with little to no cost. It allows for different cultures and ancestral histories to be supported without forcing them to learn a screen-based language which may go against their ancestral or cultural beliefs. And hopefully we who are fluent in this language can learn from testing this type of engagement.
And as mentioned above, it alleviates concerns for the exploitation of online biometric DID validation, which may be exploited for unnecessary surveillance and intrusion of privacy.
End quote from challenge
Bio of Proposer:
Additional References on Research:
This biosensor research, inspired by a 160 year old theory of light, may be useful for this Passive Interface/DNA Reader application.
3, 6, 12 Month Benchmarks
3 month Benchmarks:
Develop team
Additional Goals:
6 month Benchmarks:
12 month Benchmarks:
Public launch date:
September 2022
$27,000 which includes:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Teaching/research, grants, open lab experiments for 10+ YRs. Developed projects with material scientists. See white paper for more details.