Last updated 3 years ago
There is currently no decentralized data exchange (IDX) on Cardano and no real standards when it comes to data exchange between entities.
Onvux - The first IDX in the Cardano ecosystem.
Enables users and companies to restore control and monetize their data.
This is the total amount allocated to Data Marketplace with AI powered.
Onvux - The first IDX in the Cardano ecosystem.
Enables users and companies to restore control and monetize their data.
Our tech team has 15+ years of experience at IT and innovative developments
Today, data is a strategic asset that enables organizations to maintain a competitive edge. Both individuals and businesses generate a lot of data, by browsing the web, interacting on social networks, uploading private files, syncing devices, as well as shopping on online platforms.
Without a free flow of data, there cannot be cross-collaboration between companies, residents, governmental bodies and entrepreneurs. Innovation cannot flourish and current data silos cause asymmetric advantages, fragmentation and work against the ecosystem-wide trust needed for innovation at scale.
Our Mission
Our mission is to solve the aforementioned problems by using Cardano's Blockchain technology, smart contracts and machine learning AI to enable people make use of their data, transact and represent themselves, services, devices or individuals.
Multi-currency support
Marketplace participants will be able to choose the currency they want to operate within whats available in the ecosystem
What is Onvux
Multipurpose decentralized data marketplace on top of Cardano's Blockchain technology, smart contracts and AI where data can be securely bought and sold in a trusted environment, and, with the right incentives, provided by crypto-tokens, can give service providers access to more data and at the same time enable citizens, organizations, and all sorts of bodies to control and monetize their data.
Why Onvux
⢠Visibility, Analytics, and Exchange. All in one place.
⢠Predictive Analytics
⢠Personalization, Organization, and Distribution of data in the same platform.
⢠Easy access by any size entity to the data exchange, in a decentralized way.
⢠Use of Emergent 3rd generation efficient and green blockchain
⢠Security and Transparency
Our Vision
Our vision is to achieve a trusted and decentralized information exchange ecosystem that promotes continuous innovation, trust, and security between parties.
Our tech team has 15+ years of experience at IT and innovative developments