Last updated 3 years ago
It is difficult for Cardano community members to support multiple causes and projects by spreading out their stake to multiple pools.
Our website provides a platform for community members to create and share portfolios of multiple stake pools.
This is the total amount allocated to API for Multi-Delegation Portfolios.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Our website provides a platform for community members to create and share portfolios of multiple stake pools.
The team consists of engineers with advanced degrees who operate VIPER stake pool and developed the working prototype,
The website currently hosts over 100 diverse portfolios of stake pools and allows community members to create, update, and share these portfolios manually. Our goal is to improve the usability of this community-focused tool by adding an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow third-party organizations and services to curate and consume the portfolios. By providing this service, we will effectively connect delegators to the pools that support the causes and projects that are important to them, thereby strengthening both the network and the community.
The upgrade will consist of two thrusts:
1. Develop an easy-to-use API for projects and organizations to automate the process of curating custom portfolios hosted by adafolio. The estimated time and cost for this is three months and $5000.
It is our goal to make the process of creating and updating portfolios easier for groups and organizations by providing an API for them to automate the curation of their portfolios. For example, consider a self-organized group that vets stake pools making donations to charity. The API will allow them to update a potentially large portfolio of stake pools much faster and with fewer errors.
2. Develop the API for interfacing the curated portfolios with wallets and other services. Refer to CIP-0017 for details on the proposed integration. An API is essential for projects and wallets to consume the community-generated portfolios. A rudimentary API currently exists for our integration with The estimated time and cost for this upgrade is three months and $5000.
The team consists of engineers with advanced degrees who operate VIPER stake pool and developed the working prototype,